Chapter Fourteen: Wedding Bells


"Oh, Suze, I can't believe I'm getting married!" CeeCee screamed in my ear as I helped her to fix her veil, she looked so cute in her ivory and cream dress – she went against white because she said no one was going to believe it-her being a virgin- since she had been living with Adam for four years.

"Well, you and Adam have waited long enough." I said. "And you have to postpone the wedding because of me."

"Oh, Suze, you know we wanted you to be present! You're our best friend and besides, it took forever to plain the wedding anyway. I didn't wan to rush it."

"Five minutes ladies." CeeCee's aunt, Pru, came to warn us.

"Okay, ready or not." CeeCee said, whipping her eyes to clear the little tears that rolled down suddenly. "I'm so happy." She was truly giddy.

"Just remember to breathe." I told her, handling her bouquet.

I gave my best friend a hug before I walked down the aisle to stand in my position of Maid of Honor. As I walked down the aisle, I saw Jesse carrying Victor, they were seated in the first row at the church and Jesse smiled at me when he saw me.

Next came CeeCee and everyone turned to see her, she was positively glowing, also she looked very calm and serene, so reassured. I turned to see Adam, his face had lit up so much that I half expected him to open his arms so CeeCee could run right straight into them. When CeeCee reached Adam, he took her hand and they stood together in front of Father Dom.

A week before I had read this article about how most couples that have live together for a long time, they split up very quickly after they married. But looking at the love in Adam's eyes and at the sure smile in CeeCee's face, I knew they both would be fine.

I felt Jesse's eyes on me and I turned from Father Dom to Jesse. He caught my eye and muttered something like "soon" and I of course knew what he meant. I smiled secretively and turned my attention back to the ceremony. Jesse and I had begun to plan our wedding too.

The day after I had firs selected the dress that was being made for me I got home and told Jesse. "I just bought the most beautiful wedding dress. All I need now is that someone asks me to marry him. Anything you want to comment on that?"

Jesse –who had been put Victor to sleep spun around very quickly, gathered me close to him and kissed my passionately. "Do you really mean it?" He asked when we came out for air.

"Oh, yeah." I said smiling. "But still… it would be nice if you ask." I said in this little girl voice. Jesse took a step back and was about to go down in one knee but then he said: "Wait right here." And saunter of the nursery just to come back a few moments later with a little box, just the perfect side to be a jewelry box.

He opened it in front of me and went down to his knee. "Susannah, would you marry me?

Of course I said yes – not too loud though because Victor was sleeping. And then Jesse took the ring out of the box – 3 carats pear-cut white diamond solitaire – and slid it in my finger and we kissed again. "I've bought that ring six months ago. I was just waiting for you to say I could ask you to marry me.

"Oh, Jesse! I love you."

So, that's our story. The very next day, Jesse and I went to see Father Dom to ask when he could marry us and he said that he could do so two weeks after Adam's and CeeCee's wedding and that he would let us marry at the Mission and have the reception there –where they usually held the school functions like the fairs and stuff – Sam had helped us find a caterer who would take the job with such short notice and everything was going according to schedule.

Anyway, after Adam and CeeCee were done saying their "I do's" we moved to the Pebble Beach Resort where the reception was going to be held. Adam hadn't cared for expenses and let CeeCee plan everything so it would be her dream wedding.

The reception was a blast but Jesse and I had to leave early because Victor was exhausted. Still, I got to say goodbye to CeeCee before she left for Paris, where Adam was taking her for their Honeymoon. CeeCee promised to be back in two weeks ready for my very own Wedding.

I could hardly wait.


I missed Susannah and our son… our wedding was the next morning so Susannah had took our son and went to stay at her mother's because 'It's back luck to see the bride before the wedding' or something like that. But still, I missed both of them even when I was going to see them the next morning.

