This is the last chapter in this fic. It has been great guys and I love you all. This will, however, be followed by a Sequel entitled Against All Odds. The first chapter should be up later tonight. I love you guys and thanks for the reviews! Don't forget to R & R Against All Odds!

Peace, Love, and JellyBeans


Chapter 10

I locked the door and put my arms around his neck kissing him. He walked me slowly backwards towards the bed. He pushed me gently down onto the bed and laid down next to me. I continued kissing him. He pulled away and began kissing my neck. I giggled slightly and ran my fingers through his hair.

"Oh Dally.." I moaned quietly. He stood up and pulled off his shirt. I sat up and took hold of his belt buckle and undid it. Then he pulled them off, followed by his boxers. He finished undressing me and he hovered over me, passion filling his eyes.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" he asked me.

"More than anything." I muttered. No sooner than I had said these words, our bodies became one. It hurt, but he was gentle. I couldn't think of anyone I would rather be with at that moment than him. I bit back a yell as ecstasy ran through my body. A few moments later he did the same.

He collapsed on the bed next to me. Both of us short of breath and panting. I smiled up as his glowing face and kissed his lips gently. I didn't want to be anywhere, but in his arms at that moment in time.

"I love you." I said looking at him.

"Ditto." He replied. Despite everything we had just shared, he was still good old Dally.

"Ditto? What does that mean?" I asked, teasing.

"It means the same or.." he started before laughing. "It means I love you to." he said kissing me. I curled up close to him. It was now 3:30 in the morning and I was tired. He wrapped both arms around me as his naked body pressed against mine. I fell into a peaceful sleep in the man I love arms.

The next morning I woke up to talking outside my door. I recognized the voice. It was Two-Bit. He was telling Darry that the door was locked. He had a key and me and dally weren't dressed. I poked him in the side and covered his mouth when he started to yell.

"Darry is at the door." I whispered. He took the hint and climbed out of the bed quietly and climbed into the closet, taking any trace of him with him. I quickly threw on some Pjs and opened the door.

"Morning." I said sleepily.

"Why was your door locked?" Darry asked.

"It was locked to keep people like him, " I said poking two-bit in the chest. "Out of my room."

"Okay." Darry said laughing. I went into the bathroom and took a quick shower. I tipoed back to my room and let Dally out of the closet and snuck him into the bathroom to shower as well. Of course Soda came to the door asking questions.

"Kelly? Are you done yet?" he yelled.

"Im taking a shower." I yelled back. I heard him laugh and walk away. Dally climbed out of the shower and after checking to see if anyone was in the hall I snuck him back into my room where he changed back into his close.

"Go through my window and in the front door. They'll never suspect anything." I told him. He kissed me gently.

"I love you." He muttered before climbing out the window. I heard him walk in the door as I walked into the living room.

"Morning baby." Dally said kissing me on the lips, a mischievous grin on his face.

"Morning yourself. " I smiled kissing him back. Darry groaned.

"Get a room will ya ?" he joked.

"We already did." Dally muttered under his breath so only I could hear. I burst out laughing and then got some strange looks from some gang members.

"So you ladies ready for tonight?" Dally asked pulling me onto his lap as he sat down.

"Yea. Were gonna kick some ass!" Soda yelled as Darry slapped him on the shoulder.

"Watch your mouth." He said walking past him. Soda laughed as he lounged out on the couch in jeans and nothing but.

"I think you have to wear a shirt to work, but hey I could be wrong." I teased him.

"Yea. Ha ha. I wouldn't wear clothes if I didn't have to." He said yawning as he got up and got dressed. Him, Darry, and Steve were working today. Two-Bit was passed out on the couch now. From what I dunno. Pony and Johnny were hanging with two of there friends from school at the mall, so that left me and Dally.

"Bye Kid." Darry said as he ruffled my hair. All the guys followed him out the door, doing wherever. I heard Two-bit snoring in the background. I leaned over on Dally and fell asleep as did he, tired from the night before.

Around 4 that evening, we woke up as Pony and Johnny came in the house. Pony frowned at us. He didn't like me being with Dally, but wouldn't tell me that. He loved me and wanted me happy. As long as none of my brother's knew about last night it was all good. We watched Mickey Mouse once Two-Bit had woken up and waited for the others to get home.

Around 6 Darry walked in and they began getting ready for the Rumble. I just sat back and watched.

"Hate that shirt." I commented to Darry as he pulled on a white muscle shirt that was really clinging. "Makes you to intimidating." I said yawning.

"Good. That's what Im going for. " He said smiling. They all were ready and out the door in a matter of minutes. I was left home all by my lonesome. I didn't mind it to much. I sat and read Gone with the Wind. It was Pony's favorite book as well as Mom's.

A few hours later and a nice nap for me, the guys came charging in followed by Tim Shepard and his gang. I sat up.

"We win?" I asked getting the alcohol and band-aids out.

"You know it baby!" Dally said swinging me around.

"Dallas Winston! You put me down right now." I scolded. He laughed as he sat me down.

"Tim, come here. " I said looking at a bad cut on his forehead. I put alcohol on it, but he wouldn't allow a band-aid. Something about it not being tough.

I finished cleaning and bandaging everyone's wounds, including Tim's gangs and then I sat down on Dally. For the rest of the night, they each retold the rumble in their own point of view, each as unlikely as the next.

A few weeks later things had pretty much calmed down and everything was back to normal. Everyone knew that me and Dally were together and accepted it. School wasn't set to start for another month in a half so we were passing the time anyway we could. I had just finished some follow up tests with my doctor. I had been throwing up frequently and had been eating like a whole bunch more than I normally do. The doctor said it was just a virus but he ran tests to be sure. He came in a few minutes later and what he told me about knocked me off my feet.

I walked into our house and everyone was sitting there playing poker or watching Tv. Everyone had the day off which like NEVER happened. I looked at them, tears threatening my eyes again. Dally noticed first.

"Baby..?" he asked as I ran into my room and slammed the door crying my eyes out. He unlocked the door with the key I had given him and he came in, wrapping his arms around me.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I...We...Oh Dall." I exclaimed as I continued crying.

"You what?" he asked worried.

"I'm Pregnant!" I finally got out while looking at him.

"What?" he asked, his voice raspy.

"You heard me. Im Pregnant."


TBC in Against All Odds