AN: Konnichiwa, minna-san!! Ogenkidesu ka? Merry X-mas, hohoho (in advance)!! Minna-san, this is my first attempt on writing a short story!! Hope all of you would like it!! Since X'mas is only a few days away, I decided to write this fics to dedicate to all readers!!

"..." denotes speech

denotes thoughts

'...' denotes phantom's speech

'...' denotes flashbacks

" denotes highlights

(...) denotes author's note

Pairing: RyoSaku/FujiSaku (Slight)

Warning: Might contain OOC, readers had been warned...

Standard Disclaimer: Sue me? Oh no? I dunno wanna spend my holidayz spending all my money on hiring a please don't sue me...

Phantom of Christmas

Part 1 : Meeting with a Phantom!!

Quote : Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.
Norman Vincent Peale

"Sakuno..." a feminine voice cracked an anxious tone.

'Obaa-chan...I can hear you' her mind said, but her mouth could'nt even utter a word.

"Sakuno..." her worried tone played in her ears. "Open your eyes."

'I can't'she mentally frowned as the pain that from her throbbing head had taken over her consciousness.

"Sakuno..." her granny whispered again, as Sakuno very slowly, painfully managed to raise her eyelids revealing her brown orbs that encased terrible power. Drifting slowly to the side, they focused on the elderly woman perched precariously shaking, sitting down on her right.

'Where am I??'she heard more faint voices surrounding her.

"No worries, dear...just take more rest..." she whispered as Sakuno's eyes closed again.


"Sakuno...Mitte...mitte (look)!! It's snowing!!" Tomoka exclaimed excitingly as she swirled merrily around the quiet streets when beautiful snowfall ascended from heaven, decorating the streets with its charms.

Sakuno innocently stared at the dark grey sky to witness the beauty of nature slowly ascending down from heaven "Sou...yuki ka (snowing)??...Kirei(beautiful)...!!"

"Desho (Agree), Sakuno-chan, have you decided?" Tomoka paused and carefully walk near Sakuno again, anticipating her bestfriend's reply.

"Hm? Decide? On what?" Sakuno turned her attentions back to Tomoka.

Upon seeing Sakuno's puzzled expression followed by a most innocent child-like smile, Tomoka couldn't get herself to be mad at her. Instead she let out an audible frown "I'm asking, have you decided what present to buy for Ryoma-sama's birthday??"

"Birthday present for Ryoma-kun?" Sakuno shrugged and stared curiously at her best friend "Tomo-chan, I thought we're going out to buy presents for the soon coming X'mas party?!"

This time Tomoka raised one brow enquiringly "Don't tell me that you're not aware that our great O'Prince of Tennis, Ryoma-sama's birthday is on Christmas Eve!!"

"Ah...I see..." Sakuno shrugged "of course I remembered, how could I not" wiping off cold sweats that formed around her forehead, Sakuno heaved another inaudible sigh, knowing that her friend, Tomoka could be quite agressive, particularly on all issues about Echizen Ryoma. ' I understand!! Obaasan had asked me to bake two cakes on that day...the other one is for Ryoma-kun...' she thought intensly with a smirk appeared across her face.

"So?" Tomoka crossed her arms as she continued their earlier conversation "what do you plan to buy for him?"

"Actually..." bringing her soul back from wonderland, Sakuno swallowed the lump "I...have not think of...anything yet! Besides, me and obaa-chan had been quite busy, since she's going to organize the X'mas party at our place...even other senpais were also there to help out..." her words ended inaudibly while avoiding eye contact with her friend.

"Hm...fine...should have know you good enough" Tomoka shooked her head "Actually...I've already had something in my mind, but at my current financial status, I could only afford a small parts of it!!"

"Tomo-chan..." Sakuno said in a deceptively soft voice "It's okay, besides we still have another week to go!!"

Although Sakuno had no problem when it comes to money concern, yet, what had trouble her most right now is to decide what to buy for Ryoma. Sometimes she believe that she knew alot about the first year tennis pro, but somehow, getting to know him better seem to be harder for her, as a shy and timid girl, moreover Echizen Ryoma, is not those babblative type, and majority of his conversations comprehended nothing but tennis!! Making themselves aware of their current problem, both of them frowned in unsion!! They waited at the bus stand for quite sometimes. A few moments of silence had made the two of them feeling rather awkward.

