Disclaimer and Misc: Well, there is a bit of swearing in this chapter, and maybe latter ones… Shaman King and its (thoroughly loveable) characters all are a product of Hiroyuki-sama, the grand master, and the depreciation and criminal taking-apart-ings of 4Kids Entertainment. (angrily shakes fist at 4Kids)

Author's Note: Ok, two big things happened. First, Strawberry changed her name. It was Strawberry Promises, and now it's just Strawberry'd. Next, Keeper-chan changed her name too. It is now Suteki Yume (Lovely Dreams :3)

And yes, this took quite a while and again, I am sorry. If you knew all the things Strawberry had to go through… :sigh: Hehe, well, I know it's no excuse, but here you go! Hope you guys enjoy the chapter! And don't forget to review :) (From Strawberry-chan)

Just My Luck

By Strawberry'd and Suteki Yume

Anna is thrown into a marriage lottery where spouses are chosen by change. The Prince, her husband-to-be, is abusive so Anna flees. He captures her but not before she meets someone she thought a commoner: his younger brother!

Chapter Five: Wedding Bells?

Anna woke up to a window bursting with blinding sunshine. With a noise that sounded terribly like a growl, she rose up and snapped the drapes shut. Scowling, Anna went back to bed and closed her eyes, thankful for the heavy curtains, now covering the rays of the damned sun.

"Milady?" A tentative voice said, its tone radiating fear and that of being intimidated.

"Who the hell -" Anna shot up in bed. She looked around with wide eyes. "Where am I?" She said in a low voice, targeting the girl who woke her up.

"M-M-Master Hao's, milady," The maid said, wringing her hands. "He said you might be slightly irritable but if I can come back -"

"Come back for what?" Anna interrupted her, hey eyes narrowing.

"For y-your preparations," The maid said, her hands visibly shaking.

"Preparations for what?" Anna hissed, angry as hell.

"F-for your wedding, milady. It's t-today." The maid said, looking like she was about to cry.

Anna sunk into the pillows of her elaborate bed. Everything was rushing back to her now. The lottery thing, the drawing of her name for the bride of Prince Hao Asakura.

Damn it all… She thought. Her hand clutched the corner of her bed sheet, twisting it furiously in her anger.

The maid hovered nervously near the door. "Go!" Anna snapped. The maid scampered off, casting a fearful glance over her shoulder at Anna.

Anna didn't notice, she was too busy thinking up ways of killing Hao. Painfully.

Hao chuckled at the sight of the maid, hovering by the door and then leaving it as if something bit her. He knew that Anna would be the main source of his amusement, but never this far.

"Anna, dearest?" He called into the room, knocking lightly on the door.

He heard a muffled sound, sounding sort of like, "Get the hell away from me,"

"Now I know you didn't mean that," He said in a teasing voice. He opened the door and stepped inside.

There was Anna, sitting up in her bed, a fierce glare on her pale face. "Go away." She said, in a deadly voice.

"How do you like your accommodations? Is the room to your liking?" Hao persisted, ignoring her command.

"Go away," Anna commanded again, the fury and anger tightly coiled in her eyes.

"One of the ladies-in-waiting picked it out for you, along with some gowns that they thought you might like." Hao smiled, but it didn't meet his eyes. "I hope you find them suitable."

Anna stopped trying to talk. He wouldn't listen.

"You will answer when I speak to you." He said, the light, teasing tone of his voice gone.

Anna didn't say anything, with a defiant toss of her head.

Hao's eyes narrowed. "This has gone far enough." He said, walking calmly up to her. "You will answer when I speak to you," He repeated coldly, grasping her hands tightly.

Anna started to struggle and only her heart, beating twice as fast, showed her nervousness.

Leaning over, Hao kissed Anna hard on the lips, and then pulled back, smirking. "I will go now, but I expect you to be out of bed soon. Prepare yourself, there will be a wedding today."

Anna said nothing. The shock of the kiss left her speechless.

"What did I say about answering?" Hao said, warningly.

"Yes, As-sakura-s-sama." Anna replied, her eyes bright.

"Good." With a final smirk, Hao left the room with a flourish, snapping the door closed behind him.

Anna trembled where she sat. With a shaking hand, she pressed her fingers against her lips. Soon, the shock became overcome by something else. Anger. And lots of it.

Her hand still trembled, but only because of how furious she was. Who did he think he was? Doing that to her! He wasn't a gentleman at all! Not like…

Anna shook her head hard. Men, she thought in disgust. The world would be a better place without them.

Yoh grumbled a bit while shaking out his cloak. His dratted horse, making him fall over one too many times. Now his cloak was all dirty! Not only his cloak, but his entire outfit! He was made to come home and change into his stuffy 'royal outfit'.

As Yoh hung up his now clean cloak, his friend, Horohoro, came ambling up the walkway.

"Yoh? Is that you?" He had grown so accustomed to seeing Yoh in his peasantry that his dark navy leggings and silk tunic came as a shock.

"Yes, of course it's me." Yoh sighed, adjusting his tunic again. It was a royal blue, a little long and uncomfortable. Yoh hadn't worn these clothes in a while, since he always had his rough worn clothes. This royal uniform was just too smooth and soft. He pulled down on his tunic again.

"Wow, I haven't seen you wear those clothes since… ever." Horohoro said with a little awe in his voice. "You look good."

Another one of Yoh's noble friends (yes, Horohoro was noble, some lord or the like), came up to them and drawled, "Now, now, Horohoro I hear you have a bride? Can't be saying those things about Yoh-kun."

"Ren, keep your nose out of other people's business." Horohoro snapped and then turned to him. "How did you head about Tamao?"

"Tamao, is that her name?" Yoh said, smiling, fidgeting with this cloak again.

Horohoro sighed. "She makes the best cookies."

Yoh and Ren laughed. "The best way to Horohoro's heart is through this stomach, no doubt about it." Ren said, dryly.

Horohoro shrugged. "Anyway, we should get ready for the meeting being held. Yoh, isn't it mandatory for you?"

He nodded. "That's true. We should go." He started to walk away, in the direction of the stables when Ren called him back. Yoh turned.

"You forgot this." He tossed something shiny that glittered in the sun. Yoh caught it, albeit he had some difficulty.

Smiling sheepishly, he called back his thanks. The object in his hand: a medallion. The one proving his credibility as a prince.

He pulled it over his head and tucked it under this shirt. The gold was cold and Yoh yelped at the sudden temperature change. Soon, however, the medallion became more comfortable.

Taking something out of his pocket, Yoh continued to walk to the stables. He pinned the object to his chest, beside the familiar weight of the medallion. It was his nobility crest and with a final adjustment to his tunic and leggings, Yoh walked to this horse.

Mounted and squeezed the horse with his legs. The animal started to walk and then sped up to a trot.

Before Yoh knew it, he was on his way. His destination: Hao's castle.

Whee! Finally, this chapter finished, and posted! Whew, took a while, eh? Sorry about that, you guys! Thanks SO much to all the great reviewers and readers!

I had a hard time starting this chapter, and a hard time finishing it. It's not that long… Sorry!

Keiko nee-chan, your turn! Thanks for reading, and review, onegai!