The Opposite

Epilogue: Understanding Facts

" I need to get these Death Eaters to Azkaban. Drake, contact the rest of the Order for them to send some Aurors down here." Dumbledore said. Drake nodded and Apparated. Dumbledore turned his attention to the students. " Is anyone seriously injured?" He asked. Everyone shook their heads no. The old wizard nodded and looked up. " I wish this was the end..." He said in a distant voice. Harry squinted at him.

" So, eventually, I will have to fight him again?" Harry said. Dumbledore nodded.

" I'm afraid so, Harry." Dumbledore said sadly. Harry sighed. Ginny and Hermione exchanged looks. They knew what was coming. Harry looked like he wanted nothing more than to kill the old warlock by strangulation.

" Why didn't you just let me fight him just now?! I could've beaten him!!" Harry yelled. Ginny put his hand on his shoulder. Dumbledore just stared serenely at Harry. He looked as calm as ever and it was starting to irritate the hell out of Harry. " Stop looking so bloody tranquil. It aggravates me!" Harry continued to yell.

" Harry, calm down..." Ginny whispered. Harry shook off her hand.

" Don't try to fucking pacify me, Gin." He snapped at her. Ginny frowned and took a step back.

" I'm sorry to say this, Harry, but, Voldemort would've killed you. You know Soliopathy and you are extremely talented at it. But, there are a lot of techniques you still must learn before you can truly defeat Voldemort. He still overpowers you by a lot." Dumbledore said. Harry's mouth literally hung open.

" I cannot believe what I am hearing. You just told me that I'm weak. Some great faith you have in me!" Harry threw his hands up and began to walk away. He stopped and turned around to face Dumbledore once more. " Why didn't you just finish him off, then? Apparently you're supposed to be so powerful and shit. He fears you more than he fears me. So why didn't you just finish him off and save me the trouble?" Harry said spitefully, crossing his arms in the process. Dumbledore sighed.

" Don't you think if I could finish him off, I would've done it already, Harry? The fact of the matter is that YOU are supposed to defeat him. Not anyone else. It is impossible for anyone else to defeat him. Just like no one can kill you, either. When you and Mr. Weasley got into that fight, did you ever wonder why you didn't die? Having two punctured lungs and internal bleeding would've killed anyone else almost imediately. But, you survived. Until one of you is destroyed, no one can kill either of you. That means you are virtually immortal until one of you is killed." Dumbledore said. Harry stared at him with malice. He turned on his heel and stormed off without another word.

Two months passed by without incident. Dumbledore had informed them that they wouldn't need to return to school for the rest of the year. One day, Lupin appeared.

" Dumbledore said that you all may take the Knight Bus home in a couple of days. It will drop you all off at your appointed places to stay for the summer." He said. Everyone practically jumped for joy, except Harry. Lupin walked over to the brooding youth. " What is it, Harry?" He asked. Harry looked up at Lupin.

" Remus, I just wish this was all over. I'm tired of having to live with the Dursleys. I'm tired of being the target every year at school. I'm tired of being famous for something I didn't realize I did. I'm really tired of all this shit. And I'm tired of letting Voldemort and Dumbledore practically run my life for me." Harry said. Lupin nodded.

" I understand how you must feel, Harry. It must be really tough knowing that you have to actually kill someone to live a normal life. You're a really powerful wizard, Harry. I'm sure you'll give Voldemort a real tough time when the final battle comes." Lupin said. Harry tried to crack a smile.

" I'm glad to hear that SOMEONE believes in me. Dumbledore stopped me from fighting Voldemort on April first. I believe I could've beaten him. He said I needed more training. I've trained harder than anyone else here. I trained even when I was off." Harry said, getting more frustrated.

" I'm sure Dumbledore had his reasons for stopping the fight between you two, Harry. Maybe he wanted you to be really strong before you actually finished Voldemort off. Maybe he believed you really did need more training. I'm sure he has your best interests at heart, Harry. Dumbledore really is a great man and he really does care about you more than you know." Lupin said. Harry glanced at him sideways.

" Thanks." He said.

" Anytime." Lupin said.

The next day, the eight of them were on the Knight Bus. Hermione looked as though she was going to be sick. They talked and laughed jovially the whole way there. Then the time came for the Ron and Harry to split up. They looked at each other. Harry stuck out his hand. Ron looked at it and took it, pulling Harry into a hug.

" Take care of yourself, mate. You'll be able to do magic in a month, so then you could terrorize your aunt and uncle. Not to mention that obese cousin of yours." Ron said laughing. Harry smiled. Ron turned and walked over to Hermione. Ginny looked at Harry. She threw herself into his arms, kissing him.

" Be good, Harry. Don't listen to Ron. I'll try to write you everyday." She said, tears in her eyes. Harry laughed. Ginny playfully hit him in the chest. " It's not funny, Harry."

" Ginevra, it's only two months. You'll see me sooner than you think, I believe. There's no need to cry." He said soothingly. Ginny nodded. She kissed him one last time.

" I love you, Harry."

" I love you, too, Ginny." He said. Ginny nodded and got off the bus. That left Harry and Hermione. When the bus got to Hermione's house, her parents stood waiting. Hermione looked at Harry.

" Really, Harry, don't listen to Ron. He's nothing but trouble. I'll write you as often as I can, okay?" She hugged him.

" Take care, Hermione." He said. Hermione nodded and kissed him on his cheek. Then she departed. She turned to face him before the bus sped off.

" Harry, for what it's worth, I believe that you could've beaten Voldemort." She said smiling. Harry smiled back smugly.

" Thanks, Hermione." He said. Then the bus was gone.

For the first time in about three years, Harry felt truly at peace. Now, all he had to do was survive the summer with the Dursleys before he ended up murdering them.

' That oughta be extremely easy,' he thought sarcastically and smiled to himself, relaxing into his chair.

Well, folks, this is the end. Don't worry. I will have their 7th year fic up soon. It will be's a SECRET!!! Hahaha!! Check ya later!!