AN/ I just recently got the first season of 21 Jumpstreet on DVD, and I loved it from the start. My favorite episode is Gotta Finish the Riff the one where we find out Captain Jenko was killed by a drunk driver. They didn't have an episode where it showed what happened when he was killed, so this is my version of the episode that should have been before Gotta Finish the Riff.

Disclaimer: Although I'd love to own it, I don't. Except for the DVDs. I do own Elissa Marquardsen, and the slinky of Officer Hanson.

Chapter One: Slinkies and Secrets

Tom Hanson sat at his desk in the chapel on Jumpstreet, not on assignment at the moment, boredom threatened to take over as he waited for Hoffs, Ioki and Penhall to return from their day's work. Hoffs and Ioki were taking care of one of the usual drug busts, while Penhall infiltrated a high school where someone kept breaking into lockers and stealing valuable items.

Hanson leaved backwards in his chair and pulled a slinky from a shelf behind him. He watched it go back and forth between his hands with forced amusement. He sighed in frustration and let the toy fall to the floor. Putting his head down on his desk, he decided it couldn't hurt to take an afternoon nap. The door opened a split second later and he snapped to attention. Captain Jenko greeted him with a peace sign.

"Hey Sport." he said. Hanson shook his head at the nickname Jenko had given him his first day in the Jumpstreet program and saluted his captain. "A little slow today, Hanson?" Jenko asked him.

"Me or the work?" Jenko chuckled at the joke.

"The work, Tommy-boy, the work."

"Yes, the work. I guess all the kiddies are behaving themselves for Christmas."

"I guess so." Jenko agreed. The noise of a car screeching to a stop in front of the chapel caused Hanson and Jenko to turn their heads.

"Penhall." They said in unison as the door was thrown open and Officer Doug Penhall came through it.

"Hello, Dougie, how was school today?" Hanson asked.

"Well, we had meatloaf surprise for lunch, a pop quiz in calculus and I narrowed down our list of suspects to two people." He rattled off. "How about yourself?"

"I had to stay home from school today."

"Lucky you."

"Well, who we got Penhall?" Jenko asked.

"Nick Sands and Aaron Shultz. It's either one or both of 'em."

"Aren't they seniors?" Hanson asked.

"Yeah, and Sands is the president of the student council too, how do ya like that?"

"But I thought you had it down to a sophomore because theirs were the only lockers being broken into."

"Well, I thought so, but get this; I took a potty break today during third period, since that's when all the break-ins have been happening, and I spot Shultz and Sands down the sophomore locker hallway. They didn't see me at first, but once they did they ran off down the hallway. They dropped this." Penhall reached into his back pocket and brought out a pink wallet. He handed it to Jenko who unfolded it and studied it.

"Whose is it?" Hanson asked.

"Well, it ain't Shultz's or Sands', unless they like to wear a wig and go by the name Elissa Marquardsen." Penhall told him as Jenko passed him the wallet. Sure enough, the ID in the wallet was a driver's permit belonging to a fifteen year old girl with long, curly black hair, glasses, and blue eyes. "I checked, and the locker they had out was number 1115, Elissa's locker."

"Any money?" Jenko asked.

"Or credit cards?" Hanson added.

"If there was, there isn't anymore." Penhall took the wallet back and threw it, basketball style, across the room to his desk. It landed on the floor, five feet from it's destined location. Hanson slapped Penhall on the back as Jenko went into his office.

"Nice shot Dougie." Penhall scoffed at him and threw his arm around his neck, getting him in a chokehold. They wrestled around the room until the front door opened for a third time, and Ioki walked in on them. Hanson had Penhall in a hold this time.

"Hey Harry!" Penhall greeted him. "A little help please?" Ioki shrugged his shoulders and proceeded to his desk, putting his backpack on top of the papers that covered it. Hanson, Penhall still helpless in his grasp despite their size difference, turned around to talk to Ioki.

"H.T., where's Jude?" he asked, finally letting Penhall escape.

"Cheerleading practice." Ioki smirked. The men looked at each other slyly and burst out laughing.

"Man, now that's what I call dedication." Penhall said.

"How come you haven't joined any clubs H.T.?"

"I did."

"What one?" Penhall asked.

"None of your business."

"Oh, come on Ioki, it can't be that bad." Hanson said.

"Yeah man, let's hear it." Ioki turned his back and went to sit at his desk.

"It doesn't matter. Forget about it. I have homework to do." Suspiciously, Hanson and Penhall looked at each other and shrugged, following him to his desk. Hanson leaned over on it and Penhall hopped up to sit on it, leaving Ioki cornered.

"Okay, so maybe it is bad, but we don't care."

"Yeah, what is it? Math team? Chess club?" Penhall hinted.

"Knowledge Bowl?" Hanson asked.

"I said drop it, okay guys?"

"Fine, we'll just find out from Hoffs." Penhall said.

"You do that." Ioki said. Penhall went over to the table and picked up a bag of chips. Hanson returned to his desk and picked up his slinky from off the floor.

"You know something, Penhall." He said. "This slinky reminds me of you."

"Oh yeah, and why is that?" Penhall asked.

"I never get tired of watching it fall down the stairs." Hanson and Ioki laughed as Penhall's face reddened in anger.

"Yeah, you're a real riot Hanson, a real riot." Hanson smiled innocently and continued shifting the slinky between his hands.

More to come I promise!!! R&R please!!!!