The Mistakes We Make

Disclaimer: I don't own Charmed.

Summary: The new future that Chris had strived to create is now here, except for one thing. The new Chris doesn't know anything about magic. It's all hidden from him, but yet he knows something is going on. When something happens, will the Halliwells regret not letting Chris know about magic?

A/N: Please note that this story has nothing to do with my other one, This Changes Everything. It's completely different. Please forgive me for bad spelling and grammar errors... I hope that you enjoy it!

Chapter 5

First Evil Deed

A few weeks has passed and Chris was pretty happy. He was getting very close to mastering his powers. Fresmer was very pleased at this. "It'll be time for your first mission soon,"he said.

When Fresmer said these words, Chris felt very happy. He was going to use his powers for something good finally! What the mission was though, Chris didn't know.

It was Tuesday, as normal as could be. Chris woke up in the morning, went to school, had soccer practice after, and was going home. Fresmer hadn't spoken to him in two days, but Chris wasn't worried. After all, he had to be under his family's radar if he wanted to help his mentor and friend.

Chris was walking home. He usually had to do this because his family was "busy." Now Chris knew that his family was really doing something with magic.

"Hello Chris,"said a familiar voice as Chris strode past an alleyway.

Chris jumped up, startled. He turned slowly, a hand over his heart. "Geez Fresmer,"he panted,"you startled me!"

Fresmer smiled grimly. "Pardon me,"he replied politely. "Your mission starts now." Without another word, he pulled Chris into the shadows before disappearing.

Chris and Fresmer reappeared in the Underworld. Chris looked around. "So what am I doing?"he asked.

Fresmer looked at Chris and smiled slightly. "You are going to stop somebody who is killing my kind. She's making quite a racket here. Your job is to terminate her."

Chris nodded, not really thinking too much about what Fresmer said. "Okay. So where is she?"

Fresmer smiled at Chris. "That my friend is your job. This is your first major task. You must find her. If you can complete this, then you are doing very well. If not, then we have a lot more training to do. I leave you to your task." Fresmer disappeared.

Chris was stumped. He wasn't sure how he was going to do this. After all, locating a person wasn't one of his powers. This is what Fresmer probably had in mind. Maybe by the end of this test, Chris would have a new power. Or so he hoped.

Chris sat down. He would have to hurry this up, but he first needed to find out how to sense for a person down here.

Sense! That was it!

When Chris was twelve, he overheard his parents talking about something odd. Leo said that he couldn't sense Gloria, whoever that was. He said that he closed his eyes and concentrated on what he knew of her, but she was blocked. Chris never understood what that meant, until now.

Maybe Chris could do that to!

He closed his eyes and thought,"I need to find that person that Fresmer wants me to find. I need to find that person that Fresmer needs me to find. I need to find..."

In his mind, something clicked. He knew where that person was. He then disappeared in a swirl of lights.

"Alright, that demon is down,"muttered a voice.

Chris reappeared in the shadows. There was the women! It worked.

Now how to kill her.

Chris grinned. He knew exactly how to do it. He created a raw ball of elements in his hand, making it grow bigger until he was satisfied. Remembering how he made the ball invisible, he called upon his ability with fire that reacted with other magics. Soon, the ball was invisible, though Chris knew where it was.

When the time was right, he would strike.

What Chris should've felt was a battle of his conscience rage inside of him. He should've felt guilty that he was trying to kill somebody. But all he felt was excitement. It was like his sense of morality was changing...

"I have to vanquish at least two more demons,"the woman muttered to herself,"because-." She stopped and looked around. "Huh. It seems like somebody's here." The woman shrugged. "Oh well. There's nothing."

Chris swore inwardly. She must've heard him breathing. He'd have to be more careful. After all, she could notice that he was there and the whole thing would be blown. Patience was the answer.

The woman walked closer and closer towards Chris. He grinned with anticipation. Fresmer's kind would be avenged, he thought.

Once again, the fact that he would be killing somebody didn't appear to his mind. All he focused on was having the satisfaction of killing. The way he'd be praised by Fresmer as well as being able to help Fresmer in his plan was all that Chris wanted.

"Who are you?"asked the woman, upon seeing Chris.

Chris, who was leaning against the cave wall casually with his arms crossed, shrugged. "Who are you?"he asked.

"I asked you first,"the woman responded. "A boy shouldn't be down in the Underworld alone. Are you a demon?"

Chris shrugged. "What's it to you?" He grinned inwardly. This bad-boy attitude was great. Associating with Fresmer was really doing good for him.

The woman gasped as her face dawned with realization. "Your Chris, Leo and Piper's son, aren't you?"she enquired.

Chris yawned. "Awww,"he groaned sarcastically,"my fun's up!" He waved his arm around casually. The woman probably thought that he was crazy, but Chris knew that he was moving the ball of elements closer and closer to her.

"But you aren't supposed to know about magic!"the woman exclaimed worriedly. "How do you know?"

"A little demon told me,"Chris responded, smiling widely. He loved the look of fear on the woman's face. "And guess what?"he whispered quietly. "I have powers!"

The woman started to step away from him. "Th-that's impossible!"she squeaked, panic evident in her voice.

"Nothing is impossible,"Chris countered. Waving his hand, he made the ball of elements turn uninvisible and sent it at the woman.

Even before the woman was hit, she started to scream. As the ball hit her, she screamed out a name, but it was jumbled up among her other cries of terror. All that was left of her was a scorch mark on the ground.

"I did it!"Chris exclaimed triumphantly, pumping a fist into the air.

"Very good Chris,"Fresmer said, appearing out of nowhere. "You have done well. I couldn't have done it better myself."

Chris grinned happily. "Thanks,"he replied.

Fresmer put a hand on Chris' shoulder. "You should go home,"he told the teenage boy seriously. "Your parents might get a bit worried if you're gone for so long. Remember, you must lie."

Chris nodded. "See ya later then." He disappeared in a shower of orbs.

As Fresmer watched the white magic disappear, he laughed. "This will be great!"

The next day, while Chris was at school, Leo orbed into the Manor. Piper was in the kitchen, making dinner for that night. She would be at P3 for the night to take care of a big party for a major CEO. The party meant everything. If everything went right, she would get a lot more business than she had now, but if it all went wrong, lots of regulars would stop coming.

"Piper!"Leo called softly.

"In the kitchen!"Piper called back.

Leo walked into the kitchen to see Piper pulling some stuffing out of the oven. "Smells good,"he commented brightly as he kissed Piper on the cheek.

"Thank you,"Piper replied, grinning. "So what are you here for?"

"The Elders called me 'Up There' this morning. It seems that one of my fellow Whiteligher's charges, has disappeared. The Elders think she's dead."

Piper gasped. "Do you know how?"she asked.

Leo shook his head. "No,"he replied. "Julia, that's her name, was last in the Underworld. We aren't sure if a demon killed her, or if she was kidnapped."

"So?"Piper said quickly, raising an eyebrow.

Leo shrugged. "They want me to go investigate,"he told Piper. "So, I'll be gone most of the day probably."

Piper sighed. "Looks like this dinner will be for two tonight,"she muttered to herself. "Be careful,"she said to her husband seriously.

Leo walked up to her and gave her a hug. "Don't worry,"he responded,"I will be." With that, he disappeared in a shower of orbs.

The two parents had no idea that it was their youngest son who had committed this evil deed...

A/N: Sorry for the long wait. I'll update quicker next time!