Disclaimer: I don't own Lost or any of its characters. I sincerely hope I am the first person to use this plot, but I write more fic for this show than I read, so if someone else has done this first, I apologize. The title is a song, covered by Sarah McLachlan. I forget who sung it originally.

Summary: A suicide on the island has everyone shaken up. Will be Charlie/Claire, Shannon/Sayid, and possibly Jack/Kate/Sawyer. And Hurley's there too… I dunno who I ship him with yet. He deserves someone really great, and the only really cool girl on the island is Claire, and she's taken. :)

Please note this is just a prologue… I wanted to toss the idea out there but it probably won't be continued until mid-term exams are over in a week or so

Gloomy Sunday


It was Charlie who found the body. Of course, it had to be; the bitter gods of irony wouldn't have allowed to be anyone else. Just barely beginning to recover from whatever it was that had happened to him and Claire, Charlie had begun a strange sort of ritual. Every day, just after dawn, he would rise and walk out into the woods, head down, hands in his pockets, and be gone for hours. Jack had been worried at first, but every time Charlie came back, he seemed just a little more human, a little more able to function, a little less likely to stare at nothing and cry all day. They had decided it was helping him cope, and so they let him continue… but Jack still designated someone to walk a little behind him each time. Ethan was still out there; it wasn't safe for anyone to wander alone, especially not Charlie.

Drawn by Charlie's screams, Hurley, who had been following him that day, had come running as fast as he could (which, he was proud to say, was faster than it had been a few weeks ago). Every other thought was pushed out of his head as he broke into the clearing. Charlie was screaming, sobbing, and fled to Hurley's side as soon as he recognized him, without so much as a 'and why the bloody hell are you here?'

Hurley put a hand on Charlie's shoulder and forced his blonde head away from the sight. But as repulsive as it was, Hurley couldn't bring himself to look away as well. There was blood everywhere, it seemed. It polluted the ground of the clearing, and some was on the trees and shrubbery near by. It turned his stomach.

But moreso that that, the man― the corpse― who lay in the middle of it all had a smile on his face. A disgusting, peaceful smile.

To be continued….

Um, this was just to throw it out there. This isn't my best work, I know, but as soon as I have time to concentrate on this more, it will get better, I promise.