Disclaimer: I don't own the Gilmore Girls

A/N: Now I could give you a million reasons why it took me over 3 months to update, but I'm not going to bore you with that. Instead I'm just going to promise you, with my hand on my heart, that it won't happen again. I hope you don't hate me and will enjoy my next chapter. This is a major filler, but lots of goodness is coming.

Chapter 17: The Revenge Of The Socialites.

Rory and Logan walked back to the house with their hands intertwined, they looked flushed and happy. Rory had white smudges around her lips and on her cheeks, Logan had orange smudges on the same places. The streets were quiet, the sky was clear and the cold wind was stroking their bodies. Rory was wearing Logan's jacket, neither of them had thought about the cold weather when Logan had arrived at the Crap Shack.

As they walked into the street where the Gilmore girls lived noises from inside the house reached them.

"Guess the party went on without you," Logan noted.

"Yeah well, I don't mind; we had a little party of our own," Rory responded airily. She blushed a bit as she thought about the feverish kisses they shared mere minutes before. Her pulse was still slightly racing and she knew her cheeks were still bright pink underneath the orange make-up. Making out with Logan was unlike anything else she had ever experienced. It exceeded what she had shared with Dean by far; something that made her curious about how it would be when she and Logan would make love. One thing she knew for sure; it would be amazing.

Logan was tracing small circles on the palm of her hand. She looked up at him and saw the absentmindedly look on his handsome features. Something told her that he was thinking about the whole situation. She knew he hated the fact that he would have to lie to his best friend and she wished she could help him with that, but she just couldn't.

"I knew, Huntzberger, that you were the reason she left the party." Finn greeted the couple as they walked up the porch steps. He was sitting on the swing, drinking a beer. Rory glanced inside the house and smiled at the sight in front of her. Her mom and Lane were drinking out of the chocariver with long straws they apparently made themselves and Zack was taking pictures. Brian was laying across one of the seats in the boat, a small drop of drool was running across his cheek. Luke wasn't in the living room, so she figured he went back to the diner. Rory turned her attention back to Finn as he started to speak again.

"This is very naughty of you; going behind poor Colin's back like that. I think I should call him right away to inform him of your little mischief," Finn said as he took out his phone.

Logan was about to walk up to him, but Rory held him back.

"Don't worry Logan, Finn won't betray us," Rory smiled.

"And how can you be so sure of that, nipper?"

"Because then I would have to hurt you."

"And who would you bring for that?" Finn inquired with raised eyebrows.

A devious smirk appeared on Rory's face. "Just me, myself and my friend Archie."

At the mention of that name Finn nearly choked on his beer. Logan shot a question look towards Rory, but she just raised her shoulders.

"Don't worry; your secret is safe with me!" Finn managed to get out when he recovered. He walked up to the couple and gave them a hug.

"You know I would never tell on you, right? I was just joking," He told his two friends.

"Don't worry Finn, we know you better than that," Logan told his best friend while he patted him on the back.

Laughs erupted from inside the house, so the three friends walked inside. As they walked in, Logan finally had a chance to see his handiwork. Well, not exactly his handiwork, seeing as how he hired a company to do the work for him. But, nevertheless, it had been his idea. Finn walked in last and closed the door behind him. When he turned around he took a moment to look at the happy couple in front of him. Logan was looking at the decorations and Rory was joking with Lane about the sleeping nerd, he had forgotten his name three seconds after the guy had introduced himself. The way Logan's arm was wrapped around his girlfriend made Finn smile, they looked very good together. He was glad that Logan had decided to go behind Colin's back. He realized that that wasn't a very best friend thing to say, but you just shouldn't get in the way of true love.

