TaraYuki-Uesugi here! Chapter 11 ya'll. One more to go. :sad face: Yeah this is the chapter everyone has been up my ass about! lol j/k I hope u like:gives nervous look:

Random Thought: Atlanta GA, HERE I COME! lol ...random thoughts...Complete.

Disclaimer: Do we have to go thru this again? I mean we're on the 11th chapter...

And now...On wih the show...










Keisuike pulled out of his and Keiichi's kiss and looked at the man with utter disgust.Silence.Neither said a word. "Keisuke, I ..." Keisuke didn't get to hear the end of Keiichi's sentence because he took off running. He ran and ran and ran.Tears streaming down his face. ' What the hell is wrong with him? How could he do this to me !' He bumped into several people as he ran but he didn't care. He needed to run, to get away...far away.

After what seemed like forever of running, he stopped. He rested his palms on his knees as he struggled to catch his breath. Once his chest moved in a normal rythm, he stood up and looked around.The park." This is where we first met" Keisuke turned around to see Keiichi smiling at him. Apparently he followed. "What do you want? Get away from me you pervert!" Keiichi looked at Keisuke completely hurt. Keisuke felt his heart break under his gaze "Why do you think I'm going to hurt you?" he asked taking a step toward Keisuke."Why?" Keisuke couldn't move. His feet were rooted to the spot. He knew Keiichi would never hurt him, but he was afraid.Not of Keiichi, but of himself. Of what he might do if...

Keisuke hadn't noticed that Keiichi was right in front of him. Keiichi cupped his face in his hands and gazed deeply into his eyes, causing Keisuke to blush a deep red."I never thought I'd say this, but I love you. I do. That's why I havn't been home alot lately. I couldn't tell you how I feel. I know how you feel about your parents and I didn't want to lose you. I couldn't take it anymore. Tonight I went out drinking trying to clear my mind but all I could think about was you.I dont want to lose you"

"You're just saying this because you're drunk" Keisuke said barely above a whisper. Keiichi shook his head . "It's true, I am totally wasted." he chuckled " But if I wasnt, I wouldn't be able to tell you how I really feel " Tears began to leak from Keisuke's eye. " No. You're lying. Stop talking this...this stupidness!" "Why is it stupidness? Is it stupid that I've fallen madly in love with you?" Keisuke shook his head furiously. He didn't know why but he felt he had to. "Keisuke look at me. Look at me !" Keisuke stoped moving and looked into Keiichi's eyes.

"I love you and I...I know you feel something for me too. I can see it in your eyes" Keisuke began to cry harder, once again shaking his head. " Shhh. Look at me. Why are you so afraid? Please tell me?" Keiichi's eyes filled with tears .Keisuke didn't know what to say. They were silent for a few moments " I love you " Keiichi said again and crushed their lips together. Keisuke was shocked but not nearly as shocked as he had been before. At first he closed his eyes and leaned into the kiss, then he came to his senses.'NO!' He tried to pull away but Keiichi held him tight not wanting to break the kiss. Keisuke began to cry harder again " No, please, stop" he said in between the forced kisses. But Keiichi would not break away.

Soon Keisuke felt Keiichi pulled back and opened his eyes.

"Daddy, NO! "

Shuichi stoped . His fist mere centemeters from Keiichi's face. "Daddy" he muttered to himself and lowered his fist. He hadn't heard Keisuke call him daddy in nearly two years. Keiichi's eyes were wide with fright. This isn't how he wanted to meet Keisuke's parents. He noticed the look on Shuichi's face and saw the anger in his eyes. He bowed "I'm so sorry Shindou-san" Shuichi just glared. Kei turned to Keisuke and bowed to him also " I'm sorry " . Keiichi took one last look at Keisuke, turned on his heel and walked away. Keisuke watched Keiichi's retreating form until he could see it no more, then he broke down crying. He fell to his knees and sobbed not understanding why he wanted Keiichi to stay after what he had just done.

