22. I'll Come Back...I Promise

Koga paced back and forth in front of the Higurashi house. Souta's leg has finally healed after what seemed like forever. He had thought of how to get back home while sitting in the hospital with Souta. He tried everything and nothing worked. That's when Koga had come up with something that he thought was rather brilliant. When he had first come, he pathetically promised not to hurt anyone in this time that Kagome trusts. So, if he promises something related to that promise..."I've got it."

"Kagome! I think I know how to get back to my own time!" Koga shouted as he jumped into the house.

"Huh? Really? But everything else you tried was unsuccessful." Kagome said as she practiced flipping pancacks in the black frying pan.

"But if you have got it this time, do you think you can get back?" Souta complained.

"Yes. I will miss your help around the house," Kagome's grandpa announced.

"But we know that your friends back there are very important to you," Mrs. Higurashi said.

"C'mon! C'mon!" Koga said excitedly.

Everyone stepped outside. "Okay. Listen Kagome. If I make a promise related to the promise I made to get to here then I can get back to my time."

Kagome starred at him blankly. "Run that over me again."

"No time! To excited!" Koga ran up to the well house and quickly dissapeared behind the door.

"But what if he can't come back, Sis?" Souta asked, tugging on his elder sister's shirt.

"I don't know."

"Koga wait!" Souta shouted, followed by the rest of his family.

Koga was at the edge of the well. "What?"

"Will you come back?" Souta asked despratley.


"Will you?"

Koga smiled and laughed a little. "Yeah." He kneeled down. "I promise."

"Goddbye Koga," Mrs. Higurashi and Grandpa said at once. "We'll miss you."

"I'll see you on the other side Kagome," Koga grinned.

"Yup. Okay." Kagome smiled back.

"Goodbye Koga," Souta said slowly.

Sighing, Koga assured Souta that he'd come back and jumped into the well. When he hit the bottom, he made his promise. "I promise not to harm anyone that I trust on the other side."

"Oh dear," Mrs. Higurashi said. "You'd better get his normal clothes back to him soon Kagome. He'll look quite strange running around in clothes from this era."


A/N: Please forgive me for not updating in such a long time. And yes...this chapter was very short and crummy. I hate it. The whole story was horrible. EVERYONE was ooc. sigh Oh well. I'll try to do better next time. Sorry again. Till next time!