Colin stood at the bar, pretending to be listening to the busty red head next to him. Somewhere in the far distance he could hear her empty babbles about the newest country songs. Did he really look like he could enjoy country music? No. So what made that girl think he would enjoy chatting about it? The only reason he was talking to the girl in the first place was to humor Steph. She had been there for him without judging him, helped him in his efforts to move on and didn't ask anything for it in return. So to him, the least he could do to show his appreciation was make a real effort. He had been discarding every girl she pointed at the entire night and he could tell that she was getting sick of his negativity. So when she mentioned the girl that would fit straight into Finn's alley he told her that he was going over to her for a conversation.

He wished he hadn't. A blank piece of paper had more substance than this red-head. Finn would have loved her, all the curves and no active brains cells that might lead to actual deep conversations. Of course, even Finn would get bored after the sex, in the end; they all wanted a girl that had more than just a pretty face. Like R… Stephanie or Paris. Too bad Steph was like a sister to him and Paris was too, intense for him.

He looked over to the dance floor and saw Steph dancing with the barkeeper, she was smiling and having fun. He didn't like that fact, but was sure it was only because he wasn't having any fun. He glanced over at the table to see if Paris hadn't killed Robert yet and suddenly lost every ability except the one to breath. Thank God for that. After a few minutes he remembered how to walk again and went up to Steph, he completely forgot about Miffy, Mandy, Muney or whatever her name was long before that.

"Hey, what the hell do you think you're doing?" the barkeeper objected when Colin grabbed Steph's arm and pulled her away from him. Because of the sudden movement Steph's body crashed into his so they could feel the heat from each others bodies and their faces ended up mere inches away from each other.

"Wow, I never realized how beautiful your mouth is, was it always like that?" Colin asked Steph absentmindedly.

"No, I just put this one on for the night. They're my 'going out lips'," she replied sarcastically. Due to the sudden urge to kiss him the words came out harsher that she had intended. Her tone brought Colin out of his reverie.

"Sorry about that. I just wanted to show you something," he said while he began turning her away from his body. They both shivered because of the loss of contact and Colin almost pressed her against his body again. He figured he was just cold.

"What can be so important that you couldn't wait until the song was o… Oh my God. What are they doing?" Steph exclaimed in horror.

"Well, that's called kissing. The lips of two or more persons stroke each other and after they opened their mouths their tongues…"

"Yeah yeah, I know what they're doing, but why?" Steph interrupted her wise-ass friend.

"I don't know, want to go over and ask?"

"No. I want to go over and break it up. She's drunk for crying out loud!" she breezed as she stalked over top the table where Robert looked like he was eating Paris' face. She ripped Paris away from Robert and turned the girl so she could face her.

"What do you think you're doing!" Steph demanded. "That's Robert you're kissing, not Doyle. And you're drunk," she quickly added.

Paris looked up at the girl with dull, solemn eyes. "I'm not as drunk as I was, thanks to you," Paris accused the blond in front of her.

"You should thank me for that!" Steph countered.

Paris just rolled her eyes and turned back to Robert, intending to kiss him again. Before she got the chance to do so Steph jerked her from her seat and placed her next to Colin.

"Hold her while I get the check, you're driving us home," Stephanie told her baffled friend who didn't look too pleased about the idea of holding onto the raging hellfire.

When Steph saw his look she misread it and sighed. "Come on, Colin, it's not like you were interested in miss-redhead-'I want to be just like Pam' anyway.

The corner of Colin's mouth turned up a bit; apparently Steph had been keeping an eye on him.

"I know, and I wasn't about to comment on that. I just wanted to suggest that you take care of this little shrew while I pay the tab," he told her casually.

"Fine," Steph huffed, not liking the knowing look in his eyes. "We'll meet you outside." She grabbed Paris by the arm, who was yelling that she was a grown woman and could take care of herself, and turned to leave. After two steps she turned around to face Robert again.

"And you," she breezed "you can get a cab!" she turned again and left without waiting for a responds, dragging a still yelling Paris behind her.

Colin watched the two ladies stalk out of the pub and whistled low. Then he turned to Robert.

"You, my man, are in a lot of trouble."

