A/N: Yay. I'm finally inspired(-ish) to write a fic to my favorite TeniPuri pairing!! GP FOREVER!

This was actually inspired by my friend Yilin, who claims she never really falls in love, only like.

Pairing: Oishi x Eiji (::squee::)

Warnings: Um... fluff? Sap...

Disclaimer: If TeniPuri were mine, there'd be more than just hints.

Fallen in Like

Oishi Syuuichirou had long ago decided that he wouldn't fall in love until he met the right person.

This of course, had to deal a lot of the media's degradation of "love". Oishi believed that love wasn't infatuation or a one-night stand, unlike what movies seem fond of telling him. He wanted a "love" like what his parents have--that special bond between them. That unique feeling that seemed to make each other glow.

However, that didn't make him feel any better whenever he had to turn down a girl confessing her feelings for him. In the end though, Oishi knew it spared them both a lot of effort. He couldn't see any of them as more than just friends, and the girl, despite her momentary protest, didn't genuinely "love" Oishi. The end result could only be a frustrating and hurtful breakup.

Sometimes, Oishi would see a couple holding hands or kissing and wonder if he made the right choice. He almost felt jealous at how happy the couples would seem to be and despise himself for not letting himself indulge in something like that also. But when he thought about it, Oishi decided that he would rather do those things with the person he really loved, not just a person he thought he loved.

Oishi also realized that he was probably too busy to be in a relationship anyway. Between school and tennis, there wasn't much time for anything else. Even the time he spent with his friends, like Tezuka and Eiji, was considered tennis time.

As of recently, though, Oishi had begun to notice he had certain feelings for his doubles partner. He wasn't quite sure what they were, and he didn't want to try and guess either. So he let them be.

Oishi had always been attentive to Eiji (he had to be after all; they were doubles partners), but he was starting to be even more conscious than usual about the redhead. Like the way he'd blink cutely when he was genuinely confused. Or like the way he smiled at Oishi that made his heart skip a beat.

He wasn't sure, though, whether the strange feelings and his attentiveness were connected. Maybe, he thought, that it could've been love.

"Nya, Oishiiii!" Eiji whined, successfully attracting Oishi's full attention.

Oishi smiled. "Yes, Eiji?"

"Are you ready yet?" the acrobat pouted. "I want to get ice cream."

"Ah, I'm almost done," Oishi replied, putting away the rest of his stuff.

As soon as he zipped up his bag, Eiji grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the clubroom. "Yay! Let's go!"

Oishi smiled and let himself be dragged towards whatever destination Eiji had in mind as the redhead rambled on about random subjects. Being with Eiji always made him glow inside.

However, he still wasn't sure if the feelings he harbored for his doubles partner was love. But he -was- sure of one thing, though.

He had fallen in like with Kikumaru Eiji.


A/N: And then Oishi realized he was really in love with Eiji and they lived happily ever after. Teh (real) end. Yay.

......well, something like that. It was cute at least.

I actually excersized my Eiji-muse, so please review and inspire him more!! D