"Since I can't afford to buy it, I guess I'll just have to go for plan B" breaking the silence, Tomoka remarked decisively "Hm...plan B would just work out fine!! I can buy a special gift for my dear Ryoma-sama for his b-day and also some presents for the X'mas party!! I wonder, how many presents I could buy from my whole year savings??" Tomoka let out her trademark devilish laughter as she mentally accounted her savings against her list.

"One...for Tezuka bucho, then Fuji-senpai...Oishi-senpai...." base on Tomoka, Sakuno could tell that her friend had decided to really spend like water for this coming Christmas party too. Sakuno could just imagine the long namelist of people which Tomoka would give present to. Sakuno sweatdropped when the list becomes longer and longer.

Just when the bus stopped infront of them, Tomoka let out an exciting squeak "Ah...I'm so excited right now, I just can't wait till that day!! ...Sakuno, let's go!" Tomoka said and pulled Sakuno into the bus.

Upon seeing Ryuzaki-sensei coming out of the patient's room, four young Seigaku regulars immediately spranked up from their seats and approached their tennis coach, except for Tomoka. She's been sitting at the bench and had been sobbing uncontrollably eversince Sakuno's admission.

"'s Sakuno??" Oishi, the vice captain of Seigaku Tennis Club asked concernly, while the others, Fuji, Kikumaru and Momoshiro waited anxiously for a reply from their coach.

"Ah...the doctor said that Sakuno is very healthy..." the coach heaved a sigh "and she's free to go home by tomorrow..."

"Really...Osakada-san, did you hear that? Sakuno-san's alright now!!" Oishi slowly walk towards Tomoka and gave her a hankerchief to dry her teary eyes.

"Oishi-senpai..." Tomoka raised her head and stared at Oishi's hankie with two puffy eyes "it's my fault, I shouldn't have bring her out..." she took the hankie, and began to clear her nose with it. Oishi sweatdropped "Osakada-san..."

"Hora...Osakada, as the doc said...she's fine...and is ready to don't blame yourself for that...Sakuno would not be happy you with teary eyes..." Momoshiro remarked "but I still don't understand how could she just passed out like that...beside the doc couldn't detect any symthoms that caused Sakuno to pass out!"

"Ano..." Tomoka whimpered "we were in an antique shop and was sheltering ourselves from heavy snowfalls!! Then we decided to take alook around the store...when Sakuno happened to stare at something else and she began to act weirdly before passing out infront of me..."


While on the bus, both Tomoka and Sakuno discuss about all the schedules for the on-coming events!! "It has to be grand!! As Ryuzaki-sensei had mentioned earlier, she wanted to make this X'mas party a most memorable one!!" Tomoka clasped both her hands and remarked cheerfully "I've even make out some themes for that day's event!!" Tomoka continued. Then from her large bag, she pulled out two drawings and show them to Sakuno.

"" Sakuno shrugged when she looked at one of the drawings. The first illustration was Tomoka's dedication to Ryoma for his birthday. She drew a big tennis-shaped b-day cake that settled infront of an animated Ryoma with large glittering stars in his eyes! Not less, in his hands, he's holding bunches of red roses, another one that was clinging on his mouth.

Nevertheless what attracted Sakuno most was those cute ideas which Tomoka had used to illustrate other regulars and teamates. She had drew Fuji with a brown bear suit, Kaidoh with a human head and snake body and Kikumaru with two cute little cat ears. Oishi with a fish body and flippers on his feets!! Kawamura, wearing his usual chef's uniform, holding a chopping knife and was chasing after Oishi. She almost laughed out when she saw Momoshiro had turned into a burger and Tezuka with a tarzan's pant!! Inui was just standing beside Tezuka with a big data book stood beside him. The trio first year members, Horio, Kachiro and Katsuo, had turtle shells on their back. 'Horio-kun and the other two, look so much like hero in a hard shell...' Sakuno mentally noted.

"Really, then, Sakuno, I'm sure you'll like this one too!!" Tomoka exclaimed as she quickly showed Sakuno her other work.

" so...cute too..." Sakuno sweatdropped, yet she tried her best not to disappoint her bestfriend. For the second drawing, Sakuno could see the same way she had drawn the first Ryoma, wearing a Santa Clause's suit, minus the white beard and big belly of course. He was sitting on a big tennis racket?! The rest of the Seigaku regulars dressed in a reindeer suit (quite impressive), pulling two string on each side that connects to the racket.