Robert just shrugged his shoulders, let out an indifferent snort and rested his head on the table in front of him.

Logan kissed Rory one last time and walked down the steps of the porch. When he was almost down a hand on his arm jerked him back, forcing him to turn around. Before he knew it he was enveloped into a couple of arms and crushed against a chest.

"Do you really have to go? I love having you here, having fun and joking around. And you still have to see me in leather. Please stay," came the whining voice from somewhere above his head. Logan gently pulled himself back and smiled.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart, but I have certain responsibilities that I cannot ignore. Please try to understand," he looked up apologetic at the pouting face and sad eyes.

"I will try no such thing," came the huffing responds and once again Logan was crushed between two arms around his neck.

"Come on, Finn," Rory cooed sweetly as she peeled his arms from her boyfriend's neck.

"He wants to be home before Colin gets back, that way he can avoid uncomfortable questions which he'll have to answer with lies. We'll see him again soon."

"Promise?" Finn asked Logan in a small voice.

"Promise." Logan smiled up at his friend.

"Will you bring me presents?" Finn asked while he reluctantly released his friend.

"Lots of them," Logan promised.

"Excellent!" Finn exclaimed happily. "Have a save drive home, sweetie pie," he told his friend while giving him a peck on his cheek and then turned around and disappeared into the house.

"He's quite a handful, isn't he?" Rory noted. She grabbed Logan by his hand and walked with him to his car.

"That he is," Logan confirmed. "I hope our other children will be easier and less high-maintenance," he chuckled.

"As long as we don't forget to put Ritalin in his food, there will be no problem," Rory assured him.

Logan opened his car door and threw his jacket on the backseat. He turned to Rory and took her in his arms, placing her against him with her head underneath his chin. He closed his eyes and inhaled her scent, just enjoying the serenity of the moment. He hated saying goodbye without knowing when he was able to see her again. It amazed him still that he had grown accustomed to having her around in such a short period of time. Never had he imagined to fall in love in college, and when he was completely honest with himself; he never thought he would fall in love at all. Still, he wouldn't change this feeling for anything, he knew from lessons learned young, that true love was a very rare gift.

"Go, before I gain Elektra-like superpowers and drag you back into the house," Rory whispered against his chest.

Logan smiled and held her at arms length . He bent down a bit and brought himself to her eye level.

"I need your word that you won't start over thinking this and go back on your promise; I need to know we're in this together."

Rory cupped his cheek in the palm of her hand and placed a feather light kiss on his lips.

"We are in this together, I won't back out," She guaranteed him, her lips still on his.

Logan got into his car and started the engine. With one last wink he got out of the driveway and left.


15 minutes later Rory was watching herself in the mirror of her vanity. She was wearing the 'Helene of Troy' toga her mom got her. It was a full length sheath dress that was completed with a white satin drape with gold lame accents. Her hair flowed over her left shoulder in a curly tail, which was held together by a gold colored clasp behind her ear.

"Wow, you look beautiful." Lane's voice came from behind her.

Rory turned around and found her best friend sitting on the edge of her bed. She was wearing a gladiatrix costume; the female equivalent of the one Finn would be wearing. It had a low cut revealing faux leather top and matching skirt with gold accents, grecian arm bands and a headpiece. Even though Rory was a girl herself, she had to admit her friend looked very sexy.

"So do you, although tonight the word 'hot' suits you better. Let me guess; Zack is still picking up his jaw from the floor in the living room?" Rory smiled wickedly.

"Actually, Zack and Brian went home before they had the chance to see me like this, they had some ideas they wanted to work out. I decided to stay and participate in the fun. I'm glad your mom had extra outfits," Lane told her friend.

Rory looked at her best friend and thought it was a shame Zack didn't get to see her like that. Then a thought came to mind.

"Hey Lane, does Zack have a camera phone?"

"Yeah, why?" she wanted to know.

"I just want to show him what he's missing," Rory smirked.

