Lena was spending the night at Carmen's again, for like the sixth time this month, and Paul was already over there to watch a movie with them…no wait…he was always over there to be with Lena. Paul was Carmen's step-brother, and Lena was Carmen's best friend. Lena and Paul had gotten together by chance, after Lena had her heart broken by Kostos, "the Greek god…I mean boyfriend who got another girl pregnant and now had to marry her", and Paul had just recently broken it off with his girlfriend, "Skeletor." They seemed like a match made in heaven. Carmen is still patting herself on the back for that one!

Carmen was getting ready for a date, which she really didn't want to go on, "so what are you two kids going to watch this evening?" Lena laughed, "Well I don't know if we'll be doing much watching Carmen!" Carmen made a face, "Ew. I'm leaving. I'll be back around 10:00 or so. And even though I'm happy for you two, I still would like to know that I shouldn't be home babysitting you. So please don't mess around with my brother, while I'm not home. It would just give me the heebeegeebees." Carmen shuttered at the thought. "Don't worry. Lena won't take advantage of me Carmen," Paul laughed. Carmen was getting ready to walk out the door, but she turned around looking directly at Lena, "It's not you I'm worried about Paul."

Lena waited until Carmen had left, before she started crying, "I can't believe she still does this! I've pleaded with her to stop, but she thinks she's taking care of me! I've been back from Greece for almost a year, and yet she still thinks that I'm not psychologically ready to date you! And we've been dating for almost a year!" Paul leaned in and hugged Lena, "you know I would never hurt you…she just cares about you. Even after all of the time I've spent with her, she still thinks that I'm suspicious. We've all been through a lot this year. I know how stressed you are. I know it doesn't help that you are leaving for Greece in a few days…it doesn't help at all." Lena kissed Paul as she thought about going back to Greece for the summer. She had begged her parents not to make her go, but her grandmother wasn't doing well, she needed all the help she could get. Lena laid back and put her head in Paul's lap, "I don't want to go." "I know…I know..," he whispered.