As soon as they reached their destination, the snowfall becomes heavier and was blurring their visions, forbidding them to enjoy beautiful X'mas streetlights and melodious Chirstmas Carols performed by associations along the streets. From walking, Tomoka and Sakuno had to dash towards the nearest shelter that they could spot. They stopped infront of an antique shop. There, Sakuno could hear the beautiful melody displayed from an old music box!! Then a light bulb came out from Tomoka's mind. Once again she took Sakuno's hand and both of them walk into the antique shop just to warm their freezing body!! Never had they thought that the weather would suddenly turn bad.

"Irrashai(Welcome)..." an old man approached and greeted them "how may I help you?" he bowed.

The old man, with two white and long mustaches that hanged all the way down to his chest. His round-framed spectacle, the glasses that Sakuno assumed, the lens is definitely thicker than Inui's one. The set of chong sum (traditional chinese costume) had made the elderly man looked more ancient.

"I'm the owner of this shop..." he declared "it really shock me to see young girls like you to come in places as such..." he smiled warmly.

"Ah...actually..." seeing the man's warm smile, Sakuno wanted to tell him the real reasons for being in his shop but somehow Tomoka quickly ran over and interjected her.

"Gomen nasai...we're here to buy Christmas presents!! We'll look around and see if there's anything that we could afford!!" Tomoka lied.

"Oh...please, I'm sure that there would be something that's affordable for both of you to pick" the old man let out a soft chuckle. He then turned away and leave both Sakuno and Tomoka alone.

Upon seeing the old man entering into a dark hallway, both Tomoka and Sakuno began to look around. Both Tomoka and Sakuno's mouth went ajar as soon as they registered the prices. They dare not to touch those displayed items as they noticed that almost every items in the shop, would cost them a bomb.

Just when Tomoka walked ahead of Sakuno and was about to go over to the other section, she heard Sakuno letting out a loud scream.

"Sakuno?! What...what happened? Sakuno..." Tomoka asked anxiously as she quickly rush over and embraced Sakuno's shivering self. Upon hearing Sakuno's horrified screams, the owner immediately came out from where he was. "Ojo-san (missy), what's wrong"

"Tomo...Tomo-chan...the dagger...the bleeds!!" Sakuno stuttered. Tomoka was shocked and she stared at the dagger but then, not even a dirt could Tomoka on the said dagger.

"Who are you?!" Sakuno asked audibly.

Tomoka raised one eyebrow and stared at Sakuno enquiringly "Sakuno?! What are you talking about?! It's me Tomoka" Tomoka replied worriedly "Sakuno?? Don't scared me like this! Hey, Sakuno..."

Sakuno instantly passed out right infront of her.

"Sakuno?! Sakuno?! Wake up!! Sak...Sakuno...someone...anyone...please call an ambulance!!" Tomoko bellowed "Please, please help Sakuno..."

"And that's what had happened earlier..." Tomoka sighed.

"A...bleeding...dagger...?!" all of them bellowed in unison.

" too" Kikumaru stuttered "I'm now feeling's...somewhere around us..."

Both Momoshiro and Tomoka let out a frightening squeak and covered their ears to avoid themselves from hearing Kikumaru's scary assumption.

"Eiji...of course you'll feel're now standing beside an open window..." Fuji chuckled "besides, there's no such things like ghosts or vengeful spirits that would..."

"Fuji!! Don't say things like that, you'll enrage them!!" Eiji quickly covered Fuji's mouth and frenzily scanned their surroundings.

"Ah...ah...Eiji...stop that...Fuji's suffocating..." Oishi quickly pulled Eiji away from Fuji when he saw the tensai's face was turning paler "are you trying to get Fuji to stay overnight here too?!"

"Ah...Fuji...I'm sorry...are you alright...I don't really mean it..." Eiji said apologetically.

"'s alright, I'm fine...!!" Fuji replied him as soon as he recovered from his almost suffocated state "and...Ryuzaki-sensei, is it alright for us to go in and see Sakuno now?"

The others nodded and diverted their gaze to search for an approval from their coach.

"Sorry...everyone...I know that Sakuno will be more than happy to see all of you" she smiled "but she's taking her rest...since the doc had prescribed her with medications eariler..."

" Sakuno's grandmother, I'm so happy to see that she's been getting along quite well with you guys!!" the coach continued sincerely "I also assumed that all of you here are also tired, helping me out with my house, and coming over here with me!!"