"Oh my God, that boy is really rubbing off on you! You just smirked," Lane uttered rather loudly.

Rory just shrugged. "I guess, now stop trying to divert my attention and pose!" she said in mock anger.

Lane muttered something under her breath and then looked up at her friend. "Fine, but only if I get to do the same with Logan." She demanded as she took on an uncomfortable pose.

Rory took a moment to think, but when she realized that he had just seen her in her Oompa Loompa costume, she merely shrugged again and took a snapshot of her blushing best friend. It came out very good. Lane had her shoulders pushed back, which automatically pushed her breasts forward; she looked sexy and innocent in true Lane-style.

Rory got Zack's number from Lane and sent the photo before her friend could change her mind. Then it was Rory's turn. Lane told her to stand in front of the window, she had the perfect setting in mind. While Lane turned off the lights in the room, Rory looked outside. The moon was full and shone right trough her window, illuminating her in it's fair, bright light. She thought about earlier in the evening, when she had been in Logan's arms. He hadn't been gone that long, but she already missed him. She started wondering about their agreement and what would happen if Colin would find out, but abruptly cut off her strain of thoughts. She smiled, Logan knew her better than she thought, she wouldn't go back on her promise.

She was broken out of her reverie when Lane called her name. As she turned she heard the click of the camera-phone. Lane looked at the picture on her phone and screeched in delight; it came out exactly as she imagined. Rory looked like a real ancient goddess as she stood there in the moonlight, a mysterious smile played on her lips and her eyes were bright. Lane had made the pictures right as Rory was turning around, capturing her frame in a way that couldn't be posed. Logan's number was in her phone, Rory had given it to her so Lane could still reach her when she didn't have her phone on her, and sent the picture without showing it to Rory first. She knew Logan would love it.

"Girls!" came Lorelai's voice from the living room "I'm getting anxious here, I need me some BBB!"

The girls smiled at each other and walked to the living room.

"BBB?" Lane wanted to know.

"Yes, Brad, Bloom and Bana," Lorelai answered for her daughter.

"Mom!" Rory came to a sudden halt, shock evident on her face. "What are you wearing?" she was wearing an under-wired leather-look bustier gown with lace-up sides and a gold embroidery trim, it was a very sexy and revealing outfit.

"This, dear daughter of mine, is a slave princess costume, Miss Patty found it in her closet and called me to come and get it this afternoon. Why, don't I look good?"

"No, it's way too sexy. You do realize that there is a boy in the house, right? And there is no slave princess in the movie," Rory added a bit irritated.

"Oh Rory, don't be such a prude. Finn will be fine and I like this costume. After the movie I'm planning on visiting my diner man and let him be my master." She raised her eyebrows suggestively.

"Gross, mom! I don't need images like that in my head! Luke is the provider of coffee and food, that's just unhygienic," she exclaimed with her hand on her ears.

Lorelai just smiled. "Don't worry hon, you are more than welcome to borrow it when you're ready to get naughty with Logan."

Rory's face turned into a deep shade of red, but before she could say anything, the front door flew open. A fraction of a second later Zack stumbled into the room, his face was red and he was trying to catch his breath. As soon as he spotted Lane he covered her up with the long trench coat he brought with him.

"Zack! What do you think you're doing?" Lane wanted to know.

"You can't dress like that, not when that horn-dog Australian is in here, I won't have him ogling my girl!" Zack said as he stomped with his foot to seem extra forceful abut his statement.

"Oh, don't be such a caveman! Besides, Finn will be too busy ogling Lorelai."

"Hey!" Lorelai said, sounding a bit offended.

"Yeah right, like Lorel…" Zack went mute when he turned around and saw her, but the punch on his arm from Lane brought back his speaking abilities.

"Yeah well, Lorelai is an adult and she isn't my girlfriend. How she dresses is Luke's problem. You're mine," he argued.

"So now I'm your problem?" Lane huffed.

"What is all the ruckus down here?" Finn bellowed as he walked down the stairs.

