Okey doky people! This is possibly the last chapter. At least, it's all I have written at the moment! Lol! Anyways. I hope you enjoy it but first there are a few answers to reviews I must attend to and after that there is message I would like EVERYONE to read.

So thanks to….

YukikoLune: Omg! Everyone his using the puppy dog look! That's just not fair! Lol

Katsumi: yeah. Maybe that was a little much.

Mage of the winter: good. Well sorry for leaving you hanging for so long!

Legolasismylife: glad you like it.

Isa: awww! Thanks!

Insomniac-Reader: hehe. Good!

Sylvanius: sorry this wasn't a very quick update. But at least I'm posting.

Beckythorn13: yes cliff hangers are evil but I love to write them!

Clarylissa: you sorta confused me for a moment but I understand now. You understand now? I hope so.

Eunae: I'm ur friend? You think I'm smart? OMG I had no idea you actually liked me! Lol. Jk. Well, I'm going to go buy a hearing aid. You wanna come? Lol!!!

Narm's Briton 44: Don't worry about the argument! I find it quite entertaining to tell you the truth! Lol! And thanks a bunch for all the reviews! But I've already told you all this didn't I? I hope I did because I was planning on it… and yeah…glad you thought it was cute…about the "one night stand" thing I will explain that in the little "message" or at the end or….somewhere. hehe.

Silver-star-0: No! Don't kill me!! I'll update! I'll update!!

Windswept: Glad you like it! Here's the end I guess.

GSCer: Yeppers. I'm evil alright. Hehe. But not so evil that I will never update. And it's so aggravating when they're stupid like that. (which is why I wrote it. hehe)

AnnaWeb: see above reply to review to GSCer. Lol!

Evilloveberry08: Sorry it took so long!

Pheebe: I've got fans?! Whooohooo! Sorry for leaving it there for so long!

Striped-fire: yeah. I think I really need to work on detail when I write so I was trying to practice.

EquestrianBabe: Well if it doesn't get worked out then I suppose Numair can always come live with me. :grins evily:

Jamie lynn: I'm really sorry it took so long. You seem to be extremely impatient so I'm even more sorry to you!

Nerd1933: glad you find it funny. That was what I was going for.

Imshi: yeah. Thanks for noticing. Please see "message" after all the review replys. Thanks for the review.

Aura Raven: Here is More!!!

Roherwen: That soooo beats my story! Hilarious. I've got one now. Or rather two but they all tie in together. So I'm at lunch and my friends are making fun of me for liking Numair as much as I do. Saying stuff like he WAS my boyfriend but dumped me because I'm too ugly or something like that. Then Eunae turns around and says. "yeah, the reason Numair has a reputation is because of Alex," yeah. I'm having sex with a 30 year old man…. At least she apologized for her perverted mind. .) that's not the worst bit. Today in FACS I was talking with my friends again and I'm like, "Yeah, Nuamir comes over to my house all the time," and they're laughing and are like, "What in person? Or in type?" "In person of course! We have lots of fun together!" only, the way the last part was said I accidentally said it so it really insinuated some things. They are never going to let me hear the end of this. They went and told everyone else who wasn't there so now every few moments I hear, "So…you going to have fun with Numair after school?" gahh!! And then (wow this is turning out to be kind of long) Samantha went and said something to my teacher Mr. Cates, who always makes fun of me. (She didn't tell him but it was something like "should I tell Mr. Cates what happened in FACS?") I'm like, "Nonononono!!!" and naturally Cates thinks I was talking about him "again" and he won't let me leave till I tell him what it was and I'm freaking out and Samantha is laughing and my other friend who doesn't like reading anyways has no clue what I'm talking about Is totally clueless. I'm refusing to tell him and it's turning out to be déjà vu because the last time this happened I had told him he couldn't sing and ect ect. Then Donovan who's my other friends cousin (who isn't present at the moment) comes in (I don't even know him really) and is like, "Yeah Mr. Cates she called you a bald old man!" and I'm like,. "liar! Your not even in my class!" and it's going on in on and It's not like I can tell my teacher that I'm "having fun" with a man way more that twice my age. So finally I'm like, "Uh things were said that insinuated that I was having "fun" after school with someone who doesn't really exist and yeah, bye." And I just run out. Wow. Pointless. There you go. Sorry it was so long.