"'s nothing, besides, we've been having lots of fun too" Momoshiro declared "and moreover, having to taste Sakuno's homemade cakes and desserts would the best repayment or our hard work!!"

"Yes, especially the baked cheese cake that Sakuno-chan had made for us two days ago..." Fuji said and Oishi couldn't help but nodded with agreement.

"Eh...Fuji, Oishi!!" Eiji bellowed "Sakuno had baked cheese cake?! Mou...why was I not told...I could have turn up on that day...Fuji...stingy" Eiji complained with his trademark accent.

"Eiji, I did call you, but you said you were busy...thus it's only me and Fuji who was helping out on the first day..." Oishi teased "Ah...I still can't get enough of those delicious cheese cake and compliment with a cup of black coffee..." he winked.

"That's right...I would still pefer to have green tea..." Fuji commented

Having tasted Sakuno's baking once, both Momoshiro and Tomoka couldn't help but drooled.

"Suge na...suge...yo...!!" Momoshiro exclaimed dreamily (AN: Suge or Sugoi are translated as amazing. This phrase is base on Momo's trademark accent...owari)

Upon hearing how her apprentices had praised Sakuno, the coach stick a proud smirk on her face "Alright, alright, everyone here, let's get going now..."

"But before going home, We shall stop by at Kawamura's place for dinner and then I'll send all of you back to your respective home!" realizing that all of them had not taking any food since then.

"Yeah...Ryuzaki-sensei...kore wa, saikou no kesshou da (that's an best decision)..." Momoshiro cheered excitingly.


A few hours later, Sakuno regained her conscience as she slowly open her eyes and surveyed her surroundings. It seemed like hours before she drew breath again and her head was spinning with effect of it, images of the earlier incidents kept on projecting in her mind.


They entered an antique shop, then the ower came out and greeted them. They had a short coversation, then the owner excused himself and left them to wandered around his shop.

Sakuno stopped at one of the display shelves. She began to focus on an uniquely designed dagger that was place at the most bottom lever of the cabinet. It had somehow captivated her interest as she bend down and studied the dagger. She noticed that the dagger had no casing with it. Sakuno eyes widen when she witnessed blood stains slowly marked on the clean dagger.

Assuming it as an hallucination that had fooled her, she rubbed her eyes a few times then divert back to the dagger once more. Surprising her more, she the dagger seemed to be bleeding. Seeing this she couldn't help but let out a loud scream. Then she felt two arms embracing her shivering body.

'Young girl, you could see the blood that stained the dagger?' the voice asked.

"Who are you?"

'You can even hear my voice?'

"God...I sincerely thanked you for giving me another opportunity to return to the present life again..."

With a flash of light, a beautiful woman in kimono revealed herself infront of Sakuno. Upon seeing the sudden appearance of the woman, Sakuno's world blacked out.

'Who are you?'

'My name is Takeyamano Kaede'



'Where were you from...what do you do?'

'I was born in Edo year 1848 in Kyoto. At the age of 15, unable to support a members of ten of us, my parents sold me to a very rich merchant as a maid. I was considered lucky at that time, although being abandoned by my own family, my master was a very kind hearted man. He treated all his servants as part of his famiy. After working for the household for almost two years, during one fateful day, I finally met him...'

'Him? Who's he?'

'He our master's eldest son, Masayoshi Rekishita-sama, a military man with courages and righteousness!! Eversince we met saw each other, we knew it was love at first sight...however, considering myself as a maid, I kept all my affections to myself...'

'Kaede-san...why? Why?'

'That's why I ended up like this...It was almost end of spring, when he confessed his feelings to me. I was very happy to hear that and I was also given sometimes to reply him. He gave me a beautifully crafted dagger, one of Rekishita's most treasured possession as his declaration and recognition for my status. the same time, one of my master's friend, an extreme greedy and powerful imperial officer, who had met me during one of his visit...had asked me to become his concubine. However with the help of Masayoshi-sama, my master had turned his request down and because of this, the wicked officer used all kinds of dirty tricks to taint my master's good name. Days after days, after seeing my master's situations turning worst and knowing very well that I'm the cause of it...I accepted the proposal. Upon knowing this, our young master Masayoshi-sama, once again left his hometown and joined the imperial military force and was sent to battlefield.