"My boyfriend has decided to go all Neanderthal on me, but don't worry, I'll…" when Lane saw Finn, she went mute, just like Zack had a few moments before.

He was wearing a leather skirt, similar to the one Lane was wearing. Only a leather collar adorned a small part of his upper body leaving his muscular chest exposed. There wasn't any hair on his chest, the only body hair was the small line that started in the middle of his well formed abs and disappeared beneath his waistband. Leave it to Finn to look hot and manly in a skirt. The leather cuffs on his wrists and the roman sandals on his feet completed the look.

Zack didn't like the gaze on Lane's face and covered her eyes with his hands, ignoring her protests.

"Where is the rest of you costume?" he wanted to know.

"Well, the breast plate felt very uncomfortable and the helmet wasn't my thing, so I decided to leave it like this," Finn shrugged as he walked further into the room. Then he spotted Lorelai. "Looking good, love," he noted and turned to get a better look at the two young ladies that were standing behind him.

He looked at Rory first. "Lady Lorelai the second, thou are much fairer that that Helene Sheila everybody went bloody wackers over," he said in a fake English accent, which sounded very funny with his own Australian accent.

Rory bowed her head gracefully. She hoped she didn't blush too badly. Even though she was in love with Logan, she couldn't deny that Finn looked hot. No one could deny that.

"And you, Finley, look quite handsome yourself. All shall tremble when they come before you," she smiled and kissed his cheek. Finn took advantage of her proximity and pulled her into a hug.

"We need to make a picture for Logan, he would love to see you like this," he whispered in her ear.

Rory smiled and looked up to him. "Lane already took care of that, she sent it to his phone."

"Hey!" they heard Lorelai yell. Finn turned around but still kept one arm around Rory's shoulder, they were momentarily blinded by the flash of the camera Lorelai was holding.

"We need lots of pics of tonight," she shrugged and placed the camera on the mantel above the fire place.

Lane and Zack had moved to the wall, where Zack was covering her with his body, like he was a human shield between her and Finn.

"Are you naked under that, love?" Finn smirked as he pointed to the coat Lane was wearing.

"That's none of you business," Zack answered for her.

Lane sighed impatiently and gently pushed Zack away.

"No, but Zack thinks my costume is too revealing," she clarified as she took off the coat.

Finn smiled as he looked at her. "Well, love, I can see why he feels the need to cover you up, you look very sexy."

Zack came to stand between them again. "Don't even look her way, you, you… I don't want you lusting over her," he growled in a low voice.

Finn laughed joyful and slapped him on his back, making Zack stumble forward a bit. "Don't worry mate, I don't pursue young women that are already taken."

"Oh really?" Zack raised his eyebrows doubtfully. The three women in the room did the same.

"Well, not if said girl is Nipper's best friend, I happen to value her friendship," he assured Zack.

The whole room was quiet while Zack glared at Finn for a few moments, but a hesitant smile crept up his face soon after that.

"Fine," he sighed "but if you make a move on her I will castrate you." He kissed Lane and walked to the door.

"Enjoy the rest of your evening," he called out as he closed the door behind him.

Lane just shook her head and smiled, it was nice to know that her boyfriend got jealous.

Lorelai broke the silence that followed Zack's departure with a demand for some group photo's.

Logan smiled as he uploaded the photo from his phone to his laptop. At first he had been confused when he saw Lane's name appear in his message list, Rory had put her number in his phone so he could see who the number belonged to when she happened to call, but the confusion had been replaced immediately with gratitude when he opened the message. Because of the resolution of the photo he couldn't set it as a wallpaper the way it was, so he opened his photoshop and placed it on a dark background. Five minutes later the picture of his beautiful girlfriend bejeweled the desktop of his laptop.

He had no idea how long he had been staring at her picture, but the slamming of a door brought him out of his trance. Knowing it would be Colin he quickly shut down his laptop.