Sriana: Wow. That gave me a really good laugh. And just so you know that wasn't sarcasm. I thought I might have to explain that since judging by what you call "sarcasm" you may not have the higher level thinking the art requires. Can I spell? Can I use proper grammar? Am I ten? Well the last time I checked I was 13 but you know how much trouble some have with getting the differences between those two numbers straight. Maybe I am one of those "type-up-quick-and-post" people. Maybe I take better care for my other stories. I really don't know. But let me explain some things nice and slow for you so you can understand. The underline and italic thing was explained in the first chapter. It differentiates between both of the characters thoughts. Since there were a lot of thoughts and they ran along similar lines I decided that that would be the best format. Lets the reader know right when they start reading what is going on. No, I don't do that for every fic I write. This is the first one I've tried it on Of course I have heard of formatting thoughts the way you portrayed them in your review. I use that all the time. But I believe that everyone but you seemingly knew that this was not a novel but a fanfic like the rest of the stuff on this sight. The fact that you couldn't figure that out is pretty sad. As for the facts. You think that I am not aware that they are far from being right? That I can not comprehend what the author has put down in her books? Again. This was the way I intended it to happen. This obviously doesn't take place. Everyone should have realized that when I said "a new way for them to fall in love" that it didn't go with the books. This is merely a "what if?" You can not tell when it took place because again, it never happened. You also seem to think that I didn't know that they didn't have wrist watches in medieval times. You make me laugh. By this point I was willing to let you go and label you as a good laugh and somewhat annoying but now we get to this part and it labels you as someone I greatly dislike. Yes I do know the meaning of love. Although I'm sure no one actually knows what it is but if there is anything in this world that I can come close to understand is love. And more importantly: Daine and Numair's relationship. There relationship is based on intimacy and things about them (not just appearances) that make each other enjoy the other's company. The fact that if their love was, indeed, a "crush" it would be somewhat sick seeing the age difference. But here you come and tell me that I can not see what is right in front of me. You tell me that the way I see it their relationship is based on lust. But now let us think. Aren't all relationships based on just a touch of lust. People want kisses and the hugs and the sex. Yes, you may kiss because you love someone but it's also the lust that makes you do it again and again and deepen it and go to bed together. I realize that it takes love to do those things too, but lust does play a part in every relationship no matter how little. So I wanted one fic that didn't go the way things were set. You can't force me to change it. So again. I was going to let you go but now you have done something I can not forgive. You have deeply insulted my friends. And Like I don't really care about what you have said to me they don't really care about what you've said to them. But like they were outraged by what you call a "flame" because that was the wrong thing to do. (Not for my benefit of course but to everyone on this sight who work to try and improve their writing style.) I am outraged by your retorts. I found it foolish and a little immature that it means so much to you that you just have to answer again and again. Your point was made so get over it. You also talk about my ego but really I think the one we should be concerned about is you. You seem to be the one who thinks a lot about them self. You talk about how this is for "my benefit" because clearly I am a horrible writer and yet you continuously call your self a "bitch" in your review. You care about what I think of you? Somehow that makes what you're trying to convey to me even funnier. As for my ego well, you're a little late to dent it. I think it's too hard already. So before I let you go I would like you to reflect upon what you have written to me.

Before you try to hurt someone you might want to think about what you say a little more so you don't appear to be somewhat of an idiot.

Watch what you say. Your colorful choice in words is your decision but as it is your decision you have the choice on whether to say them or not. Do you really think swearing makes you come across as someone older? Smarter? More mature?

Consider that who you are trying flame might hold long grudges, and enjoy holding them too. That's the kind of person I am. I love to love but I also love to hate.

Besides me, consider the enemies you've made. All of the people who you have insulted for their love of fluff. Don't tell me you don't appreciate some pointless fluff even if it's only a little. Deep down I think we all do. Although for you it may be really, really deep down.

