
She was called Blaze. They called her this because of her fiery red hair which stood out like a Blaze of fire in the night sky. No one knew where she came from or her real name, except her two best friends Lorelei and Ella. To them she was Kori Anders, an actress on Broadway. They were the only ones who knew about Blaze. Her best friend Ella was a reporter for the Gotham Times and her other best friend Lorelei(Lori) was also an actress. Kori and Ella were the only ones that knew that they had once been Teen Titans. The other former Teen Titans now had aliases. And as you might have guessed Kori Anders was Starfire, and Ella Azar was Raven, now Beast boy went by Garfield Logan, Cyborg went by Victor Stone, Bumblebee(who had joined the team later) now went by Betty Klein, and Robin well no one knew anything about him he had left them and not told anyone where he was going, of course they all knew that he was Nightwing at night but he never talked to any of them if he saw them, not even Blaze and he didn't even know that that was Kori who used to be Starfire. The titans had broken up almost five years ago. Basically w hen Starfire left the whole team had fallen apart, and not long after the rest of the titans had broken up. The titans still saw each other occasionally and they did meet once every six moths. And that's where my story starts.

Chapter 1

Kori Anders walked down the street toward Stephanie Acting Co. She was already 45 minutes. late, she just hoped that Lori had found some kind of excuse to cover for her. Kori entered the big steel doors and walked in as Lori ran up to her,

"Thank God you're here I don't know how much longer I could've covered for you...Blaze" Lori told Kori.

"So how did it go?" Lori asked

"Everything was fine, until oh never mind!" Kori said frustrated.

"Why don't you just try to work with him for one day?" Lori said.

"I don't know I guess I'm just so used to working alone...maybe I will sometime but now I need find Mr.Crow," Kori said as Mr.Crow walked up behind them.

"Ah, Kori you're here. Are you feeling any better?" He asked her

"Yeah, a.. a.. little"Kori stuttered.

"Okay well in that case let's get to work girls," He said and turned to leave while Kori and Lori followed him.

When they got to the main rehearsal room, Mr.Crow handed them each a script, and said ,

"Okay Kori you will be playing the main character, Nicole Peterson and Lori you will be playing Alley Peterson, Nicole's sister. So tomorrow you are both off so that you have time to practice your lines."He explained.

"Okay, thanks" Kori and Lori both said.

"Well I see you after tomorrow," Mr.Crow said and walked away.

"So what are you going to do tomorrow?" Lori asked Kori.

"I'll do what I do best." Kori said laughing.

A couple of hours later when Kori and Lori had practiced their lines they both left for their homes. As soon as Kori got to her apartment the police intercom picked up 'Bank robbery on highway 10'

"Time to go." Kori said quickly changing into Blaze.

At the Robbery

"Shows over." Blaze said walking through the big steel doors of the bank.

"Ah, Blaze, A pleasure to meet you at last." The hitch man called Rolf said.

"You won't think it's such a pleasure when I put you in jail," Blaze said smirking.

"Now that's not nice," The other man called Tom said

"Who said I was nice" Blaze said she getting out her retractable staff.

"Ah, you want to play with that metal stick, Bring it on" Tom said

"Oh, its brought," she said as Tom took out a gun and started shooting at her. She quickly blocked each bullet with her retractable staff. From behind her Rolf shot a freeze ray which hit Blaze's staff causing it to break in half.

"Ah, Did your little staff break?" Tom said in a babyish voice.

"That's why it's called retractable" Blaze said smiling as her staff retracted.

From behind her Tom shot at her. Blaze turned around to block the shot. All of the sudden a dark haired man jumped in front of her and shot Tom with a sty gun, then turned around and shot Rolf too. Blaze and the dark haired man tied them up. The police arrived and took Tom and Rolf away but not before they said,

"We will get you Blaze" Tom said as the policeman closed the door and drove away.

"He wasn't very nice was he?" The man said

"Oh, I don't need your damn help, Blade" Blaze said angrily

"Actually I think we would make a really good team" Blade said.

"You know, just because you can't find any crimes of your own doesn't mean you have to steal mine!" Blaze yelled.

"Why can't you see that you don't own this damn city, I'm a hero just like you, I have as much as of a right as you do to protect it." He shouted back at her.

"Ohhhhhhh," All of the sudden her eyes lit up and her hands started glowing green."Ahhhh" she shouted and a green blast of light shot from her hands(a.k.a. a starbolt) and hit Blade, as she fell to the ground.

When she opened her eyes a couple of seconds later she saw Blade lying on the ground and immediately realized that the green light that had shot from her hands had hit him. She quickly ran over to him.

"Oh, Blade I'm so sorry I don't know what happened that's not suppose to happen I'm so sorry I'm a complete idiot," She cried.

He looked up at her, "Your not an idiot you're an awesome crime fighter who really doesn't need my help I shouldn't have asked you to work with me." He apologized. "How did you do that?"

"I don't know...I thought I lost it a long time ago," She answered the last part to herself.

As soon as he said this Blaze remembered Lori's advice, "You should at least try working with him for a day,"

"Maybe you and me should work together, I mean you do have some really great fighting skills."

Blaze suggested.

"Are you sure I just asked you and you about blew my head off," He said trying to laugh but fell back in pain.

"Oh, I'm so sorry and yes I'm sure," She said helping him up.

"So, you really want to be a team,?" He confirmed

"Yeah" She said while in her mind she pictured herself not her real self but another one she used sometimes. And when she opened her eyes she had short blonde hair and deep blue eyes. She was wearing a pink tube top and a matching pink skirt with boots.

"Wow did you do that?" He asked in awe.

"Well you could say a friend taught me" Blaze answered

"Can you do it to other people like" He asked uncertainly

"I don't know I've never tried, but I guess there is always firsts" She laughed and then closed her eyes. In her mind she visualized a boy with black hair and mystical green eyes. She pictured him wearing denims and a tee. When she opened her eyes there was her image.

"Wow" He breathed "You made me look almost like the real me"

"Really that's great!" she cried.

"So do you want to go see a movie?" He asked turning red.

"I would love to." She said and they walked away.

Hope you enjoyed it!

OoOoOoh so many questions! Well if you want an answer you'll have to ask, So R&R NOW!!!!!!! please and thank you.

Question: In what episode did Starfire get ready to leave and then Robin stopped her?

Whoever guesses right gets cake, cookies, and their name mentioned in bold letters!