Endgame (Conclusion)

Synopsis: This has been around since 2005?!? That is way to long for a simple 24 chapter story. Thanks to readers who stuck with it all this time! I usually procrastinate but never like this.

The Story so Far: The Assembled were created in a parallel universe as a means to combat an alien virus decimating the United Earth and its colonies. However, a flaw propagated through their robotic ranks allowing them to turn on their human masters and eventually declare war over all organic life.

The Assembled succeeded in their universe but soon learned that other intelligent life existed outside of their dimension. The Assembled began incursions into these parallel universes, gathering technology and resources for their continuing war.

Several of their universes teamed together to stop the robotic race. After much investigation, Data learned the Assembled sought a 'Great Machine' and intended to use it to destroy the dimensional barrier between universes. The universes would collapse into one another until only theirs remained.

Members of Stargate, ST:TNG and Voyager, Goliath of Gargoyles, the Imperial Fleet of SW, and Chellis of the Protoss eventual joined forces and traveled to Epsilon III of the B5 universe, discovering this was the Great Machine.

Setting up a defensive perimeter, Data began to adjust the machine so it could re-enforce the dimensional barriers so the Assembled, or essentially any reality, could no longer make dimensional incursions.

The Assembled arrived at the planet and began their attack, breaking through the Starfleet/Imperial line and sending an assault force into the Machine. SG-1 and their allied forces fought well but were overwhelmed.

Now, when all seemed lost, another group has arrived unexpectedly to aid the Union.

Epsilon III

The old man in white walked up to O'Neill.

"We come to you now," he said, "at the turn of the tide."

"Jack," Daniel whispered, "that's Gandalf…"

"I know Daniel. I do read you know."

Daniel looked at Jack for a long moment. Jack shrugged and added, "Well, ok, I saw the movies." He turned and looked at the floating red and blue garbed man who emerged from the portal a moment ago.

"And you must be Superman."

"Good afternoon Colonel," the caped crusader returned, his eyes sweeping over the robotic constructs making their way across the bridge.

"This is the weirdest day ever," Jack said flatly.

"There is no time for introductions," Gandalf said, "Fizban cannot hold the portal open long. It saps his strength as we banter about. We must hold these machines off until you can activate the machine!"

A man in mouse colored robes and absurd hat wiggled his fingers at O'Neill. The Colonel returned the wave and then turned to Gandalf, about to ask how he knew what was happening but then just shrugged and muttered, "Never mind." Nearby a small contingent of Roughnecks formed along the perimeter and began to fire into the robotic positions.

Superman readied to fly into battle when a strong voice called out to him. He turned to the wizard standing by the portal, his old face twisted in effort. Fizban reached into his sleeve and retrieved a small amulet.

"Kal-EL of Krypton, take this. It will temporarily protect you from your weaknesses."

"How did you know?" Superman questioned in bewilderment.

"I know many things, such as now you must do what you can to hold those machines off!"

Superman nodded, throwing the amulet around his neck, the small crystal seeming to bond with his costume. Turning, he became a blur of motion, blasting through the bridge and sending the robotic scouts flying through the air. Gandalf voice followed after him, his staff striking the deck plates and flashing white, electricity sparking off the remaining robots.

"It's official, I've seen everything," Jack whispered, raising his rifle and firing once more.

On the opposite side Superman tossed the robots about as though they were toys. Near the entrance Assembled scouts began to setup what appeared to be beacons, intent on bringing in reinforcements while opposite them several Roughnecks attached small N2 armaments to the end of their rifles, debating their use with the Kryptonian on the opposite side. Gandalf ordered them to fire, Fizban adding the weapon would have little effect on the hero.

Starfleet and Imperial forces re-grouped, thankful for the counter-attack.

The beacons flared briefly, the more advanced Pinnacle model of scout emerging and immediately heading towards Superman. The hero acknowledged the robot with a low "You again" and charged.

The two began to exchange blows, the sound echoing throughout the underground chamber. Pinnacle's body flared green, then red, but Superman shook his head with a smile and swung upwards with a vicious uppercut. The robot flew into the air, striking the rocky ceiling. Superman joined him, fists a blur of motion. They turned in the air and battled, driving a deep funnel into the stony dome.

At the bridge, the scout known to Daniel as Avatar pointed upwards. As one, the robotic forces shifted their weapons upwards as Pinnacle suddenly grabbed Superman around the torso. Every robot opened fire, their energy blasts hitting the area directly over the struggling crusader. Rock and stone poured down over the combatants as the ceiling collapsed. The two fell into the deep chasm below, pummeled by the debris.