That's all I have to say. Answer if you want but doing that proves that you do care what happens in this story seeing how you're probably going to end up reading the chapter after you read this. I also am not going to capitalize the chapter names. If you had used CC then I would have but seeing how you didn't I won't change them. If it really bothers you as much as it seems to then you can try again asking nicely. Call me stubborn. Call me a pain in the ass. I really don't care. Oh, and please. If you do answer don't dissect my retort like you have been doing to the others. I know what I've said and you know what I've said and that's all that really matters.

Um: hmm. Well I never know what I'm going to do until after It happens. Maybe she did overreact. Oh well.

Trickster-812: Here's the next chapter!

Wolf-deamon-of-the-north-: Hehe. Calm is hard. Sorry it took so long!

Jennyvre Moss: I love puddles.

Welder of the Elements: oh. I can't resist puppy faces. Here! Here!

Fantasising-Lady-Knight: lol! Here 's the next bit! Yes, Daine is bad!

Heather-marie: yes. Maybe I can convince Numy to stay with me? Do you think I can?

Tortalls Resident Wildchild: Do I look like the kind of person who would fix that kind of thing? Of course not! Just kidding!

Pinky: hehe. "update dammit" seemed to be a popular phrase for a lot of reviews. But I think I will update because of yours. Lol

Valkyrie228: This is possibly the last chapter so I hope your happy with it.

Alexandra: Woah. Weird. I'm answering a review from me for my story in a manner of speaking. That made no sense. I never hear of any other Alexandras besides me. Only Alexanders. Yes! Here's the chappie!

Arie: Rain is good.

Sheyana: AHHH! People are finding out my weakness! Fine! Here! Read!

Fell4adeadguy: hehe. Funny. Don't feel bad. I'm like 5ft 1 or something like that. But I find that if you glare hard enough you can become very intimidating!

Bkwormalws: Reviews are what makes me update! Thanks for yours. Oh and since u reviewed first for the last chapter this one is dedicated to you!

IMPORTANT!!: Attention. This is important. This needs to be explained. The point of this fic is to be ooc. That is the way I planned it so no one review saying this ooc please!! I would also like some of you to realize that this fic is "humor" as well as romance. If you don't find it funny that's ok. But stop telling me that this wouldn't happen. I know already! Yes things are wrong and yes things are pretty weird but this is what I write after hours of thinking of some of the most depressing things I can for other fics. I want it a little crazy. Thank you and enjoy the chapter!

Disclaimer: not mine. never will be but I am trying to get tp to sell me the rights to Numair.

Not my Magelet? But-but I love you!

"But I need you," he whispered. He didn't know if she had heard or not. She turned to run.

Stop her!

I can't.

Do it! NOW!

His hand whipped out and grasped Daine's shoulder.

'Don't go," he pleaded.

"And why not?'

"Because I love you," he whispered. Daine stiffened,

"What?" she was whispering too.

"I love you," This time louder. Daine turned this time. "Why should I believe you?" she asked him. Did he detect a hint of hope in her voice? The mage became more confident

"Daine I have loved you for years now. At first I didn't know what it was and when I began to suspect I though it was nothing. Then I realized you could only lie to you self to a certain extant. Daine, there is nothing in this would I love more than you." He cupped her face with his hands and brushed away a few drops of water that were on her cheeks. He wasn't sure whether they were tears or rain and neither did Daine. But she didn't pull away and that gave him more strength to continue.

'I was just so afraid,"

"Of what?" she asked him.

"I was afraid that you would never love me. And that, if in some way I was lucky enough that you loved me back I was afraid that I would trap you. I'm so old-"

"Not that old," he smiled.

"Well, older than you. And there is my reputation. I didn't want you to have one too. There would be no rest from the stinging tongues of the gossipers."

Gossipers?! That's what he's worried about? Gossipers?! He's so sweet!

Daine couldn't help it. She knew she was crying now as she flung herself into his arms and buried her face in his sopping shirt.

Surprised, the mage stepped back.

"Magelet, what's the matter?" I forgot. She doesn't want me to call her Magelet.