Shuichi looked at his son and smiled. He walked over to him, picked him up and carried him to the bench. Keisuke layed down on his fathers lap and wept. After about fifteen minutes of crying, Keisuke began to calm down but he didn't feel like saying anything. He hadn't seen his family in nearly two months. So Shuichi spoke instead.

"Everyone misses you.Everyone's changed since you've left but not for the better I might add. Except that maybe now Kaoru does his homework, but he doesnt play any of his instruments. He's been completely lost ever since he woke up in the hospital and you weren't there. He gets into alot of fights at school now too. He seems to be taking out his anger on all the kids that picked on you. Meiko hasn't been herself lately also. She barely speaks and she too has fights at school all the time. I can't tell you how many times Yuki have been to their schools to speak with the principals. They havent been for three weeks because they were suspended. Your father was so mad. There's a new hole in the wall" Shuichi chuckled."And your father..." Shuichi sighed "He hasn't met a deadline since you've left.He doesnt show it but he misses you so much. I have to force all of them to eat otherwise they'll lock themselves up in their rooms and never leave" Shu sighed again and silence fell between them once more.He stroked Keisuke's hair absent mindedly.

Shuichi gave a weak chuckle. "Seems like getting attacked by men runs in the family, huh? " he gave a grave smile and looked as though memories were rushing back to him. Keisuke caught a glimpse of his daddy and noticed the sad look on his face. He knew about Yuki's past but he didn't understand why Shuichi had such a grim look on his face as though something like that had happened to him too. He made a mental note to ask him later as his thoughts were interupted. " I'm guessing that's the person you've been staying with all this time." Keisuke nodded "Hmmm" Keisuke looked up at his father but decided not to say anything. Shuichi smirked. Silence fell between them.

"Daddy" Keisuke broke the silence.


"Where do we come from? How were we borm and why do we look like you and dad? I mean, me and Kaoru are twins but I look like you and Kaoru looks like dad."

Shuichi heaved a heavy and began to explain.

"Your dad and I decided to get married two years after we began dating. We went to america to get married. It was great! The whole family and everyone from N-G came. We were all in New York for about a week celebrating. After that Yuki and I took a month off from work for our honeymoon. We went to many different places. We'd been there before of course on our tours, but never as tourists. We went to Hawaii and Scotland and China. It was amazing! I don't think I've seen Yuki so happy before then. We really enjoyed ourselves"

" After the honeymoon we came back to Japan and fell back into our usual lives. I would work until the wee hours of the morning at the studio and Yuki would lock himself in his study for hours on end and write, The only difference from before is that we had two wedding ands and a piece of paper showing we were married. other than that, everything was the same as before the wedding.

"Around that time Yuki's publishing company began to print his books in different languages and Bad Luck began to get more popular in other countries. Three months after we came home, Yuki had to leave for a four month book tour in five other countries.
I was completely lost once he left. I've never been away from him for so long. He would call everyday but it just wasn't the same. The house was huge and lonely. I was lost by my myself

"After the tour ended,Yuki came home. I was so happy, but during the four months he had been gone, Bad Luck had released our third album. The day after Yuki arrived K told us we would be starting our american tour in two weeks. I thought I would die. Yuki had just come home and now I had to leave. Our marriage didn't suffer because we did try to see each other as often as possible. But at the same time, it didn't blossom either. This wasn't my idea of marriage. I wanted us to be together, to be close, to be a family.

"One day while Yuki toured america and I was home, I wondered if we should have children. I always wanted kids. Kids to me meant family and family was what I wanted. I began looking at different adoption agencies. I did alot of research. I wanted to show Yuki when he returned that I was serious. When he finally came back I was nervous. I knew I had to tell him that night because the next day Bad Luck would be leaving for a two week tour of Japan.

"I told him that night over dinner at our favorite restaurant. He nearly choked and had a heart attack at the same time" Shuichi chuckled "He flat out told me no.He said he didn't need another child around the house." Shu and Keisuke smiled."But I knew that would be his reaction, so I pulled out all my papers from my research. He looked shocked and said that he didn't think my little brain knew how to do research"

"That's mean"

"That was how your dad used to be.Having you guys changed him quite a bit. Now the only one he's that mean to is Tatsuha" Shu and Keisuke laughed.

