A/N: Hi you all!! Hahaha…you know what, this is the last chap of this story… harharhar…waah…I'am so exhausted right now and I think maybe I'll write a fiction about magical shoujo or something…just wait and see kay but don't forget to send your review for me…


Sakura opened her locker and found out a note…

"Meet me at my soccer practice!-Faiyi" the written on the note said.


It is a typical thing to Sakura to accompany Faeiyiat his soccer practices. Thanks God that she got nothing to do that evening so she can go to the soccer practice.

'Now I need to find Li and tell him something. Where is he anyway?'

She is searching for Syaoran when suddenly she bumped into someone. She lifts her face up to found out…

"Li!" Sakura said.

"What?! Please, make it fast if you wanna talk to me or something" Syaoran replied, annoyed.

"Sorry, my fault! Anyway, my parents will come back this afternoon, so… I'll not come back for lunch. Here, the key!" Sakura explained and give him the house's key.

"And why are you telling me this thing at the first place? I'am not your boyfriend or something and I got tons of better things to do" Syaoran said annoyingly and glare at her.

"Whatever Li, I'm just wanted to give you the key okay, see you later!" Sakura said and goes away.


After school, Sakura went to Syaoran's house because she got some of her things left there.

Sakura get her things and make her way downstairs when she saw…Syaoran's room wide open.

'I wonder how his room's look likes…'

Sakura was so curios and go to Li's room for a better look.

It is a green-coloured room, just like all the things in it. A computer too. Just like Sakura's room, the 'pink paradise' except it is green.

When she want to go out from his room, she notices a drawer from his computer's desk wide open. She goes to the drawer to close it when…


In the drawer…there is, like a bunch of printed pictures of her, of SAKURA KINOMOTO!! Then she notices something, it is the same pictures that she sent to her chat buddy, GreenWolf. But how did he get it…

'OMG!! Green…'

She goes out from the room quickly and run downstairs to get out from the house. She cannot accept it. GreenWolf…is Li? Her best friend, one of the nicest guys she ever knew. It is just the opposite criteria with the true Syaoran Li she knows...


Sakura went to Faeiyi and greeted him. After that she sat down on a bench hopelessly.

"What's up! Hey, why are you looking so…gloomy?" Faeiyi asked sweetly.

Sakura sighed.

"Faeiyi…I got a problem. A BIG ONE!!" she said.

Faeiyi just nodded.

Then she told him the story A-Z.

"So..what do you think Faei?" she asked.

"Oh…that thing? It is already settled!" Faeiyi replied and give her a mischievous smile.



Sakura watchs the soccer practice that included Faeiyi, Tai and….Li while thinking about her 'GreenWolf' right now.


"OUCH!! Li…what're you doing?" Sakura shouted angrily because Syaoran had kicked the ball and hit her.

Then she picks up the ball and found out something written on the ball…

'I LOVE YOU…' she repeated it. Sakura stared at the ball, shocked.

She felt her eyes begin to water. Then someone hug her tenderly.

"What do you want Li…?" Sakura asked and begins to cry.

"I Love you…I want you and you is all I needed..." he said sweetly.

"And how can I believe you right now…?"

"With this…" Syaoran said and catching her lips.

He kisses her sweetly. The best kiss ever. Sakura felt that she's melting in the kiss slowly…she just let herself flows with him…

Then Syaoran broke the kiss slowly and looks at her tenderly.

"So…please believe me…" Syaoran said and give her a smile while looking at her sweetly.

"No! You said to CherryBloss that you just like to 'play' with your fiancée…not actually love her!!" Sakura said and didn't look at him.

"Yes, I know…GreenWolf is such a stupid person to know that CherryBloss is actually his…"

Sakura wanna said something when Syaoran had already swoon to her and kiss her again. Sakura shocked but she just replied it back.

"Bemy sweetheart?" he asked sweetly.

Sakura just smile at him…


Faeiyi looked at her after that 'OMG incident'. Sakura felt so…nervous.

"I love you too…as a friend! What're you actually doing huh……when you're actuallyin love with Li!" Faeiyi said.

"Hey, since when did I start to love him? I didn't even like him okay!!" Sakura said and gave him a glare.

"Wei Sakura, I'am your friend and I know if you had that feeling for someone and you had that feeling for Li, admit it"

"Whatever Faei, now...how can I clean all of this messes I'd made huh...?"

Faeiyi looks at her and sighed.

"One thing, admit that you love Syaoran Li"


A month later, Sakura and Syaoran are officially engaged and they're the hottest couple ever in their school because Syaoran is so caring and a romantic person to her. Sometimes, he will go out with other girls to make Sakura jealous and Sakura will get mad all over and didn't want to talk with him for a week and he will apologize to her and doing something special for her like…giving hundred of roses and teddy bears just like what he did yesterday…because he knows that he's definately cant live without her...

Tomoyo and Eriol are also a perfect couple together. They're usually teasing Sakura and Syaoran and making them blushing like crazy. Sometimes, they will help Sakura and Syaoran to get together if they had a fight because Syaoran and Sakura are too stubborn to admit their own fault and they will not talk to each other for a long time...until Tomoyo and Eriol are willing to help.

For Sakura and Syaoran, they know that they will be happy together because it is never too late than to love in the end…, eventhough it is so much fight in their relationship...but they totally love being together...

A/N: Whoa…so how was the story…so simple eh?? Just submit your review okay and I will make a new fiction with a better story plot and grammar!! Okay…bye!!