"I'm so sorry, Numair!" she sobbed.

"For-for what?"

"Just earlier. I was confused and just loved you so much and was afraid you didn't and-" he interrupted now,

"You love me?" he asked pushing her away a bit so he could see her face.

"More than you now. You don't know what it was like, watching you with other women, knowing you want nothing else but to be where they are now."

'I think I do," the mage told her, thinking of all the times he had walked in on Perin trying to "make a move"

"Sorry I hit you," she said now, reaching a hand up to brush his cheek, 'I was afraid and upset that you thought of me of just another girl," he turned his head and kissed her fingertips.

"Just another girl? I think not. Is it all right if I call you Magelet still?"

"Only if you say I love you afterwards." She said with a grin. Numair leaned in close, his warm breath tickling her, making her quiver. He pulled her closer and she felt safe and warm..

"Will do, Magelet. I love you," he whispered in her ear. His soft lips tickled her ear lobe then said again,

"Magelet, I love you," one on the other. Then down to her nose.

"Magelet, I love you," Daine's hands trailed up his back, touching him as she had only dreamt of before. She traced a pattern on the back of the mages neck and then placed her hands on his shoulders, gently pushing him up against the trunk of the tree. Numair pulled her with him and they were pressed so close together it didn't seem possible to get closer. They got closer.

Daine was finally threading her fingers through his hair.

Numair couldn't help it. He released a groan. Daine stopped.

"Don't stop,' he pleaded.

'I stopped because you stopped," she pointed out.

"Oh, he hadn't realized he had. They pulled away and stood there awkwardly.

Daine meandered over to another puddle and examined her reflection. Numair joined her. He kicked a pebble in causing ripples to distort the faces in the water. The wildmage wrinkled her nose, then out of no where, leaped into the water. She giggled.

'Why'd you do that?" Nuamir asked as her stepped back to avoid the splash.

"Because I felt like it," Daine answered, 'Come on. Join me." he shook his head.

"It's fun,' she coaxed. She tried a new tactic.

'If you do, I'll give you a kiss." She gave a small scream as the mage splashed a wave of water over her.

'Where's my kiss?' he asked. She stood on tip toe and pecked him on the cheek.

'That's it?'

That was sort of disappointing.

"What do you mean, 'that's it?'' she asked, eyes narrowing. Numair didn't take the hint and kept on talking.

"Well, when you told me you'd give me a kiss for jumping in a puddle and I did, well, let's just say I was sort of expecting a little more. What I got was a bit disappointing."

'As in unsatisfactory?"

Oh damn. Went to far.

"Well…no, but…" he trailed off.

"As in I'm not good enough for you?'

"Of course not. You're good enough for me!"

"Why you conceited mage!"

I'm really messing this up.

Uh huh.

This was a short-lived relationship.

Dolt. Can't you see she's joking? Daine was, in fact, joking. When Numair realized this he gave a sigh of relief. Daine giggled a bit.

"Can I have another kiss/" he pleaded. Daine rolled her eyes.

"I don't know,' she answered reluctantly, "Do you really deserve it?" the mage nodded vigorously and she had to stifle another snicker with a yawn.

"That puddle jump was pretty lame," Numair's head stopped moving.

'Lame?" he indignantly exclaimed.

"Uh huh,"

"But, you screamed."

"That was my reaction to the…vulgarity of it."

"I taught you that word. Do I get something for that?"

"You get the satisfaction of me using it in a sentence."

Numair muttered under his breath.

"I want another chance," he told her.

"Splash around some more then," Numair jumped up and down a few times.

'How's that?'


"My goodness! You are very hard to please."

"Only when it comes to important things,'

'You find puddle jumping important?"

"Doesn't everyone?"

Of course. We're just the only ones who find it important enough to go out and do it.

The mage sighed and sloshed around as he got down on his knees.

"Oh mighty Daine!" he cried, 'Ruler of all puddle jumping! What must I do to become worthy of more desired attention from your perfect lips?" the solemnity of his request was ruined when Numair snorted with laughter and Daine blushed profusely.