Not even thirty seconds after he closed it his best friend stormed into the room and collapsed on his bed. He grabbed one of Logan's pillows and placed it over his head before he started to scream him lungs out.

After a few minutes he threw the pillow of his face and sat up straight. He cleared his throat a couple of time and then looked at Logan, who was looking at him in amusement.

"So, how was you're night, my blond haired friend?" Colin asked nonchalantly.

"Not nearly as eventful as yours, I'm sure," Logan chuckled.

When Colin didn't say anything, Logan walked over to the little refrigerator in the corner of his room and took out a bottle of Bacardi Lemon and a bottle of 7up. He took two glasses out of the freezer and walked back to his desk, where he made them both a mix. He quietly handed Colin his drink, sat back at his desk and observed his friend for a while. He had known Colin ever since they had argued over who got to sit next to the teacher at the daycare center their parents had dropped them, so usually he could read him like a book. That was why it bothered him so much that he never noticed his feelings for Rory. But now that it was out in the open, his friend had become an open book to him again. He realized how hard the whole situation must be for Colin and felt a pang of guilt for seeing Rory behind his back. But then again, she was his girlfriend. Still, he didn't want Colin to feel that he couldn't talk to him anymore, the whole reason that he and Rory decided to take a break in the first place was to save his friendship with Colin. Had it been any other friend, besides Finn that is, then he would have told the guy to go to hell, but his two best friends would always be the exception to everything.

A quick glance at the clock made Logan realize that they'd been sitting silently for over a half an hour.

"I'm not expecting you to get over your feelings in one night, I'm just glad that you're trying. And right now, that's enough for me," he told hid friend quietly. Without waiting for a responds he asked; "So, how was your evening?"

Colin smiled, but as soon as he thought about his evening his smile turned into a grimace.

"Where do you want me to start? The fact that Paris and Robert were already wasted when we arrived at the pub? Or that Steph tried to set me up with a girl who used les than a percent of her brains while she hooked up with the steroid-pumped bartender? Or that Paris and Robert made out, cutting our evening short because Steph insisted that we took Paris home. Or maybe, just maybe, you want to hear about how that little hellion screamed and cursed the entire way to her suite, threw up in my car and punched me in my stomach when I tried to keep her upright as Steph opened her door. Apparently she thought I wanted to take advantage of her situation and grope her. Like I will ever be that desperate!" Colin ranted, his voice getting louder and higher with each example he gave.

Logan couldn't help but laugh aloud. He could just see his poor friend standing there, holding on to his hurt stomach while Paris accused him of sexual harassment. When he finally calmed down he looked at Colin's face, it was a deep shade of red.

"Wait," Logan began, a light chuckle still evident in his voice "isn't Paris with Doyle? And please tell me you didn't drink and drive."

"Doyle dumped her because he thinks he can do better and I switched to OJ after the first three rounds." Colin told his friend.

"Good. And in what universe would Doyle be able to do better than Paris? He was lucky to get her in the first place. True, she's a real spitfire and more than a handful, but she's still way out of his league," Logan said, surprised about his editor's stupidity.

"That's what Steph said, and trust me when I say that the little man hasn't heard the last of it." Colin laughed knowingly.

Logan joined him in his laughter and leaned back to enjoy his drink. The rest of the night the two friends spent laughing and reminiscing, for a while forgetting about the ominous situation they were in.

Monday morning brought the closure of a semester, the official beginning of the holidays and to Finn's dismay, early morning brightness. He sat in the passenger's seat of Rory's Prius, slouching down while trying to block out the sun as much as possible.

"Do you want me to drop you off at your dorm?" Rory whispered.

"Why are you whispering, Nipper?" Finn whispered back.

"Because I wasn't sure if you would mind any loud voices," Rory answered, still whispering.

Finn laughed. "Don't worry, love, I only mind the sun," Finn said, in his normal voice. "And no, you should just drive to your dorm, I'll walk from there."

