Chapter 4

That night Lily and James slept one of the best sleeps they had ever slept.

I woke up this morning and felt two warm arms around me. At first I didn't know what to think and then I looked up at James.

"I woke up like this and I didn't want to wake you, please don't bite me" He smiled.

I laughed and put my arms around his shoulders and put my head in the crook of his neck, again I felt him smile on my head. James had a very good rest, I could tell. When I moved he just let me lay were I was. The James I thought I knew would've moved me not even considering if I would wake or not. But I guess; I didn't know James until last night when we talked, I didn't know anything about him. I had just always despised him, except for that month in 3rd year. Had he changed? Had I changed? Or did I just need to listen to him more?

"Did you sleep well Lily?"

"Yes, thank you Potter"

I pulled away from him holding me. He looked at me almost like a lost puppy and I saw the loss in his eyes. I got up and out of the bed.

Potter followed me over to the door and i put my hand on the nob and he put his hand on mine almost accidentally an then quickly pulled away. I tried to open the door but it was no use.

"Still locked?" He said half caring and half wanting to get the hell out

"Still locked"

"Well, we've already played chess and you remember how that worked out"

We laughed together. And I leaned against the door, then slid against it to the floor and sat Indian Style. James sat down with me.

"", I shook my head as if I had forgotten his name or something, "James, stay here, I'll be right back"

"Ok, Lil"

I got up and went to the bathroom and did my busness and changed and did a few hygeine charms and ordered some room service, because that was the only way to get food, being locked up in here, the head house elf said it would be up in a half hour.



"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" I said as I walked back in the room

"You just seem different, as if I'm really meeting you and every other time was just practice. You know what I mean? Or does that not make any sense at all?"

He had just exactly said how I felt! How he figured out to put it into words I'll never know. I made a mental note to myself to figure out James Potter, to get to know him better. Almost my whole life I had known him but not really known him for real. I also mentally kicked myself for not figuring this out years ago. James was a pretty decent guy. But what if that's only when he's alone? What if he's still a total ass around his friends? UNGH James H. Potter, I will never really know you.



"Did you hear me?"

"Yeah, sorry I was thinking"

"I've always wondered what was going on in your head, would you like to share?"

"Thats ok, I'll pass this time"

"Ok... your thoughts, your choice. Oh, and did I mention that the food you ordered came?"

"Yeah, just now"

As I went to go get the food, I could feel someone following me, but I knew James went to the bathroom so I didn't bother turning around. I bent down and picked up the tray by the door and heard a low whistle. I turned around and someone was behind me, I screamed and fell over, nocking all the food on me.

But before I hit the ground James's strong hends and arms caught me. The food was all over my white T-shirt and his. He pulled me up as to stand straight infront of him. When I was all the way up he took in of my hands and placed it on his shoulder and the same with the other on the opposite shoulder. I blushed almost maroon and didn't have any idea what to do.

He pressed me against him and just held me there. James H. Potter had just pressed himself against me! It was nothing big but it had a great signifigance! He must have seen my eyes widen because he pulled back, looked at me and laughed.

"Funny James, could you bee any more childish" I said to him with the shocked look still on my face.

"Yes, would you like to see?"

I acted as if he was being as idiot and walked off to the bathroom. As I was in there I thougth about James, if he really liked me or if he was just looking for something to do. Well, I thought to myself, I guess i'll just have to wait an see.

And with that thought I walked out into James' living room where I saw him sitting on his couch only big enough for two. He smiled at me and I couldn't help but blush, so I turned away letting my hair cover my face, one of my many other ways to hide blushing.

He patted the seat next to him and I sat down next to the arm of the couch far from James.

"When and how did you get a television?"

"Ummm... I don't know ...and...I still don't know. Do you know how to work it?"

"Oh, sure ask the muggle born" I laughed

But James didn't. I showed him how to work it and he became fascinated. It became late and I went to bed.

After about ten minutes I guess James noticed that I was gone so he came in and woke me by getting into the bed himself. I didn't stirr. I wanted to see what he would do. I was laying on my side and to my surprise he layed directly in back of me, putting his amrs around my waist and he kissed my ear. I mentally blushed, making sure I didn't do it on the outside, for if I did he would surely know that I infact was really awake.

When I felt him lay down I smiled from ear to ear.

I didn't want to sleep but eventually I would if I wanted to wake in the morning.

To be continued...