A/N: Oh dear me, am I actually updating? I do believe I am! I wanted to get this out before I decided to start on this little one shot involving multiple partners and a big fantasy of mine. It'll be smut-ilicious, I promise you.

And again, James' POV, for those of you who haven't noticed that I switch POV's every time.

BTW, do you like that I say it from both points of view? Or would you rather have it all mixed in one chapter, and probably only Lily's POV. A reviewer complained about the redundancy of it all, but I rather like showing the thoughts. But if enough people don't like it, then I won't do it.

Teenage Crushes

Chapter 7: Thoughts of a Prank

The sound of a buzzing alarm had to be the most annoying sound in the whole world. Seriously, they could come up with a much better way of waking people up, rather than the obnoxious, loud, repetitive noise that is a "buzzing" alarm.

I awoke with a grumble, blindly reaching for my wand on the bedside table. My fumbling fingers finally found the smooth stick of wood, and I blasted my alarm into a thousand pieces.

But, it being a wizarding alarm rather than a muggle one, it repaired itself automatically and continued making its obnoxious noises.

I groaned and finally flung the covers off me. I was notorious for being most definitely NOT a morning person; everyone knew to steer clear of me at least until lunch, which was when I was in a much more agreeable mood.

Thank goodness the first day of classes was a Friday, and I wouldn't have to wake up early tomorrow.

I stumbled into the shower, thanking whatever deity was in the heavens above that I was a wizard and didn't have to wait for the water to get to the perfect temperature before getting in. In my jumbled, sleep-fogged mind, I started to attempt to decipher my emotions over Lily's date with Sirius once again, and finally gave up in disgust when, due to my inability to think in the mornings, I started reviewing the scene of Lily kissing Sirius' cheek over and over again, not progressing any further in my thoughts.

Isn't it so annoying, when your mind gets stuck on one thing in the morning, and repeats it over and over and over? It's like one of those muggle things called a record, skipping and repeating the same lyric again and again.

I willed the shower to turn cold for a few brief seconds, thinking maybe it would help clear my mind of that haze that occupied it so fully at the moment. This morning the Marauders were supposed to start finalizing plans for the first prank of the year, and I needed a clear mind to fine-tune the details.

It really wouldn't be good for the first prank of the year to backfire on us.

I finally finished getting ready, and admired myself in the mirror.

I really was one good-looking guy, tall, muscled, and crazy fly-away hair that girls seemed to not be able to resist. I smirked, and shined the Head Boy badge pinned to my robes.

Any girl would be lucky to have me.



I strutted into the Great Hall for breakfast, for once in a good mood in the morning. I found the Marauders in the usual spot, and Sirius greeted me with, "Oi, Jamsie! Why are you in such a good mood this morning? Ready to pull a few pranks on those nasty snakes?" He clapped me on the shoulder, and I plopped down on the bench and started grabbing food before replying.

After my plate was filled with a mountain of food, I responded to Sirius' questions. "First of all, I'm in a good mood just 'cause I'm in a good mood. And I am definitely looking forward to giving those slimy Slytherins what they have coming to them."

Sirius laughed at my first answer, and said, "But, Prongsie, you are NEVER in a good mood in the morning."

Those nicknames were starting to get annoying (which was probably what Sirius was intending, knowing him) and I decided to let him know so, "Well, Padfootsie, if you ever decided to stop adding ridiculous endings to my names, then maybe I would answer you. And I may not be in a good mood for much longer if you insist upon keeping that up."

Sirius just laughed and shook his head, then muttered under his breath, "Poor ickle Jamsie is gonna be in a weally bad mood then."

I wasn't sure whether to be even more annoyed or laugh, and I finally just chuckled, a good middle between the two.

Moony and Wormtail had been silently watching the exchange between Sirius and me, and Moony decided to bring us back to the topic of the prank before we digressed any further.

"So, should we meet in the library after classes today to find that spell to make the spell last a week?"

I let them in on what I had been considering about this prank, color combination-wise. "Okay, so I've been trying to decide whether we should make them half gold, half red, or should we do it so their skin is red and their hair is gold?"

All three of them seemed to ponder this for a moment.

"Well, when we changed their robes, we made them half red and half gold. I think we should do it a little bit different this time, and do the skin red and hair gold, like you said," Sirius said thoughtfully.

Peter just nodded his head in agreement. Really, that boy would go along with whatever we said, no matter what. I think we could tell him to jump off a cliff, and he'd do it (well, only after multiple reassurances from us).

Remus seemed to consider what Sirius had said, then put in his own thoughts. "Yeah, I think that's the way we should do it this time, but we should make it so the fingernails and toenails are turned gold, if that doesn't get into too complicated magic."