"Anyway, he realized how serious I was and told me he'd give me an answer when I came off tour.After the tour ended, I was excited to come home to hear Yuki's answer. He told me he thought it over alot and realized that having a kid around the house wouldn't be such a bad idea.I think he wanted a family too although he'd ever admit it. He said he wanted a child but only if it were his own. He wanted a surrogate mother.I said ok and asked if he wanted to use one of his ex-girlfriends. He said hell no. They were all tramps that are mostly likely on something."Shuichi laughed.

"Dad had girlfriends?" Keisuke asked shocked.

"Oh Yeah" Shuichi said " Alot of them. Before you were born and before he dated me, he was known as the "playboy" Shuichi laughed. "Every week there would be a new article in the paper on Eiri Yuki's new girlfriend. I think they affectionately called it "Eiri Yuki's girlfriend of the Week" Shuichi laughed again. " We've never considered ourselves"gay" per se. We like females. It just so happens that we fell in love with someone of the same sex. Being gay or straight had nothing to do with it. Love knows no gender."

Keisuke sat up slightly looking stunned at his father. ' They...liked girls?'

"Well anyway" Shuichi continued. Keisuke layed back down on his fathers lap. " Since Yuki's girlfriends were out of the question, we decided to look into surrogate mothers. We looked for a long time. A good four months atleast. We wanted a good woman to mother our child. It was around this time Bad Luck began to tour the states again. We were in New York and I was in the hotel getting ready for Leno. I had the channel on the news to see the weather, when a report of a new study came on.

The report was about a doctor that had found a way for male gay couples to have children with both their genes. They called it "DNA Swapping". When I saw this I freaked out. I was extactic! Now Yuki and I could have children together! That was the best thing in the world! I immediately called your father and told him. He tried to play it cool but I could tell he was just as excited as I was. He told me to schedule an appointment with this doctor. Since the next day we were going home for break, I told the others I wanted to stay in New York for awhile. Yuki would be flying in in two days. We kept this a secret from everyone. We didn't want anyone to know until either (a) we found the right woman to mother our child or (b) really see if Dr. Miller was true to his word"

"Hiro and the others flew back to Japan and two days later, Yuki flew into New York. I remember too, his flight arrived at ten that morning and our appointment was at 2:30 that afternoon.

"We met with Dr. Miller and he explained everything to us. Everything he said sounded like music to our ears.

"He said that the only problem with men not being able to have children, other than the fact that men don't have the proper equipment, was that we didn't have eggs. He said with DNA swapping a man would technically have eggs by switching the DNA within the egg with the DNA of a man. Thus technically letting a man have eggs. He explained that he would take the DNA of either me or your father and place it in an egg with a solution that causes the molecules to switch. The DNA would 'swap' technically making the egg ours. Once the DNA has switched, they would fertilize the egg with the sperm and replace it in the woman. He said it worked for atleast fifty test couples and they were all successful with no deaths. Yuki and I were so happy we didn't know what to say.

"Of course it was all too good to be true. He told us it only worked if we used a female related to us. He said it was easier for the DNA to change it's code if the woman were related to the person. Yuki and I looked at him like he had three heads. Someone related to us? Yeahright. We left the office quite deflated. The next day we headed back to Japan very quiet, sad and lost in thought. When we got home we brainstormed over dinner.


"Yuki, who're we gonna ask?"

"I don't know. Eat your food. It's getting cold"

"Ok. Hmm. How about my mom?"

"Haha.Idiot. How old is your mom?"

"I dunno. Fifty-seven or something"

"Ha. I highly doubt she'll be able to have children"

"I'm getting a soda from the fridge.Want something?"


"What about your mom?"

"Baka. My mom is dead, remember?"

"Hahaha. Oh yeah. I forgot"


"Here's your beer.What about Mika?"

They both stared at each other...then burst out laughing.