I know it sounds pathetic but I couldn't help it. Victor and Susannah were the most important thing in my life. They were the first thing that came to mind when I woke up and the last thing I though about before I fell asleep. I couldn't picture my world without them. I just couldn't.

But luckily for me, I didn't have to. The next day Susannah was going to be my wife, finally, and nothing would ever keep us apart.

I mean, there were times when everyone and everything – Paul Slater at the top of that list – seemed to conspire to keep Querida and me apart, but nothing had worked. It took years and years of heartbreak and loneliness but in the end we found our way back together.

Our wedding party was small. Sam and Jerry were there, Jerry's family stood as my own, and Susannah's family was there too, all her stepbrothers included and their girlfriends –well, Jack's and David's, apparently no one wanted to be Brad's date. And Susannah's friend from New York came too, Gina's hair was no longer in dreadlocks which was good, it was now iridescent blue which crashed somewhat with her bride mate dress but she didn't mind. In fact, Brad spent most of the reception trying to get Gina to be his date.

I was so happy when I finally got to make Querida my wife. Actually, I spent most of the reception kissing her. I couldn't wait to be alone with Susannah. Her mother had offered to take care of Victor for a few days so Susannah and I could have a little wedding trip. I was going to take her to Jamaica – the trip had been Jerry's and Sam's wedding gift for us. – But she didn't know that yet. It was a little surprise.


I genuilly, truly LOVE Jamaica.

Me that I had resigned not to have a honeymoon on account of how busy Jesse was at the hospital and then bam! He surprises me with a trip to Jamaica. It was lovely to be just with him again. I mean, I love my baby and everything, but it had been a long time since it had been just Jesse and me and a girl needs to keep the romance, you know?

Our honeymoon was everything I dreamed of and then more. Jesse and I did all the touristy stuff and everything but most of our time was spend – I won't even feel bad to say it because WE ARE MARRIED SO IS LEGAL – having sex. And not just, you know pre-functionary sex but really fun, enjoyable sex. Like we did it practically everywhere in our suit and we did it in the beach and in the water and… well, why bother you with the details…

When we got back it was like re-discover the bliss of living with Jesse all over again. Oh and CeeCee had put this new name thingy in my office at the headquarters of the magazine that read Susannah de Silva, instead of Susannah Simon and she even dedicated a little part of her editorial greeting – that editor page at the beginning of each number of the magazine – to congratulate me.

Everything in my life was just the way I wanted it to be. I had a great job, wonderful friends, a beautiful, healthy baby boy and a hot doctor waiting for me at home. Said doctor was my husband and he happened to love me oh so very much. Just like I loved him.


End of Chapter 14


End of AGAIN

And if you want to know what happened to Paul here you go:



That's what Jack and everyone says I've been doing. Mopping. But really, what did they expect? I lost the love of my life just weeks ago and they expect me to just get back over it! AS IF!

Really, how insensible can some people – my brother Jack, for example – with other's suffering. The little brat – Jack – even said that why did I expected compassion from anyone when I had done exactly the same to Suze like ages ago.

Well… I was a different person back then; I didn't know anything about love. Now I did, and I did because I had lost it. But did that made anyone feel a little of compassion for me? No. Forget it. No compassion for poor old Paul.

So yes, I mopped a lot.

I was trying to shape my life into something that Wendy would like but without her it just was hard. I had changed my job and everything, just to make her proud even when I knew that I wasn't very likely to see her again.

I was walking down to my office at the firm I worked for when I happened to crash into someone who was carrying two file boxes and could barely see where she was going.

"Would you main paying a little attention to where you're going." A voice snarled behind the boxes and kept ranting in some other language that I didn't understand.

I took the top box from in front of her face. I knew that face. I don't know how long was I staring but eventually she said. "Hey, dude, you're too big to be decorative, move over, this thing weights a ton."

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said moving so she could pass and training along behind her. "Where are you taking this?"