Rory really didn't feel like running into Colin, so she didn't argue. "Okay."

After she parked her car and got out she said goodbye to Finn and told him that she would see him after lunch at her suite, she was meeting Stephanie and Paris for lunch.


Finally, after handing in her papers and getting her grades, Rory walked towards the dining hall where she was supposed to meet the girls. Steph and Paris were already waiting for her on a bench near the entrance. As Rory approached them she noticed some stares from girls, and it was obvious that some of them were talking about her.

What was that all about?

When she reached her friends she forgot about the other girls momentarily, Paris looked like hell and Steph had didn't seemed to be in good mood either.

"Hey girls," Rory hugged them both briefly "what happened?" she wanted to know.

"Long story, we'll tell you over lunch," Paris grumbled.

As they walked in Rory heard her and Logan's name drop a few times. She looked over at Steph and raised an eyebrow. Judging by the look on her face, Stephanie had heard them too.

"Do you have any idea what's going on?" Rory asked her.

Steph sighed, she knew exactly what was going on; the Hartford rumor mill had been working over time. Damn Logan and Colin for putting Rory to the mercy of the socialites that had been after Logan since he was in diapers. But she would do her best to protect her new friend.

"The girls that have been whispering and staring are the younger generation of the Hartford socialites. Each and every one of them have been dreaming about becoming Mrs. Logan Huntzberger since high school, so when you became his girlfriend they automatically started hating you. However, as long as you were with him they couldn't lash out all that hate to you, not if they ever wanted to come close to him again. But now that everybody thinks you two broke up, you're a walking target," Stephanie clarified.

"But why do they think we broke up? We decided to stay away from each other for a while for Colin's sake, but neither of us ever mentioned breaking up," Rory said, clearly confused.

"Oh come on, you know how it is," Paris intervened "you stub your toe on the lawn in front of your mansion and twenty minutes later a maid on the other side of Hartford hears that your leg had to be amputated."

Steph nodded her head in agreement, that was exactly how it was in Hartford among the elite.

"Right," Rory mumbled, she didn't know what else to say. She moved further in the line and treated herself to an extra burger, she skipped breakfast.

As they walked over to a table Rory heard Stephanie and Paris mumble to each other so she turned around to see what the problem was, but Steph answered her question before she had the chance to voice it.

"Remember those hags I just told you about?" she said under her breath "Here come the three worst." She didn't get the chance to say anything more because the girls in question appeared in front of her.

"Rory Gilmore?" the one in the middle asked. She was a tall blond girl with green eyes and was wearing expensive looking clothes, a bit dull for Rory's taste, but it looked good on her. Rory had to admit she was a beautiful girl.

"Who wants to know?" Rory asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Stacy Adams wants to know," another blond girl answered for her. She looked a bit plain to Rory and she almost laughed aloud when she noticed that the girl was wearing pearls. Pearls! To school!

"You still let your minions talk for you, Adams? One would think that you would have learned to talk for yourself by now," Paris noted.

"Shouldn't you be with that wormy midget you call you boyfriend?" Stacy hissed.

"So you can speak for yourself? And at least I have a boyfriend," Paris lied "what do you have; paying customers?"

"Whatever!" the girl replied.

"Wow, clever comeback. It's nice to know you didn't have to bribe your way into this school."

"Bite me Gellar!"

"And you stun me again. Your intellect knows no limits, your parents must be proud." Paris stated dryly.

By then Rory couldn't hold her laughter anymore.

"What are you laughing at!" the third girl, a leggy brunette in Daisy Dukes spat to Rory. "You should be running a bullet trough your head by now because you were dumb enough to let Logan get away from you. Not that we can blame the poor boy. But don't worry, we'll comfort him," she said in a fake sweet voice.

"Not that it's any of your business, but Logan and I are still together, you should get your facts straight." Rory commented

Finally, Stacy spoke to her. "Well, even if that is the truth, I will make sure he'll forget all about you after we've spent New Years together in Cape Cod."