Few days later after his departure, I began my journey to the other side of the town where the officer lived. It was during my wedding day when one of my close friend told me about the death of Masayoshi-sama. Unable to control my depression, I ran away and returned to the Rekishita's household. It was a dreadful and hectic journey by foot!! When I finally reached the Rekishita's, all I could see is bloodshed and death bodies...and even my master...


'Three days later, after the Rekishita Massacre...I stabbed myself with the dagger which Masayoshi-sama gave me. At that time, there were so many things I had that time when he proposed, I could have accepted it right that time when he wanted to hug me...I could have give in. I cannot rest in peace. There's so many many things, I still wanted to tell him. The repentance of my deeds have caused my soul to hold deep grudges and I eventually turns into a wandering soul or as human said a ghost. And according to the underworld, anyone who had died of committing suicide, their soul shall never be consoled and reincarnated. Then in time, our soul will slowly vanishes into thin air.

'But...but...I saw you, like coming out from a dagger??'

'Yes...actually, I was just like other wandering soul and was suppose to vanish in no time...but then, a flashes of light suddenly appeared before me. I couldn't see his face but he had a very pleasant voice. He's a man with great wisdoms and kindness. He knows everything about me and my past as human. With good deed, he rescued my soul as captured my soul and seal me into the dagger which I had used for ending my life. In this way, my soul would not disappear. My saviour also told me that I'll eventually meet up with Masayoshi-sama...his good deed during past life had earned him a prompt reincarnation...'

'He also said that, by fate, someone who possessed strong spiritual power will eventually unseal my soul from the dagger. Then with their help, I would be able to find Masayoshi-sama...'

'And once that my repentance ended, my soul will be saved...and I shall be granted a real reincarnation as a human again.

'Is it? That was great...Kaede-san...'



'There's a problem. I was given three chances and each chances had only one week for me to stay in human world to meet Masayoshi-sama. Then...meeting you...this would be my last chance...'

'What do you mean, Kaede-san,'ve attempted twice already?'

'Yes...I did...and two failed attempts...I'm such a loser...'

'Oh...don't say've already done your's just that, you happened to have wrong timing...'

''re so kind hearted and you don't seem to be afraid of me, even I did told you that I'm a ghost...'

'You did scared me off...when you suddenly appeared infront of me. Although I might be wobbly and timid sometimes...but perhaps I do believe myself of having some good traits one is perfect and no one's born to be stupid. Moreove, my obaa-chan had once told me that, only good people can see ghosts...haha...'


'Oh, by the do you know my name?'

'Because I'm now inside you, we are sharing one heart, one mind and soul...and you should be aware that you're still unconscious, and so, you're the only person who can hear me...'

'Ah...that's right...I had passed embarrassing...'

'Gomen ne...Sakuno-chan, it's all my fault...'

'Oh no...please don't say that...I was just too chicken at that, please don't blame yourself...'

'Sakuno-chan, arigatou...and so...will you help me to look for Masayoshi-sama...'

'Help? Of course...but...'

'Sakuno-chan, don't I said fate, we were destined to meet each other...thus, the person who possessed not only great spiritual power, but also must have strong connection with Masayoshi-sama. Therefore, I can say that, the reincarnation of Masayoshi-sama is also someone that are very close with Sakuno-chan...besides...I'll never forget him, his scent and his smile...'

'Sugoi (great) seem to have read my mind before my words...'

'Like I said...'

'It's alright...we'll just start the search as soon as possible...'

''re willing to help?'

'Yes, Kaede-san, after hearing your story, I just can't turn you down!! I'll become a bad person, besides, this would be your last chance...and it's so hard for you to meet me...after waited so, lets do it together...'

'Sakuno-chan...thank you...thank you...'

End of Part I - TBC

Part II - Meet Masayoshi!! Sakuno's X'mas Date!!

From Home to home, and heart to heart, from one place to another. The warmth and joy of Christmas, brings us closer to each other.
Emily Matthews


Part: 'So he's the one that you have in mind'

Part: 'Kaede-san, I've always wanted to spend my X'mas with someone I love...'

Part: 'Sakuno-chan, please, you've got ask him out...'

Part: "Please...please be my date...!!"

(AN: Minna-san, happy holidays and Merry X'mas in advance, from me kreuz4eva aka mi-chan!! This is my first attempt on writing short stories!! In this story, there will be three parts!! I've completed Part I. Part II and III will be out soon, so please bear with me!! Lastly I wished all readers a very happy holidays and of coz Merry X'mas and not to forget to mention...please review my cookies for all reviewers...hahaha....!!)