Title: Slave of the Vampire Shinigami


Rating: R (for now)

Warnings: AU,vampires,mythical creatures,yaoi,slight yuri,S/M relationships,bondage. A little Sap and Male/male love, some cussing, and violence.

Ps: This is not for children. You must be the age your state allows you to read such content. So, this is your warning!

Disclaimer: I don't own any one from GW, I did once but my dog ate the copyright. Darn It!

So, now I'm poor, don't sue. Oh, yea. The plot is MINE. NO STEALING!

Wufei: Plot what plot? You don't even know where you are going with this thing, do you?

Kewlneko21: scratches head No, not really but if there is one it BELONGS to ME! shakes finger at Wufei And if you don't behave, I'll give you to Relena AND Dorothy.

Dorothy-neko: Really? Mistress Relena will be pleased stares at Wufei's tight leather clad ass

Wufei: Nnnnnooooooo! runs and hide behind Heero-kitsune

Duo: Hey Wuffie. He's MINE! grabs Heero-kitsune by waist and kisses him soundly

Wufei: mutters something about possessive blasted Vampires

Kewlneko21: rolls eyes Oh brother!

A/N: This is a 2x1 fic. A little 2+4 in the beginning. R+D. More pairs to come.

Another A/N: This is my first fic and I'm trying to revise it a little. My reason is Heero being difficult. But read the A/N at the end of this part of the story. Don't worry I'm only revising the Prologue and chapter one. So tell me what ya think! Thanks again. Ja!

"Text" talking

Text thought

+Text+ telepathy

Prologue (Revised)

L2 Colony

Violet eyes glowed with an unearthly light as it's' prey for the night turned down a dark ally.

Allison decided to take the short cut. She was just about to meet her new boss, someone that went by the name Gracian. Odd name really. But what I can't get over is why does he want to meet in a small place that's a dump? Men, I just don't understand them! She thought to herself in exasperation.

The girl looked innocent enough with light green eyes and short dark blue hair, but looks could be deceiving, he knew. As if Quatre isn't proof of that, he thought to himself smirking. But he could sense it, smell it in her blood—she was tainted. Probing her mind gently, he found out that she had no conscience whatsoever. She was a murderess, killing innocent children and selling their organs on the 'Black Market'. Just for a little money. Disgusting, killing innocent children and for such a reason. This one deserves to die. Prepare yourself bitch 'cause Shinigami is on the loose. A maniac grin came on his face, It is time to pay death and the cost is your life

Allison stopped and looked over her shoulder. She thought she heard movement from behind. There was nothing. Must be my imagination or maybe I'm starting to get paranoid. But she could've sworn she felt eyes on her. She walked a bit faster, listening for something—anything. Glancing over her shoulder, she thought she saw something move. Suddenly, she looked upshe was so caught up from trying to escape from whatever was following her that she must of taken a wrong turn somewhere, she had come to a dead end. Darn. Now I have no choice but fight. Pulling out her gun she turned around trying to see in the shadows.

"Who's there?" She shouted calmly.

A chuckle came out of the darkness as a figure unmelted from the shadows. "There's no need to shout," it said in a deep, yet light voice, "I can hear you just fine."

"Who are you?" she asked she felt a little unnerved. But she congratulated herself on sounding so calm.

All was silent before…

"Shinigami." He replied as he stepped into the dim light of the ally.

She gasped as he stepped out into the light. The man was drop dead gorgeous! And indeed he was, he looked like a wet dream come true— 6'2" at least. Wearing a pair of heavy still-toed black boots that went up to his knees, black skin-tight leather pants over his muscular thighs, with a big bulgeshe couldn't help but drool, the guy was well hung. And what a package! Shiny dark red shirt that was halfway buttoned up leaving the top part of his well toned pale chest out in the open to feast on, with what seemed to be a shining gold trinket, —Is that a cross? hanging around his neck. Long hair held in a braid that went down a little past his tight leather clad ass and the most extraordinary eyes she had ever seen—violet. Is it just me, or are they glowing?

Duo looked at the woman closely as she was taking in his looks. She was good at hiding her emotions in her voice but her heartbeat gave her away. She was frightened. Just the way she should be, he gave her a predators' grin before saying mildly. "Are you done looking at me like a starved person that is looking at a huge chocolate cake yet, Allison?"

His mild tone threw her out of her thoughts. "How do you know my name?" she asked suspiciously. Allison was anything but stupid. In her kind of work handsome men were something to be weary of. Never know what they could do.

"Oh, I know a lot about you Allison. Like, how you kill innocent children just to sell their organs on the 'Black Market'. For shame."

Her eyes went wide. How did he know that? She thought to herself but said out loud in what she hoped was an innocent voice, "What are you talking about?"

Duo's eyes turned hard. She thought she could get away being the innocent when she was killer instead of a victim. "You do not fool me. You played with life, especially innocent ones. For that I can not, nor will I forgive you." He said coldly.

She could tell by the disgust in his tone that he was not fooled. She knew what she had to do pride be damned. Allison for the first time in her life dropped her gun and fled, or tried to. She ran into a strong chest; but before she could fall down, however, she was thrown lightly into a brick wall. Following just a second behind was the man—no, Shinigami, her mind supplied. She looked into his violet eyes—cold and heartless, filled with pure hatred.

"The time has come to atone for your sins." His fangs grew down to his chin, Allison screamed as he attacked. The next thing she knew was nothing but Death.

Duo threw the dead woman away from him. Licking his lips he decided it was time to leave. Hmm, I wonder if Quatre has eaten yet. I am in the mood for a little playtime. Duo smirked to himself as he left the dead woman and the little ally behind. Disappearing into the darkness.

Somewhere in Japan, earth

He ran as fast as he could, looking back over his shoulder every once in a while. They were still chasing him. He was starting to get tired. Running a marathon for four hours straight was tiring. His legs hurt, he had only had two hours sleep, he was hungry, his right wing was injuredkeeping him from being able to take flight towards safety and to make matters worse, they were still chasing him. Must get away. So tired. No! Don't think like that just keep running. Looking back over his shoulder again, he didn't see the creature that had stepped into the middle of his path. The next thing Heero knew was a sharp pain, then blackness.


Sorry it took so long but first the computer crashed, then when we got it fixed, my school called and said I was getting behind in English. And I got grounded. No Computer or nothing. Stupid English. Lucky for you all, I slightly bent the rules. They said I couldn't get on our computer but they didn't say nothing about the library's computer, right? Oh, yeah. I'm revising the story. I like my plot but in chapter one Heero was being to submissive even for me. Don't get me wrong I like Heero submissive but only to Duo. Other than that it just wouldn't be any fun. Oh, and thank you to my beta, LEEMAX.

Please review! I'll even take criticism. Either the review button or my email.