Okay this the last chapter Boo-hoo:( I know I'm very attached too!


5 years later(remember, a lot of things can happen in 5 years)

"Tell me about how you and mommy met again" 5 year old, Talia begged

"No sweetie I already told you a story how about tomorrow?" Rich asked his daughter, smiling, she never got tired of that story.

"Aw, okay good night Daddy" Talia said as Kori walked in.

"So which story did you beg for today?" Kori asked laughing

"The one where you were fighting on the Teen Titans!" she cried excitedly

"Oh, that's good, I hope your father told you right." Kori said teasingly

"He did" Talia smiled

"Okay, well good night honey, I love you" Kori said walking over to kiss her daughter good night.

"Night mommy, night daddy, I love you" she told them giving them each a hug and kiss.

"Never gets tired of that story does she?" Kori asked Rich as they walked out of Talia's room, closing the door behind them.

"Nope, who would have thought our life is that interesting." Rich said

"Well, I know my life is interesting" Kori said slyly taking off.

"I'll show you interesting" Rich said taking off after her.


The next day Kori, Rich, and Talia met Ella, Vic, Gar, and Bee at the beach. As Rich stopped the car Talia jumped out and ran to Ella.

"Aunt Ella" she cried

"Talia, how are you? And you can leave off the aunt part" Ella told her niece

"I'm fine Ella" Talia stated getting the name right this time, "Where's Nightingale?" Talia asked anxiously.

"Over there with her father" Ella said pointing in the direction of Gar.

"Thanks" she said running over to play.

"Hey El" Kori said coming up to her

"Hi Kori" Ella said

"Where'd Talia run off to?" Rich asked

"To play with Nightingale" Ella told them

"So how's it going?" Bee asked coming up to them hand in hand with Vic

"Great! You must be excited only a week until the wedding" Kori said, Bee and Vic were in engaged.

"Lets go get some lunch" Vic said heading to where they had set up the picnic. As soon as they got there it began again, just like old times.






"Enough!" Ella yelled,

"Mommy, I don't want Tofu" Nightingale told her mom(Ella) Surprisingly even though her father was a vegetarian(Gar) she loved meat and hated tofu.

"Its okay you don't have to eat any, now if you want tofu you can't eat tofu and if you want meat you can eat meat" Ella explained calmly

"Fine! But tofu is still better" Gar muttered

"No its not" Vic countered

"Is too!"

"Is not!"

"Is too!"

"Is not!"

Ella was getting very mad.

"Huh, they never learn do they?" Bee said shaking her head

"Obviously" Kori said

"Come on lets get some pizza" Rich suggested

"Yay, Pizza!" Talia exclaimed as they all walked off leaving Vic and Gar still fighting

"Are we going to leave Daddy?" Nightingale asked

"Yep" Ella told her; she shrugged and they all headed off to get pizza


3 hours later on the beach... still

"Is too!"

"Is not!"

"Is too!"

"Is not!"


"So did you finally finish telling her the story?" Kori asked as Rich sat down beside her in the balcony connected to their bedroom.

"Yeah, and she still wants to hear it again tomorrow" he sighed

"That's Talia for you" Kori said laughing.

"Well got to go" Rich said getting up.

"Oh no you don't you got some unfinished business here" she said pulling him into a deep and passionate kiss.

"Your right" he breathed before kissing her again. He picked her up and carried her in their bedroom setting her on the bed, kissing her once more and closing the door behind them.


That was the last chapter. I know Its hard for me to end it too but luckily there is a sequel!

Its going to be called Talia (thanks titanfan for the idea!) I'll post what its going to be about on my profile soon you can also see what other stories I'm working on.

Now the winner to the question is

1st ROBINXSTAR FAN it was Mad Mod

Thank you to all of the people who have read this especially


Lil' LIK star



robin and starfire fan


you have reviewed every chapter and to every one else who also reviewed, Thanks

oh yeah if you were wondering who Gar, Ella, Vic, and Bee were I posted it in the last chapter