To Capture Her Spirit


Setalina Muro

Summary: For his entire existence, the Thief King had sought to kill the Pharaoh. Now, seeking revenge, he kidnaps Kawai Shizuka and falls in love with her, plunging himself into ancient memories about a woman he lost five millennia ago… BxSxK TBxKxPS

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh or any places, people and/or other things you are familiar with from the show or anything else. The plot, however, is mine.

Warning: Rating may go up! Cutting, swearing, and drinking. You have been warned.

A/N: Yes, yes. You've seen this before, no? Well, despite the fact that it was originally posted over a year ago (Happy Anniversary, TCHS!), I've decided its time it underwent some redevelopments. The first Five chapter (plus a new prelude, the below) are being replaced and reposted. I promise to do this quickly, but because I've began working on it, I'd rather not rush anything unnecessarily, and I want this to be better than it was originally.

For the previous readers, please don't rush me. I thank you all, and love you dearly, and I am glad that you enjoy my work, but for your sake and my own, I want it to be the best it can be. My hope is that I can make this clearer, more descriptive, and more importantly, grammatically correct.

For the final point, I've initiated a beta reader, to whom I owe many thanks for her constant support and friendship. Much love to you, Storm, now and always!


A fist slammed into the concrete next to him. His leg twitched with the constant agitation. He was angrier then he had ever been and there was nothing that could keep him from recalling it. The bitter defeat played constantly in his mind.

"You loose, Bakura! Now I cast you to the Shadows! Be gone, tomb robber, and trouble us no more!"

The power emanated from the Nameless Pharaoh. He felt the connection to the body he possessed shatter. He felt himself falling.

A voice carried over before the boundary closed. "All right, Yuugi!" There was no mistaking who the voice belonged to. The Pharaoh's loud mouthed friend Jounouchi Katsuya. "Way to send that freak packing!"

He struck the dark ground. Silence descended. Bitterness enfolded his heart. In the darkness he sat, eyes blazing. The creatures of the Realm didn't dare approach him. He set all his energies into escaping. It had taken longer this time. The shadows had been thicker, stronger. But finally, he came to the light…

Now, Bakura, the malevolent spirit of an Ancient Tomb Robber, sat on a street corner in Domino, Japan. Anger coursed through him as he gazed intently at the small group of people inside the corner café. Not merely anger, but indignation as well, and, even though Bakura would never admit it, jealousy. Mouto Yuugi, host of the Pharaoh, sat with his group of misfits talking merrily. Bakura's fist clenched tighter. Why did the Pharaoh deserve to be happy, but not himself?

The Pharaoh had friends who cared deeply for him. The Pharaoh had fans because he gave his host fame in a pathetic game, nothing like its origins. It seemed to Bakura he had admirers in his own group even! At least, she looked at him with such astonished admiration. She sat between him and that more than obnoxious side-kick of his…Kawai Shizuka. She was…pretty. Long strands of fire red hair hung down her shoulders. Those-oh-so-adoring eyes were colored like honey.

A plan was suddenly worming its way into Bakura's thoughts. A plan for revenge planted itself in his ever scheming mind. The devious smile wound itself onto Bakura's face. The Pharaoh and his little friend would pay dearly…

To Be Continued…

A/N: My apologies for the brevity, but once again, I beg you to be patient. Thanks.