The beacons again flared as the Roughnecks fired their weapons again and again, the explosions having little effect on the robots. This time, strange new robots appeared. One group appeared to be metal skeletons, eyes glowing eerily red, hands carrying powerful plasma energy weapons. Others were bronze colored insectiod machines. The Imperials gasped at their sudden appearance, shouting "Droidekas!"

"As you can see we have brought our own allies," the Avatar intoned.

"Take out those beacons! O'Neill shouted at the roughnecks, directing them to fire their charges once more.

The droidekas rolled into balls and tumbled across the bridge, flanking the avatar whose silver jets flared to life and carried him through the air. He crashed down into the allied ranks as the droids unraveling, transparent blue energy shielding flaring around them as they fired into the Union ranks.

"The TR-116 is not having an effect on them!" A Starfleet officer yelled.

The Avatar turned and headed into the entrance to the command chamber, protected by the deadly droid onslaught.

"Carter, how much longer?" O'Neill shouted into his radio over the din.

"Just a few more minutes," the Major returned.

We're out of time, O'Neill thought.

Central Complex

"A scout is on its way," Cater said as she adjusted her weapon, "can you hurry Data?"

"I am going as fast as I can, Major Cater," Data answered.

"Our comms are cut off from the ships in orbit," Carter said, nervousness creeping into her voice. From the entrance to the chamber she could hear the sound of metal feet echoing up the hallway.

"Do not fear Major Carter," Goliath said, "the robot will not get past Chellis and I." The gargoyle and Protoss soldier took position on opposite sides of the entrance. Carter lifted her weapon and centered it on the entrance. From the corner of her eye she thought she detected motion at the back of the chamber. Risking a glance, she peered into the dark corner but could not make anything out.

The Avatar emerged without warning into the chamber. Goliath threw himself at the robot, his roar nearly deafening the Major. The robot swung its arm in a vicious strike without a glance, hitting the big winged warrior in the chest. He was thrown backwards, hitting the wall with a sickening thud.

Chellis' psi-blades hissed to life. He swung outwards, the Avatar's chest sparking from the strike. The robots tail hurled over the construct's head, the pincers closing over the Zealot's head and launching him into the metal ceiling. He struck hard and fell to the floor as the tail weapon opened fire.

Carter opened fire with her TR-116 with little hope of its success. The robot would not have made it this far if it had not developed a counter-measure. It turned to the Major as Chellis fell once more to the floor with a crash.

Carter then heard a hiss of energy, a red glow suddenly springing to life in the corner. Lord Vader emerged from the shadows.

"Darth Vader," the Avatar said, raising its arm mounted weapon. The Sith Lord did not return the greeting. The Avatar nodded anyway and continued, "You will forgive me. My social programming cannot do justice to this turn of events. Do you mean to confront me in single combat? I believe my response would be to chuckle in amusement."

The robot opened fire. Blasts of energy streamed outwards. Vader raised his saber and lowered his head slightly in concentration. The energy flowed around him but did not strike the armored figure.

"Impressive," the Avatar said.

Vader rushed at the construct, saber raised. Twin small tubes emerged from the arms of the robot and similar blades of energy burst into life. The Avatar crossed them, deflecting Vader's attack and then lashed outwards. Vader spun and blocked the attack, striking at the robots legs. The saber bounced off an energy field.

"Most impressive, Lord Vader. However, my shielding is a gift from your Protoss and Droideka friends."

Avatar and Vader battled around the room, the robots vastly superior strength hampered by Vader's use of the force. Vader could feel the internal mechanisms within the robot, could detect their delicate nature but could not concentrate on them long enough to do any damage. The robot's attacks were too swift. Vader's saber spun in for an attack, the twin beams connecting and the enemies drawing close.

"Why do you fight, Lord Vader? You know the glory of the machine. You taste it each time you put on that helmet, savor it with each and every breath. Who granted you this glory? Was it a machine droid – the slaves to your kind?"

Vader turned, his renewed attack peppering the energy field with repeated strikes. The shield began to falter under the strain.

"Perhaps we could adapt you into a new body, completely machine. You would be spared the agony of the organic. What better way to celebrate the existence of so vaunted a child killer?"

Vader hesitated at that.

"Yes, I am aware of your historical record. Tell me, great Sith Lord, do the cries of tiny baby Jedi keep you awake at night?"

Vader unleashed a hellish scream of rage and pointed at the chest of the robot, his hand curling into a claw. The Force poured out of him, at first without direction. The room trembled from the terrible power. But his cry was soon cut off and he staggered backwards.

"I have taken this moment of distraction to access your environmental controls. I have disabled your breathing apparatus."

Vader again tried to raise his arm and point at the robot, but fell face first to the floor, his hands instead trying desperately to remove his helmet.

"Perhaps you can use your ridiculous Force to remove your armor. Now then, to the task at hand."