"Hmm. Perhaps you could jump in a bunch of puddles. That way, even though your skills are less than perfect, you can earn more of what you call 'desired attention from my perfect lips.'"

"Much desired attention from your perfect lips. You forgot the much." He corrected.

'The point is," Daine continued trying to ignore the comment, "You jump in a bunch of puddles, I give you a bunch of kisses. How does that sound?" Numair jumped to his feet.

"Wonderful!" he exclaimed, "Only, I'm not going to jump alone!" he seized her hand and pulled her off, splashing through every puddle they came across.

Giggling and laughing like a pair of five year olds, the newly made couple had the time of their lives getting even more drenched then they had before.

Finally they fell to the ground, gasping for breath.

"That was fun," admitted Numair.

'Funfunfunfunfun!" Daine squeaked, imitating the darkings.

"so, do I get a bunch of little kisses or a few really long ones?' he asked her.

"Your choice I suppose." Numair didn't answer. He was to busy catching rain drops on his tongue.

'I love the taste of rain. You should try this," Daine too tilted her head back then looked the mage. She leaned in close and hesitantly licked one off his cheek making him shiver.

"Taste better on you,' she whispered. He turned to her and the emotion in his eyes frightened her a bit. So deep and…and…but before she could decide what, he was closer still and she was lost in his eyes.

His tongue traced her lips gently and as she gasped he captured them with his own.

'You're right." He said moments later, heatedly, "They do taste better on you."

Daine shivered some more,

"Can we go inside now?" Numair saw that her lips were blue and felt a bit guilty for not noticing before. He drew her into his arms trying to warm her up.

"Of course, Magelet," they entered the castle, hands tightly clasped.

"That was the most fun I think I've ever had."

"You took the words right out of my mouth," They slowly strolled down the halls, both shivering uncontrollably. Daine froze and cocked an ear.

'What is it?"

"Someone's coming," Numair listened and he too heard footsteps. He shrugged.

"Numair, secret or public?" Daine asked suddenly.


"Our relationship. Secret or public?"


"Then find a place to hide!"


'Why? Because what will people think when they find us both sopping wet and together alone? Holding hands!"

'Oh. Good point." Numair's eyes roved about, searching for a hiding place. He dragged the wildmage.

My wildmage.

Over to an alcove with a large potted plant and ducked behind it.

They sat hunched up together trying to suppress chuckles. Numair wasn't helping the situation since he kept tickling her with sudden kisses.

Getting fed up she pushed the mage to the ground and began to tickle him back. He chuckled uncontrollably and covered his mouth with a hand to stifle the sound.

"Is it true? Is the Great Numair Salmalin ticklish?" Numair's eyes grew wide and he shook his head. Daine poked him a few times experimentally and giggled when he squirmed.

"I think so," the mage groaned and began to bang his head on the ground.

'I think I will have to explore this new development later," she told him evilly as she heard the footsteps get nearer. She groaned as well when she spotted a trail of mud and water leading to behind a potted plant where two mages huddled.

A blind man could follow that.

When she pointed it out to Nuamir he said,

"Maybe we'll get lucky,"


They grew closer together (just because they could) neither having any idea what they would say if they were discovered. Daine's mind whirled as she tried to figure out what had happened today. She and Nuamir had gone from teacher and student to something much more. She could hardly fathom it.



"How did it happen? Us I mean." Numair was silent for a moment.

"I suppose," he whispered back, "It was all because of a walk in the rain." His breath tickled her ear as he began to speak softly once more.



"What is your opinion on tping?"

There. Okay. Should I continue? I've got a few ideas for future adventures. Tell me what you want. oh and as for the overreacting daine at the beginning of this chapter and the end of last one. That was probably a bit extreme. What I meant to convey was that she had been waiting and hoping and wishing for nothing more than for Numair to love her and then he kissed her and got her hopes up but then HE thought it was the wrong thing to do and left and Daine was so afraid that he didn't like her and really her largest fear besides not ever getting his love would be for him to try and seduce her for his own enjoyment. She does know that he would never do that but she was nervous and scared and a little emotional at that point in time. There. Does that make sense? I hope it does.

Read and Review!