"Now why would he do that? That would be like trading in his brand new Lincoln Aviator for a beat up, overly used golf cart," Steph told her with venom in her voice.

"Mind your own business, I'm trying to give Rory a friendly warning." She said Rory's name like it left a bad taste in her mouth. "And here's another piece of advice for you." She turned to face Rory and pointed at her tray with food "You really shouldn't at that much, Logan likes his girl thin."

"No he doesn't. But don't worry. I'll make sure I'll stop eating as soon as my hips start to resemble yours." And without waiting for a responds she walked over to a table on the other side of the cafeteria and started to eat her lunch.


An hour later, after the girls told her about their weekend and Steph told about their trip to Cape Cod, Rory hugged her friends. After that she walked to her suite to meet Finn. He was already waiting in front of her door, surrounded by a dozen of bags.

"Are you just staying for the holidays or are you planning on moving in with my mom?" Rory mocked her friend.

"Nope, I'm planning on being the best dressed man in Stars Hollow, Nipper."

"Well, you would be that anyway, trust me." Rory told him honestly as she took two of his bags and started walking to her car.

Finn lifted the rest of his bags and followed her. "You're to kind."

"No, I'm just being honest."

"Finn," Rory started as they were driving back to Stars Hollow "have you heard about our friends' plans for New Years?"

"Yes," Finn answered, not sure where she was going with that.

"And does your family by any chance have a place in Cape Cod?"

"Of course." Finn said, even more confused.

"Good, 'cause we're all going to spend New Years there." Rory told him in a tone that wouldn't tolerate any comments.

"Okay, I'll make the calls to set everything up," Finn obliged. "But are you going to tell me what inspired this spontaneous, ehm… request?"

"Stacy Adams did." Rory said, and it was all Finn needed to hear.

Thank you all for reviewing, even months after my last chapter I still received the occasional review with the request to update soon. You guys rock, really, and I love you all!

angeliclin: Dearest Linda, What would I do without your constant support and amazing reviews. Trust me, I would be lost without you.

Meg: Thank you, I didn't plan on that part, but I wanted them in and this seemed a good way to go.

Gilmoregirl7878: I'm glad loved it, it makes all the time I put in it even more worth it.

riotgirllina: What you want is coming… soon!

Gilmorefan31: As I promised, Finn in leather, you can find the pics of the outfit on my blog. I love Willy Wonka too, in two days it's coming out on DVD here… YAY!

smile1: Thank you SO much, it's my goal to improve as much as I can, I'll be starting a writing course soon, I hoop it will pay off.

Purplemoon07: I offer you my humble apologies again.

Hi-may: Sorry it took so long, I'll make it up. And Tyler just has an amazing voice, you've just got to enjoy it.

Callmelaydee: Thank you! I'll try :-)

Lackinglime123: Thanks SO much for your idea, I can definitely use some of it, you rock. Sorry, because of my hectic life I haven't been able to read a lot, but I'll read your stories first thing tomorrow morning.

Mr. Tre Cool: Thanks! I'm glad you didn't stop reading after that part.

Daisani: You Rock! I'm really glad you liked it.

Libby: The next chapter won't take this long. I'm glad you liked it. Sorry it took me so long but thanks for both the reviews.

Crazi-prodigy: I would like that too, but then again, I really love him just the way he is now.

Princetongirl: Thank you SOOO much!

KraziKimmie: Thank you very very much! I love long reviews like this. True, how can you not love them. I haven't read the other story, maybe I should. Colin and Steph, well, let's just say that one of them is a bit more reluctant than the other one.

LorelaiLoriHuntzberger: Don't worry, I have plans for Finn, I'll get him a girl. Thanks for you review, it was very sweet.

S: I'm glad you found it again and the next update will come sooner… promise.

Rockrose: I like your name! "Pure genius." Wow! You made me blush. Thank you SO much!

As always; reviews are greatly appreciated.