"Oh, Paul, there you are," Said my boss coming down the hall towards us. "I wanted to introduce you to our newest staff member. She's going to be helping you with some of your cases, actually. But I think you meet her already. Anyway, just in case. Paul this is Wendy Angelovsky, Wendy this is Paul Slater."

"Nice to meet you." We both said at the same time.

"Wendy just finished at Stanford and it's going to work with us for a while." My boss, Charles Webber –senior partner said – "I hope you two get along."

Wendy instructed me to put her box down at the desk in the little office next to mine and then turned around and said. "I just want to make something clear. I'm a lawyer, and a darn good one. I'm not your secretary, I won't take messages for you and I won't bring you your coffee. Understood?"

I was so fascinated to actually see her there, alive and well that I didn't mind her bossy tone, I just nodded. "Sure. Okay." I said clumsily.

"Okay then. I hope we work well together." She said standing her hand towards me.

"I'm sure we will." I said, taking her hand but I didn't let go.

"Um. I kind of need my hand." She said when it became evident I wasn't letting her go.

"Wanna marry me?" I asked her.


(Phone call)

(Ring, ring) (Lol)

Jack: Paul! Finally you answer! When are you coming home? Grandpa wants to go out for Pizza but he needs you to drive.

Paul: Tell Pops that I'm sorry but that he's going to order in. I don't think I'll be home tonight.

Jack: What? Why?

Paul: Gee, I don't know, let's see… I'm in Vegas and I just got married. Is that a good enough excuse?

Jack: You what?

Paul: I married. Listen, buddy I have to go now, Wendy wants to go to Lake Las Vegas for dinner and we are going to miss our limo. I'll call you later!

Jack Wait, wait, wait. Did you say Wendy? As in Wendy-Wendy?

Paul: Yes. I'll tell you everything when we get back, she's dying to meet you and Pops er… again, you could say.

Jack: When are you coming back?

Paul: Don't know for sure, I want to teach Wendy to golf and they got some good courses here. Oops, I have to hang now. Bye.

(Busy signal)


So there.



Oh, and this is a glimpse of the new story I'm woriking on. It's pretty AU (alternative universe), no ghosts, Suze has a sister and Jesse is a hot senior at her high school with the reputation of being a less than savory individual :)



"Paul," I called and he stopped.

"Suze, long time no see."

"Shut up you asshole." I said low and fast. "I'll just tell you this once: Stay away from my sister."

"Or you'll do what?" He asked, taunting. I showed him what. I punched him in the eye, he was going to get a black eye, I so knew it because his eye was swealing pretty fast. Ten Points for moi. "Pretty and elocuent as always," Paul said once he recovered from my punch, acting as if I hadn't hurt him though I knew I had. "Suzie, Suzie, Suzie... even if you could makeME stay away from Cecilia (name might change) You aren't going to make her stay away from me. And there is nothing you can do about that."

"We'll see about that." I said though I knew he was right, Cecilia was as stubborn as a mule. And she wanted Paul. I turned to leave but Paul caught my arm. "Sure you don't want to reconcider..." he said, letting his voice trail off, he knew I knew what he meant. "I'm sure there are a few things you could do to convince me to leave Ceci alone.Just say the word and I'm all yours. I'll dump your sister faster than what you can say 'First date'"

"Not in your life." I snarled and pulled my arm.



"That Chick is pretty tough, isn't she?" Michael Meducci, my litlte minion said while I pressed an ice pack to my eye.

"Shit, don't say." I answered sarcastically.

"What are you going to do about her?"

As in on cue I saw the new transfered student, a guy named Jesse de Silva, I think. Rumor had it he had gotten into even more trouble than Suze. Suddenly the little engines of my brain started to work and something made cllick. "I got and idea." I said.

Really, I was surprised I hadn't thought of it before. That De Silva guy was just Suze's type... maybe if I could convince him to help me... he would keep Suze busy and distracted and I could have my fun.

I'm such a genius!


There, thanks for reading this.

All my love,
