An: This is another try of a Youko/Kagome fiction

Disclaimer: I am not the owner of Yu Yu Hakusho or Inu Yasha

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First time in Makai

She ran as fast as her kimono can take her. Tripping once in while, she tried to catch up to the woman in front of her. "Kikyou-sama! Wait up!" She called out. Panting, she stopped and closed her eyes. Her features slowly became short as a tale grew from her back. Slowly, the girl turned into a small blue and white fox.

She caught up with the said lady and jumped on her shoulders. 'Kikou-sama! No, you can't go to the demon world, it's dangerous!'

"I can't just stay here and watch Inu Yasha-san get hurt Kagome-chan." Kikyou stopped and using the staff on her right hand ripped open a dark portal. The little fox quickly hopped off of her shoulder and tried tugging on the bottom of her kimono. The woman just glance back at the small fox and walked in.

Changing back into her false form, she watched with horror as Kikyou was sucked in. Narrowing her eyes, the girl jumped in the portal before it closed. "Kikyou-sama! At least wait for me!"

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Her breath was quickening as she hid behind a tree. There was lots of ugly creatures and monsters. She seriously don't want to be here right now. Wanting to find Kikyou-sama soon, she quickly and shakily, ran through the forest. It was a dark forest with deadly plants that could be called as demons.

Kikyou-sama, where are you? Kagome had lost her Kikyou-sama right after she entered here. When she did arrived, there was a huge crater in the ground with demons surrounding the crater, dead or just their dust.

She stopped and looked around to find any exit. Kagome gulped when she heard rustling behind her. She was scared out of her wits as her knees shook. This was her first time in the demon world and there is no way she wants to die. It took centuries for her to grow with this much power and sure would hate to lose it.

Turning around, she also stretched out her arm. It was a giant man-eating plant! Her heart quickens when saliva dripped from it's mouth, well at least to her it seems like a mouth. She looked to the ground and saw it have a stem that came rooted out of the ground.

Gulping, she stood still with her hands outstretched. Don't be scared now Kagome, you can do this. Closing her eyes, a small wave exerted through her body sending waves down her hand. The wave shot electircity down her arms and came out the middle of her hand as it hit the plant.

It screamed violently, thrashing everywhere. Kagome, with wide eyes, made cart wheels, to front flips, to back flips to get away from the crazy creature. Suddenly, she was hit in the side making her hit the tree in the back of the head. Her vision started to become hazy as she saw the creature closing in. An arm stretched out in front of her eyes as a huge flame erupted from her hands. Panting, when she was sure the creature was gone, her eyes closed to unconscious.

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Where did my plant go? He sniffed the air from where he was at the tree. Jumping down, he tried to call back the plant, but no such luck.

"What's wrong?" He turned to his partner and shook his head, mind still searching for the deadly plant.

He looked back at Kurouno and handed him the small jewel, "Go on ahead, I'll be back." Before Kurouno could reply, he was gone in a white blur. As he travel towards the scent, he couldn't help but notice that it wasn't a demon. It's an unusual scent.

His pace became a walk, as he neared that scent. He could smell a burnt of a plant. Looking down, he saw the plant that he manipulated has been burnt into a crisp. Looking for the source, his eyes landed on a blue and white fox. The fox was blue, but the tip of its tail was white along with the tip of its ear, and the tip of its foot.

Crouching down low to its size, he hauled the small fox by the fur of it's neck. It eyes were close as he examined it. It seems to be a female fox. 'Wake up kit.' He watched it as it cracked an eye open. It's eyes widen slightly when it saw him. He smirked, 'Did you do this to my plant?'

He could see the fox struggling to get a way from its grasp with its small paw. 'Let me go!'

He furrowed his eyebrow. That doesn't sound like a kit, more like a deeper voice. He leaned down towards its scowled face and sniffed it. 'What are you? A fox for sure, but not a demon.'

'Unhand me you jerk,' He quickly tilted his head away when she tried to scratch his eyes out.

Smirking, he stood up and shook the fox. 'If you're a normal fox, then how'd you get all the way here?' He dropped it suddenly when she scratched his wrist.

The fox started to run away while throwing insults in his head. Taking out a rose from his hair, he changed it into a thorny whip and used it to grab the body of the fox. He quickly snatched it up in the air and took it by the fur of the neck again and hauled it up once more. 'You're quite in hurry, of what I might ask?'

'None of your business demon.' She bit out.

Holding it under the arm, he watched it kick and whimper. 'What's your name anyway kit?' He asked out of the blue smirking in the process when it glared at him. He find that somewhat cute actually. It suddenly stuck its tongue out at him.

'None of your business, and if you don' let me go, I'll hurt you.' He raised an eyebrow of her boldness. The kit demands to run away and the demand was directing at him.

'Oh, I see,' Was his reply as he wrapped the kit in his rose rope and dropped it. 'Either follow or get dragged, your decision kit.'

'I'm not a kit!'

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Kurouno took his finger out quickly when the little fox tried to bite his hand. "Where'd you get this kit from Youko?"

He just shrugged, "It defeated my plant and I was just curious of how it did it." Youko sat down next to Kurouno and saw the angrily look in the small fox blue eyes. 'So, are you going to tell me?'

'I don't need to answer to the likes of you.'

The fox kit just gave it another vicious glare before going back to knaw on his rose whip. "It's quite persistent, I give it that." Kurouno propped his elbow on the grassy stone. He was sitting on a lower grassy rock and the fox was on the higher, flat surface stone. "Why don't you force it out of her, Youko?"

The fox demon just observed the small fox. There was something about her that he's missing, but what is it. Using his hands, he undid the rose whip around her body. It was ready to run off again. 'Are you sure it's not safer here little fox?'

It stopped and turned around with a scowl. It didn't say anything as it dropped on the flat surface. Youko notice it was tired. He dropped his arm on the flat surface and placed his chin on it and watched it close its eyes. He tilted his head on his arm and observed it.

"Youko, what the hell are you gonna do with her?" Asked Kurouno putting his head on his fist with one elbow propped on the surface.

He just glance at Kurouno for a second then went back to the fox.

'When I get my full power back,' Youko raised an eyebrow as it's voice slowly faded, 'I'm gonna hurt you really badly . . .'

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Sango walked back and forth in front of the the door. They will surely be suspiscious of her if she doesn't do anything. Kagome-chan just left to that high priestess to the demon world. She was shaking in anticipation when she saw Kagome get kidnaped by a fox demon, wearing a aqua blue robe, has silver hair reaching towards his waist, really light white pants, white shoes, pale, yet dark skin, sharp golden eyes, two ears on its head, and a huge tail.

She gulped when Kagome fainted on the flat surface. She have to do something to help her. If I go, I'll surely be in huge trouble. She stood up and paced around again. 'Come on I got to think, think Sango, think.'

Her fingers suddenly snapped as she smiled. She know perfect idea. If he can't help me, then nobody can.

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Hope you like the first chapter and please REVIEW if you want me to continue.