"Hahaha. My sister? Yeah right"

"Yeah. Haha. Mika wouldn't want to mess up her beautiful figure. I'll be surprised if she ever has children"


"Wait a minute! What about my sister!"


"My sister. Maiko. She would do it. I know she would. Well, I think she would."

"You really think so?"

"Yeah! Imma call her now!"

End of Flashback

"So I called Maiko and we discussed it the next day over lunch. We were so happy that she agreed, we didnt even have to pursuade her. She automatically agreed. Two weeks after she agreed to go through with the proceedure, we told everyone. They were all so excited for us. They knew how much I wanted children.Two weeks after that we were back in New York in Dr. Miller's office. He took our blood and eggs from Maiko. He said it would take about three months to see if the eggs would complete the switch. So back to Japan we went.

"After three and a half months we recieved the call saying that half of the eggs completed the switch successfully and were now ready for fertilization and implantation. Yuki and Maiko went back for the fertalization, he had to give sperm and Maiko had to go through more tests. They were there for about a week and a half. I couldn't go with them because we had a small tour. Once the tests were done and the egss were splitting, they implanted it in Maiko and she came back to Japan pregnant.

Dr.Miller assigned us to a doctor he knew in Japan so we didn't have to travel back and forth to New York all the time. Then after four months we found out we were having twins.


"Well, it looks like you're having twins"


"Really! Oh my Gods, Yuki we're having twins!"

"Wow! Congratulations guys!"

"Well we wouldn't be having anything if it werent for you"

"I want you to check again"

"Ok, Eiri-san. See.Right there. There's one heart beat and there's the other"


"Look nii-san. How cool is that?"

"Hnnn.Great. Now I'll have three brats running around the house"


"Wow, I've got my work cut out for me. Pushing out twins? Oh boy"

"Thanks again baby-sis"

"Anything for you Onii-chan"


End of Flashback

"Five months later you guys were born. Yuki and I were both in the delivery room. Twenty-two hours of labor. I think I cried more than Maiko. I couldn't stand seeing her in so much pain even though she kept reassuring me that everything was fine.Yuki played it cool, but I could tell by the look on his face that he felt like shitting himself.

"Once you guys were bron, the doctors handed you to us. That had to be the happiest day in my life.I cried so hard. Even Yuki had a smile on his face.You guys were the most beautiful babies we'd ever seen. Yuki didn't say it of course but I knew he thought so too because he stood outside the nursery for hours at a time just staring at the both of you. A couple of times I had to tell the nurses that he wasnt a stalker or a baby-theif, but a father in awe of his twin boys. When he would look at you, he would get this look in his eys. A look of contentment, love. A soft look I've never seen him with before. When I saw that I knew we had made the right choice.

"Once we were able to take you guys home, everything fell into place. Yuki decided to take a year off and so did I. Our priorities changed. Everything circled around our boys. We would wake up in the morning and actually have breakfast together, take you guys for walks in the park. We were finally a family.

"Once you were a year old Yuki and I went back to work. I told him to hire a nanny to help watch you guys since he would be home alone with you. I knew he really needed to get his work done. But he flat out refused." Shuichi chuckled. "He said ' I don't need some smelly old woman to help me with my kids. I can do it myself " Keisuke laughed. "And he did. He took care of both of you all by himself and he managed to write. When I would get home he would immediately crash. To help him out I would occasionally take you to work with me. But it's hard to take two one year old babies to work with you. Tohma would usually keep you with him while I worked. We had a room at N-G especially made for you guys. It had two cribs, and a changing table and there were toys everywhere. It was a gift from Tohma. He didn't want Eiri to burn himself out watching you guys and working. I'd lay down as many tracks as I could in four hours, then I'd take care of you at N-G for a couple of hours to give Yuki a break before I went home.

"Soon Bad Luck's new album was released and we had to go on tour. It was a short three and a half week tour but being away from you two and Yuki, made it feel like forever. I'd cry everynight because I missed you guys so much. When I got back home I told Yuki there's no way in hell I'm staying away from you guys anymore. I told him I'd quit singing. " Shuichi smiled." He said I was an idiot and that I wouldn't quit singing. So we compromised. When I would go on tour the three of you would come with me and vice versa.

