Hey. This is set during and after "first date" season7. Buffy has just got back from her date with Robin Wood (Xander wasn't captured by the Ashanti demon.)

Chapter One: Competition

Buffy unlocked the door to her house and let herself in. She just couldn't understand it; she had just been out on a date with a really nice, interesting, kinda good looking man and she just didn't feel satisfied at all, in fact, she actually had regretted going as soon as they had walked into the restaurant.

He had been talkative, and had generously paid for the meal, even though the prices had made Buffy shudder and offer to pay at least half but he insisted on handing over his credit card and paying for everything. She just wanted to come up with a reason why she wouldn't have to go out on another date with him.

She knew the reason. It came to her as soon as she had properly thought about it. The reason why she didn't want to go out on another date with Robin Wood was downstairs in the basement right now, probably pacing or sitting on his cot, waiting for her to come home.

Taking a deep breath, she walked over to the basement door and opened it; she was going to confess what she had been denying for so long; she had fallen in love with William the bloody.

"Spike?" she called down, there was no answer, surely he would be here, and he had no social life so he couldn't possibly be out.

"Spike?" she called again, louder this time and her boots echoed as she walked down the stone steps. Looking around, she was surprised to find that the basement was empty,

She took one last look around before sighing and going back upstairs again, she thought that it was rather unusual for the vampire to be out; surely he would have waited for her?

Spike kicked open the door to his old crypt and lead the female vampire inside. He had met her whilst he was at the bronze and they had clicked straight away, her pale skin and dark brunette hair had intrigued him and for the first time in years he had forgotten about Buffy.

"Nice place" she said, "most vampires don't even have homes"

"Well" he said walking up to her, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear, "I'm not like most vampires"

Before either of them had time to think, she had smashed her lips onto his in a bruising kiss. He responded instantly, feeling the pleasure of kissing someone who actually wanted to kiss him out of true attraction.

As their tongues danced passionately they fell onto the old couch, both noticing the convenience of not having to come up for air and he didn't even know her name yet. He pulled away,

"Wait luv, I don't even know your name" the longing look in her dark eyes made Spike feel like a God when he noticed that there was no guilt or fear in them also.

"Kathryn" she panted, pressing her hungry mouth onto his again, Spike couldn't help but stifle a laugh; this was going to be a fun night.

Buffy tossed and turned in her bed. It had been six hours since she had arrived home from her date with Wood and Spike still wasn't back, she couldn't help but fear the worst had happened.

She had tried watching T.V, listening to calming music and even reading, but nothing could take her mind off of Spike,

"So this is what he must have felt like for the last three years" she whispered to herself before getting out of bed and getting dressed, she had to find him.

The two vampire lovers lay on the couch with each other. They had made love for five hours before falling asleep. Spike had just woken up and his first thought was the slayer.

Would it really hurt her if she found out that he had fallen for someone else? A vampire? And would it hurt her even more knowing that the vampire felt the same way?

He looked across at Kathryn's sleeping form and smiled, he would just have to find out because there was no way he was losing another love for the slayer.

Buffy sighed as she opened the fridge, taking out a large tub of vanilla and chocolate ice cream she closed it again and slumped down on the sofa. She had been looking for Spike for two hours before she finally gave up and gone home. She couldn't believe the timing; she had finally realised after years that the love of her life had been standing right in front of her, and now was the time he chose to leave her.

She was torn from her thoughts by the sound of the front door opening and Buffy felt her heart leap as Spike walked in. She had to use all of her slayer strength not to run up to him and kiss him passionately there and then.

"Where've you been?" she asked, trying to sound angry,

"Out" he said simply, making a move to go downstairs,

"Spike" she said and he stopped walking and looked at her, she noticed that he looked worn out and walked up to him, this was it, she was going to tell him just how hard she had fallen for him.

Buffy breathed in the familiar scent of leather, cigarettes, booze and…was that perfume? No. Oh no. She stopped walking and looked him in the eyes, guilt. There was definitely guilt there.

"Spike?" she said again, a lump forming in her throat,

"Yes luv?"

"Where were you tonight? And don't say out"

"I went to the bronze" he said,

"For nine hours?"

"No, I went to the bronze for about two hours. I met someone there…"

"Who? Oh God tell me it wasn't Drusilla!"

"It wasn't Drusilla, it was…"

"Me" a female voice interrupted them both and Buffy was surprised to see a beautiful brunette woman walk up to Spike and put her arms possessively around him. For the first time since Riley and Sam came to Sunnydale, Buffy felt like she was going to turn green with jealousy.

"Who are you?" Buffy tried to sound like she didn't care but she knew that neither of the couple in front of her were buying it,

"I'm Kathryn" the woman said and Buffy noticed two very faded scars on her neck. She was a vampire.

"Are you two…?" Buffy couldn't finish her sentence when she saw Kathryn begin to kiss the two scars on Spike's neck, he remained silent and his eyes never left Buffy,

"Very much so" Kathryn said nastily, noticing Buffy's jealousy.

"Oh" Buffy felt her eyes fill up with tears and she ran upstairs, not stopping until she reached her room, where she fell on the bed sobbing.

She felt Spike's presence in the room with her and looked up, wiping her eyes,

"What?" she said and he sat down on the bed next to her,

"You're crying" he said and she rolled her eyes,

"Wow Spike you're really getting observant these days" she said sarcastically but her voice broke again and fresh tears rolled down her face,

"Why are you crying?" he asked, looking into her watery eyes,

"Innocent girls are going to die…" she began but he raised his scarred eyebrow, silencing her and she looked down at the floor,

"You" she said, "and her…together" she felt his hand come to cup her chin and she looked up into his eyes again,

"Do you not like her?" he asked, tracing her jawbone with his hand,

"That's not why it bothers me…" she said, moving closer to him,

"Well then. Why does it bother you?" he said, but from his tone she knew he had already figured out the answer,

"Spike…" she breathed out his name, their faces just centimetres apart,

"What luv?"

"I…" she was cut off by the sound of Kathryn's voice coming from downstairs,

"Spike! Are you coming back to our crypt?"

"Yeah" he called back to her and looked into Buffy's eyes again before going downstairs to his vampire lover. Buffy heard the sound of the front door open and close before going back downstairs. She narrowed her eyes as she thought about the situation.

Buffy loved Spike. And she was going to fight for him.

Please review, lots of love,

