The End

Prologue: Giovanna Zaviera

A woman with dark brown hair and piercing green eyes looked in the mirror of her bedroom. She finished putting her long, curly hair up in an elaborate knot at the top of her head. She heard the fighting of siblings down the hallway. Sighing she walked to her door.

"If I have to come down there, you two, it will NOT be pretty. Shut up and finish getting ready for school!" she yelled at the top of her lungs. She heard a collective sigh.

"Yes, mamá," the two siblings droned. It was silent as the woman walked back to her vanity chair. She continued to stare at her reflection.

"Why don't you take a picture? It'll last longer," the mirror replied. The woman sighed and got up. She grabbed her red cloak and swung it around her shoulders.

"Children, I'm going out. I'll be back late. Try not to kill each other and destroy my house," she said, pulling up her hood.

"Yes, mamá," they droned again. The woman Apparated out of the house.

She appeared standing across from an ancient house. This was the house where she'd last been, before she left for her homeland of Spain. It was the Riddle house. Walking forward, she noticed a barrier. Throwing a rock, it hit the barrier and shot back at her with amazing speed. Throwing up her own barrier, the rock bounced off and fell to the ground.

"This must be a Non-Apparition zone. I guess I'll just have to break the barrier," she said, scanning for a weak point. She found one on the far side of the house. She closed her eyes and touched it slowly. Inch by inch, her hand slid through until she was able to go straight through it. She walked up to the old house and scaled the steps. She paused at the door. "Here goes nothing," she mumbled and knocked slowly.

Inside the house, three heads snapped up. Bellatrix Lestrange looked at her husband, Rodolphus. Lord Voldemort sat in the center of the room with the fire crackling.

"Someone's at the door, Bella. Do not be rude," Voldemort said glumly. Bellatrix looked at her husband and Rodolphus shrugged. "The question is: How did they break the barrier? Rodolphus, did you not put a strong one up?" Voldemort asked. Rodolphus nodded furiously.

"The strongest I have, my lord. It's nearly impossible to break through it," Rodolphus said. Voldemort snorted.

"Apparently, someone has. 'Nearly impossible' isn't going to cut it. Maybe you should work on that, Rodolphus," Voldemort said solemnly. Rodolphus nodded as Bellatrix left the room, stepping over Nagini.

"Yes, my lord," Rodolphus said.

Bellatrix opened the front door and saw a woman standing there. There was an air of authority about her. She stared Bellatrix directly in the eyes, never wavering. Bellatrix smirked at the short woman.

"What do you want?" she asked. The woman frowned at her rudeness.

"To see the Dark Lord," she stated in a disgusted voice, as if she hated calling him that. Bellatrix raised an eyebrow at the woman's curtness. Voldemort called to her from the other room.

"Invite her in, Bella. She can't possibly want to kill me if she asks for me by name. We might have a new ally. If not, you can kill her," he said. Bellatrix nodded and stepped aside, letting the woman in. She walked towards the room with the fire. Rodolphus looked at the woman suspiciously. She glared at him. Then she looked down at the hissing snake.

'Back off, Nagini,' she said in Parseltongue. Nagini looked at her for a second, as if trying to recognize the woman. Then, miraculously, the large serpent backed down. Rodolphus and Bellatrix looked at each other in amazement. Although the woman could not see it, Voldemort also looked shocked. The woman walked around the chair and looked at the red snakelike eyes. Voldemort squinted at her. Something about her was familiar.

"Who are you and what is your business here?" Voldemort asked in an abnormally polite voice. The woman pulled back the hood of her cloak. She looked voldemort in his eyes.

"What? You don't remember me, Tom?" she asked. Bellatrix frowned at the sound of Voldemort's birth name.Voldemort continued to stare at her with a very blank expression on his face.

"I'm sorry. I do not know who you are," he said simply. The woman laughed and looked down. She took the single pin holding her hair together out. The curly hair fell around her face. She looked back at him.

"How about now?" she asked, her intense eyes gazing at him, pleading with him to remember. Voldemort's eyes widened as realization washed over him.

"Giovanna?" he whispered. The woman now known as Giovanna nodded, smiling a little. Voldemort stood up and looked at the woman. He towered over her short form. "What are you doing here?" he asked. Bellatrix frowned.

"Um, my lord, who is she?" Bellatrix asked. Voldemort turned to face her. He opened his mouth to speak, but instead Giovanna spoke first. She pinned her hair back up. Then she looked at Bellatrix with her green eyes.

"I am Giovanna Kamala Avariella Zaviera. I used to be..." Giovanna began.

"That's not important right now. What's important is why you are here," Voldemort said, cutting her off and turning back to Giovanna. Giovanna smiled wryly.

"I guess you didn't want too many people knowing about that, huh? Nevertheless, I have some rather awkward news for you," she said quietly. Voldemort crossed his arms.

"This had better be good. I could use some good news," he said sullenly.

"Oh, it is. You can believe that. I'm sure you will be pleasantly surprised when I tell you," she said. Voldemort took his seat and looked up at the caramel skinned woman. She sighed deeply. "Do you remember the last time we were together, Tom?" she asked. Voldemort looked at her like she was speaking a foreign language. Then he smiled smugly, as if the memory was one of high regard. Giovanna rolled her eyes.

'Men,' she thought.

"Yes," he said simply.

"Well, that was right before you went on your supreme rampage hunting for those people and before you found out about that 'prophecy.' Well, after you left, I had given up all hope of being with you. Then I became very sick. Well, at least I thought I was sick. That was when I found out that I was..." Her voice trailed off. Voldemort's eyes widened. He found that she didn't need to finish her sentence.

"And you didn't tell me?" he asked, sounding a little mad. He stood up and began advancing on Giovanna, who didn't even flinch. She could honestly say that he didn't scare her one bit. She was probably the only person in the world who could say that. "You mean to tell me that I have a child. And I've had a child for seventeen years?"

"Actually, Tom, you have two children. I had fraternal twins. A boy and a girl. Plus it's kind of hard to tell someone who is a homicidal lunatic," she said. Bellatrix clasped her hands over her mouth. Rodolphus gasped. Voldemort merely stared at her. His anger was rising and rising quickly...

A long way away, in Surrey, a boy woke up.