"It was perfect. I was about to start a six month tour and we arranged for you guys to come too. We had a bus designed for the tour that had cribs and stuff. It became the "Baby Bus" while Hiro and Fujisaki shared the old bus. Eiri would do his work on his laptop and then once we were in a town, he'd fax it to his editor.

"When Eiri would go on tour, we'd go with him. Touring with him was much easier. He'd stay at a location for 1-2 months at a time. So while he went to interviews and stuff, I'd watch you guys in the hotel. After about a year and a half of touring this way, we decided to take a break. You guys were terrible 2's and were just driving us up the wall. Well, actually, it was Kaoru that was driving us up the wall. The boy had more energy than a freight train. Though you werent an angel either." Shu smiled at his son.

"Once we were home we took another year long break. While we were home I realized ' Wow, there are four guys living under one roof. That's alot of testosterone' " Shuichi chuckled" During this time I really wanted a little girl. I told Yuki and surprisingly, he agreed. We asked Maiko if she would mind being pregnant again for nine months and she said of course not. Luckily we didn't have to go through all the testing and stuff again. Dr.Miller froze the rest of the eggs we didn't use . This time I accompanied Maiko to New York and once again we returned to Japan pregnant

"The March after your third birthday, Maiko went into labor for the second time.This time everything didn't go as smoothly as before.

"One minute everything was going fine. Maiko had been pushing Meiko out and we were almost there. Then the next, Maiko had passed out and there was blood everywhere. The doctors started to scream that she's bleeding and her heart rate was dropping and they had to get the baby out fast. I freaked out. I didn't want to lose the baby and my little sister. The nurses kicked us out and told us to wait outside the delivery room. I kept asking if they were ok, but she wouldn't answer me.I lost it completely once we were outside the room. I thought I had lost my sister all because I wanted to have a little girl. I felt it was all my fault.

"After ten minutes, the doctor told us that everything was fine and Maiko needed a small blood transfusion but would wake soon. He said the baby was a perfectly healthy little girl. I was so happy. I think I cried even harder after that.

"We went to go see the baby and we were floored. She was beautiful. Even though she had just been born, she had a head full of golden blonde hair and huge violet eyes. She was gorgeous. When Yuki saw her he actually cried. I was shocked. I think he really wanted a little girl just as much if not more than I did.

"Yuki and I spoke it over and we decided to name the baby Maiko; in honor of my sister risking her life to bore her. Maiko wouldn't let us. She said she wanted the baby to have her own identity. So we decided to name her Meiko. We just changed one letter. And now we're a family . I'm so glad you guys were born. You make our world complete."

They sat in silence once more. Shuichi still stroking Keisuke's hair gently.

"So, Aunt Maiko isn't our mother?" Keisuke asked breaking the silence.

"Sorry, but no" Shuichi chuckled. "She just had you for us since neither your father or I have the proper equipment" Shu laughed. "Nope. You, Kaoru and Meiko are one hundred percent me and your father's"

Silence fell

Keisuke's thoughts wandered' So we don't have a mother. Thats sucks.' Although he thought it sucked, he found that he wasn't really all that upset about it. Now that he knew the truth, he relly didn't mind.

"Why didn't you tell us before? Does Kaoru and Meiko know?"

Shuichi nodded "We told them once Kaoru came out of his coma."

"So why didn't you tell us before?" Keisuke repeated.

Shuichi sighed "We were scared"


Shu nodded. "We thought you wouldnt want to be with us. That you'd leave us, or call us crazy for having you the way we did. I guess it backfired, huh?" Shuichi gave a weak smile "We knew it would be hard for you guys growing up. We knew the media would go crazy and follow us everywhere. But you have to believe us when we say, we never thought it would get this out of control.

"Your father and I have done eveything we can to give the three of you as close to a normal life as possible. We knew people would treat you differently. Especially Kaoru since he looks just like Yuki. We even considered raising you in America where a family like ours is a little more common, but we couldn't leave. Our jobs are here. Eiri can continue to write anywhere, but I'm not a solo artist. It would have been unfair to ask Hiro and Fujisaki to move just because I did.