The Avatar turned towards Carter, the energy blades vanishing, replaced by the glowing arm weapon. Carter felt Data suddenly stand and steady her with a calming hand on her shoulder.

"Major, I have completed the modifications."

Suddenly the room was aglow, flaring outwards in wave after wave of energy, passing through them in ripples of current. The Avatar straightened and stared at the machine. Outside, the sound of battle abruptly ceased.

"Major," the Avatar said, "we desire a cease-fire. Soon we will not be able to return to our respective universes."

"Um, agreed, I guess," Carter said with surprise. The Avatar turned and headed towards the entrance. Vader's breathing restored to normal and Chellis and Goliath staggered to their feet.

"Picard to Major Carter!" the comm channel suddenly erupted, "Picard to anyone! Respond!"

"Go ahead, Captain."

"You must stop Data from activating the machine. You must….what's that? Our sensors are reading a massive energy wave. Has Data completed the modifications?"

"Captain…" Carter began just as Data collapsed.


The members of SG-1, Darth Vader and some of the Enterprise crew gathered in the medical bay. Data lay on a bed, programming code crawling over the monitor above him.

The Assembled ships had vanished almost as soon as the 'Great Machine' was activated. The Imperial ships, except Lord Vader's, also vanished along with Voyager, Defiant and the others who had joined in the fight. Those who arrived via the portal in the planet also left, Superman emerging from the deep pit carrying the head of Pinnacle soon after the machine had been set in motion.

How long before the dimensional barrier stabilizes?" Picard asked.

"About twelve more minutes. We won't be able to make any more incursions between our universes after that."

"So let me get this straight," O'Neill almost shouted in frustration, "Data was in on this all along?"

"Probably from the moment he interfaced with the Assembled intelligence during their first incursion. They injected programming code into him that completely took him over. Within a few seconds it had mimicked his own code and behavior exactly," LaForge said.

"It makes sense," Daniel added, "everything we got about the robots, all the intel, came from him. We've been manipulated from the start."

"So the robots wanted the dimensional barrier to be re-enforced?"

"I guess in that way no one could ever make it into their universe. Maybe they are actually content within their own universe. We can't trust anything we know about them now. All the information we have was tainted in some way. It could have been all lies," Carter felt like punching a wall in frustration, "there may never have been a 'Great Machine'…or it could be something entirely different."

Picard inhaled deeply. They had all lost so much – hundreds dead during the defense of the planet, all the incursions the Assembled had preformed on uncounted planets, the death of Riker…it made no sense to him.

"Is there no way another incursion could take place?"

"I don't see how. Unless they had some kind of massive power source like the planet below. That's beyond any technology we've seen them possess."

Vader suddenly straightened at this. He turned and strode out of the room, the medical bay door closing behind him. They would never see the Sith Lord again.

"You're welcome," O'Neill called after him.

"I don't like leaving so much to the unknown," Picard said, "but our time is up. We may never know what actually happened here."

"Will Data be ok?"

"The programming is dormant now – we can purge it. Almost like the nanobots that Dr. Jackson had except in Data's case they mimicked his own programming exactly until his mission was over. They were invisible to our sensors until now."

"Captain," O'Neill, "this is going to make one hell of a report isn't it?"

"Indeed Colonel. I am sorry you never got that tour."

"Yeah, I know. But maybe you can let me take a souvenir? Like a comm badge or a phaser? Or…your chair? No?"

"We'll escort you to the transporter room," Picard said with a smile.

"I guess so. I'll tell you one thing though…I'm leaving Superman out of my report."


Imperial Space

Vader's Imperial cruiser dropped out of hyperspace, one of his officers informing him they had arrived at the co-ordinates. He ignored the man, his formidable mind turning over the events of the last few hours.

"Great Machine…could be different. A power source…Admiral, how much did that robot take during the attack on our ship?"

"Only a partial copy of our database, Lord Vader."

"Sir," a lieutenant arrived. He looked fearfully at the Sith Lord.


"The Death Star sir…."


"It's gone."

"Gone? How?"

"We found some wreckage of a supply ship with one survivor. He says shortly after the defense fleet left for Epsilon III a large contingent of alien ships appeared out of nowhere. They transported aboard the Death Star somehow and completely overran it. He says the main weapon fired some type of modified beam…it gets strange from here. He says the beam opened some sort of aperture and the station dropped into it."

"The station was taken?"

"The station…" Lord Vader mused to himself, ignoring the officers, "was the Great Machine. Everything they had done was to draw our forces away from it, make us implement a means that we could never attack them directly. We cannot duplicate their incursion technology to such a degree to mount an assault. Not with the dimensional re-enforcement. They wanted the station and the device of Epsilon III all along.

"We are now…at their mercy."

Vader turned and left the bewildered men.