I smiled, "Great idea, Moony! I think the spell that changes their skin and hair colors mainly has to do with our mental pictures and what we want them to look like, so it shouldn't be too hard. And this year, since I'm Head Boy, I have access to the Slytherin common room and dormitories, so we can get everyone by slipping in there, rather than just getting them during a meal when everyone isn't guaranteed to be there. Imagine their faces, waking up with their skin red and hair gold!"

I started laughing loudly after my last statement, and the other boys joined in. Everyone surrounding us gave us weird looks, and started talking in hushed whispers to each other about what the prank was going to be. If the Marauders were all together and laughing as we were now, it was common knowledge that we were devising some prank or another.

We all got up at the same time, and started walking to classes, laughing all the way.


Classes passed quickly enough, considering that we had double potions with Slytherins. Some of them were giving us nervous looks throughout the class, having no doubt seen the display at breakfast and wondering what was going to happen to them this time.

The greasy git Snape was glaring daggers at me the whole time, and I put a thought in the back of my mind to develop a prank later this year just for him. I always got a bad feeling from that particular Slytherin, and I wasn't sure what I harbored so much hostility towards him.

The four of us walked together to Library when classes were done with for the day. We nabbed a table towards the back that was hidden from the others, and spread out to find books that could possibly hold the spell that we needed.

After a silent couple of hours of intense research, Moony announced, "Got it! Wow, it's quite simple really, it's a basic swish and flick movement, and just the words (insert Latin words here that I was unable to find) . There's a counter-spell too, so we can take it off after a week. If we just knew Latin, I swear we could come up with almost any spell we wanted. Of course there'd be the complications of different meanings, and how you would combine the directions that you wanted, and also-"

I cut him off before he could keep on going. Remus could go on forever if he got on a roll, and it was vital to stop him from his train of thought while you still could.

"Okay, so it's easy to master the spell? Should we try it out on anything first?"

Remus shook his head yes, and then performed a spell to change the color of his parchment to red, finally finishing the process with a quick flick of his wand and the permanence spell. "Try and remove the spell now."

Sirius pointed his wand at the parchment, while saying, "Finite Incantatum!" The parchment remained the Gryffindor red, and the four of us broke out in triumphant smiles.

"It works! So when are we going to put the final plan of the prank into action?" I queried.

"I think we should wait a couple of weeks. I know, I know, I'm eager to pull the prank, too, but the Slytherins are on-edge after seeing our little performance today, so I think we should let them settle down again, make it a little more unexpected, you know?" Remus replied.

He was a smart one, he was, always having the best ideas. Even though I do have an excellent school record, Remus had a better one, and the only reason I was Head Boy over him was because of a certain ailment of his.

"Excellent, excellent idea, Moony, my furry friend," Sirius said. "That is exactly what we'll do. We'll watch those little snakes every day, and just when they get comfortable again, we'll pounce! They'll never know what hit 'em."

Peter was shaking his head yes fervently, not saying a word, and I voiced my agreement with Remus' idea as well.

"Well, since our mission has been accomplished, I'm ready to eat, how about you?" Remus said with a grumbling stomach.

At that moment, Peter, Sirius, and my stomach all growled in accordance with Remus', and we set off towards the Great Hall.


A few hours, and several games of wizarding chess later, I was once again in my Heads' common room.

It occurred to me suddenly that I had seen very little of the Head Girl all day, and according to Aubrey and Allison, she was supposed to be in her room. But I hadn't heard a peep since I'd been back, and I thought back to the discussion between Aubrey and Allison earlier that evening.

They had been complaining to each other while I was in the Gryffindor common room tonight of how Lily seemed to be holed up all the time and how she needed to start living a little.

"After all," Aubrey had proclaimed, "it is her last year at Hogwarts. What's she doing studying all the time and going to bed early on a Saturday night?"

Allison had looked thoughtful at this last question, and said in a quiet voice, "I have a feeling she's hiding something from us, Aubs. I don't know why, and I don't know what it is, but I intend to find out." She had a determined look on her face after her last statement, and I felt a little sympathy for Lily.

After all, if Allison wanted to find something out, she normally succeeded at her task. But it did make me wonder as to what Lily could possibly be hiding. I admittedly knew very little of her compared to Aubrey and Allison, so I had no idea as to what could be going on in her life.

Maybe she had a crush or something? Maybe she'd gotten involved with a muggle boy over the summer and had gotten her heart broken? I shook my head, enough wondering about Lily and boys. It gave me an odd feeling that I still wasn't used to yet.

Maybe I could find out what she was hiding.

I was living with her, after all.

A/N: Really, I was planning on writing the chapter about Lily and the club, but I forgot that I needed to do James' POV. Oh well, at least I finally updated! I'm not abandoning my story yet, so the next chapter (hopefully) shouldn't take too long to write, but don't expect it until sometime next week.