"So in Japan we stayed and tried a different tactic. We wanted to show you guys as much love as possible. We wanted to work from the inside out. We figured that if we showed you unconditional love, show you that we are just like any other family, you could handle anything anyone threw at you. I guess that's why we always have company over. The family wanted to make sure you were loved unconditionally also. But I guess that backfired too." Shuichi gave another weak smile.


"No, it didn't backfire. I know you and dad love us. I just let outside influences blur my vision. Meiko and Kaoru never listened to what anyone said. They are much stronger than I am" Keisuke's eyes began to fill with tears. " I let other peoples prejudices cloud my reality. I never meant to hurt you or dad. I never meant anything I said. I'm so sorry" He sobbed into Shuichis leg. Shuichi smiled " I know" he reassured. Keisuke rambled on. "I understand now. I get why you and dad love each other now. I love you both so much. I never EVER wanted to hurt you. I was afraid to come home because I thought you would be angry with me but I missed you guys so much. Keiichi was nice and he took care of me really well but I just wanted to come home." He sobbed harder.

After about ten minutes of crying Keisuke had calmed down. Shuichi decided to take this opprotunity to speak. " Keiichi, huh?" Keisuke nodded. Shuichi smiled. "He's not a bad person really daddy" "I know. I could tell. I think just seeing what he was doing brought back memories and I got angry." "Yeah, what was that about? What memories?" Shuichi sighed. "When I was first signed to N-G, there was a rival band by the name of Ask. The lead singer Taki Aizawa, i'll never forget his name, he hated me because he was jealous of my singing abilities. So one night he had me gang raped" Keisuke sat up in a flash and looked at his dad. "What! You were raped?" Shuichi nodded. "I knew about dad, but you too?" Shuichi nodded again. Keisuke rested his head back on his dad's lap "Wow" he said softly.


"Keiichi isn't like that" for some reason Keisuke felt compelled to say this.

"I know, hun"



" I think...I think I love him"

"I know"

End of Chapter 11

Ok is everyone happy now! The truth has set me free! LMAO So the kids are like ...products of an experiment? I have no idea lol I do hope that you guys aren't too confused about how they were born. I explained it as best I could. I know I understand it but i also wrote it so...lol. yeah. Just incase you are kinda confused, there's a solution that can switch the DNA of a male with that of a Female. By fertilizing the DNA switched egg, two males can have a baby! Does that make any sense? lol I have no idea. I didnt pay attention much in High Skool.lol But it works for me! And I wrote this chapter first and then based the whole fic on it. So this chapter has been typed and ready to go since december lol

Now i know what you're thinking. Why didnt they just let Maiko have the baby? I mean she and Shu are siblings, right? Right you are, but I wanted the babies to be Yuki's and Shu's. ALL THEIRS! And altho Maiko and Shuichi look alike, Maiko has blonde (or brown. cant tell from the manga) hair and Shu's is pink. (yes I know in the mange it's black but it's cute as pink. Like it's natural) and thats something that i wanted the kids to have. I wanted them to look like Shu NOT Maiko. Ya got me? GOOD!

I do hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know it was much anticipated and I hope I didn't disappoint...too much lol (seriously) I tried not to hype it up so it wouldnt be a big let down if it sucked. (ya know like when they hype up a movie so much and then you go and see it and you have these high expectations that werent met) So yeah Tell me whatcha think.

To everyone that's reviewed thru all these chapters I Love YOU! Ya'll are the best! I wish I could like write you out individually but that would be alot. Maybe later.lol Ok so movin on...

Next Chapter: The Final CHAPTER! Keisuke comes home, Yuki has read Keisuke's book, how will he react? Kaoru has a surprise(My gods I love him lol) , and of course...Where do Keisuke and Keiichi stand now that they've both admitted their feelings?

Stay tuned my little pig dropings (Yes, I've watched Annie way too many times lol)

Until next time...
