Silent Hill: Dismember The Days

Poem 31: Lakeview, The Hotel With A Lake

Ding… goes the check in bell,

Ringing all its way to hell,

"I need a room,"

A teller glares with impelling doom,

"Here's a key,"

And the faceless customer takes it unsuspectingly…

At night, they claim you can hear their cries,

Listening to their pleas and 'don'ts' as they die,

"How absurd,

I've been hear three weeks and haven't heard a word"

"It's all in their head,"

And two days later the customer turns up dead…

Someday… someone might find out what's real or fake,

In Lakeview, the hotel with a lake…

Ding… goes the bell again and again,

I lost count; I think it's at ten,

"Hurry up, I'm running late,"

The customer is growing even more irate,

"Chill out, it's time for my break,

And it's not MY fault if you didn't wake,"

The water outside moves in and out,

The tides thrashing the boasts about,

"It seems peaceful,

Everyday it is quiet and tranquil,"

"It's little known these days,

That dead bodies sleep beneath the waves…"

Someday… someone might find out what's real or fake,

In Lakeview, the hotel with a lake…

Ding… goes the bell one last time,

The murders are on people's minds,

"I heard he killed himself a spoon,"

Everyone never doubts that is it true,

"Excuse me… I'd like a room…

I'd like it to be my favorite number… 302…"

The mood around the hotel is stale,

Everyone is scared and fragile and frail,

"I don't understand,

That man is suppose to be dead,"

"I guess he will be when it job is done,"

He never reached number twenty-one…

Someday… someone might find out what's real or fake,

In Lakeview, the hotel with a lake…


I know Walter has nothing to do with the hotel, but instead of going with the usual poem-style, I decided to switch it up and make something interesting. I like what I did, and I hope readers do, too. Thanks! Keep requesting, please!

This was a request.