*Insert standard disclaimer. Followed by:
I do, however, own the plot and concept of this story. I do own my
own mind, after all.

Please review. If you like it, review. If you don't like it and want
to throw me to a pack of Relenas, review. If you didn't appreciate that last
comment, review. Please.



Chapter One: Unexpected Visitors---

It was then that it happened- a single solitary testament of her soul dripped
down her cheek. Silent tears- painful tears- fell and hit then pavement
below, dotting both her uniform and her spirit. She walked to the park and
took a seat on her favorite bench. She was alone, again. With no one to
comfort her, she felt a gaping hole a mile wide torn in her heart- still being
torn- and the tears continued. In that entire time, however, only one thing
was able to stop Serena's tears. And that was the sound of a huge splash and
the sight of a 30-foot wave which stopped just below her feet. Serena had to
close her eyes to shield them from the spray resulting from the wave. When
she no longer felt the cold droplets hitting her skin, she opened her
blue, crystalline orbs and was amazed at what she saw.
A huge robot-like machine, looking to be around 10 stories high,
towered above her.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Serena screamed as a boy, looking to be about
fifteen years of age, was suddenly flung mercilessly from
the "head" head of the tall machine, only to come flying at her with
great velocity.

"Oww!" Serena fell to the ground under the manling's weight. Combined
with the force of the impact, it was a force to be reckoned with. Her first
thought was to check for a pulse, and to her relief, she found one.
Actually, this was her second thought- having taken place after the little
bunnies stopped twirling around her head, of course.

Expecting to find- if anything- a very faint pulse, Serena was suprised to
find a very strong and steady heartbeat. She blinked. Okay, sure; in
such a circumstance this seemed freakishly off to her, but...

"Oh my god, are you okay?! Wake up, please!!" The boy did not so much as
open his eyes. Glancing around quickly for anyone who could get the
other teenager help, Serena noticed another machine- similar to the first,
about the same size- land not ten feet away. Hoping that it was one of the
boy's allies, she turned back to the injured male as she leaned in front of

The man approached Serena from behind, and attempted to speak to the ground's

"So, gundam pilot...it all comes down to this. Our final battle..."
Serena turned around, coughing quite obviously to signal the older man's
attention. The man opened one eye to look at her, and she nodded at the boy
in front of her. His status: slumped against a tree.

Appearing to finally acknowledge her presence, the man raised his gun
at her, contemplating whether a shot would be in his best interest, when
suddenly something flew into him. Someone, rather.
(It's a bird, it's a plane- it's Wufei!!)

(Wufei) "The weak should not fight, nor be attacked, Marquis. You have
no honor."


"If you wish to retain any sense of honor, continue your battle with
this pilot another time...There is no respect in killing a wounded man
unable to use his weapons."

Zecks nodded, his family's honor quickly having overpowered his thirst
for the young pilot's defeat.

"Very well. Tell your comrade we will continue this another

Just then, a large- and, really; it was HUGE- carrier flew down from the sky
and landed a few feet away. A young teenage boy, who looked to be about
the same age as the other two, gracefully climbed out of what Serena assumed
was the cockpit of the carrier. Looking at him, Serena noted his loose
clothing, light blond hair and cornflower blue eyes.

"I have the carrier," the newcomer said softly from behind a few golden

The other boy nodded slightly. "Secure Heero's gundam."


Serena watched in fascination as the boy procured a small box from his vest.
After appearing to have entered a code into the- uh- box, the back hatch of
the carrier slowly began to open. Then, the young boy ran over to the lake,
the gundam in which was near enough to the shore for the boy to jump onto it.
He began to climb up the side.

(Serena): So fast...

The boy reached the top and climbed into the cock pit. Serena could no
longer see what was happening.

~ ~ ~ In the Cockpit~ ~ ~

(Blond pilot, speaking to self): "!!! Why aren't the controls in the
gundams the same?!! I don't know how to pilot this!"

"Well, here goes," he jerked a lever, which resulted in the gundam
falling over. After having succeeded in getting it to stand up again,
the Arabian SOMEHOW, while fate looked on and laughed, got Heero's gundam
to perform a series of actions which together resembled the macarena.
This resulted in a huge sweatdrop from everyone.

"He-he, heh..."

Quatre eventually suceeded in getting Heero's gundam into the carrier.
A few minutes later he reemerged, looking slightly relieved, but blushing
furiously... After entering another code into the box, the carrier hatch
closed,and the tomato once again entered the cockpit. He then leaned his
head out of the pilot's entrance.

Wufei turned toward the carrier. "Ready, Winner?" "Winner" nodded, looking
on as Wufei lifted Heero over his shoulder. The chinese fighter then glanced
in Serena's direction. "Come if you want, woman." Serena nodded, and,
following Wufei, proceeded to enter the carrier's cockpit.

Catching sight of her, Quatre glanced apologetically at Serena.
"There's only one seat, so you'll have to share," he said,
indicating Heero. Serena nodded, too confused to say anything. She slid
over to accomodate the soldier. Quatre watched as Wufei
entered the Shenlong gundam. Within seconds, the carrier had fired up it's
engines and blasted off, closely followed by Wufei's gundam.

Serena watched in amazement as the carrier entered outer space.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~In the Carrier Piloted by Quatre ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Excuse me, miss?" Quatre glanced toward Serena.


"It's all right, I won't hurt you. Are you okay?" Serena nodded

and seemed reassured, if only a little.

Seizing the opportunity, Quatre decided to find out more about
the girl.

"What's your name?"

(Serena): "Tsukino Serena."

(Quatre): "Rabbit on the Moon? It's cute. Well, Miss Serena, I'm Quatre,
and have had the pleasure of rescuing you this fine evening. The one
piloting the gundam behind us is Wufei, and the one on your shoulder,
he's Heero." Serena laughed lightly, her reaction drawing a smile from
Quatre. Suddenly she became confused.

"What's a gundam?"

"A full explanation would take too long,and I might have to kill you if I
told you, so all I'll say is that, as far as I know, only five gundams are
used only to achieve peace.... With no
hidden motives, that is."

Quatre sighed with relief as they neared a portal.

"I was afraid it wouldn't
be here." She looked at him questioningly.

"You see, Miss Serena, Heero was fighting, and suddenly a portal appeared,
and he and Zex were thrown just outside of your Earth's atmosphere. Wufei
followed them as did I, he piloting his gundam and I securing a carrier.
And the rest, you already know." Serena nodded and began to look a little
nervous as they began to enter the portal.

"Don't worry, Miss Serena. The portal does LOOK a little unstable,
but it's really not." Serena smiled. Suddenly, the carrier lurched, launching
Serena forward and causing her to hit her head -hard- on the control panel.
Crying out in pain, she passed out.

"Miss Serena? Miss Serena?! Damn!"

As the carrier neared the base where the Gundams were stored for the time
being, a picture of a man popped up on the viewscreen.

"State your business."

"This is Quatre and Wufei. Pequesting clearance."

"Clearance is granted; proceed to land."


As they landed, Heero began to wake up. He opened his eyes, but sensed that
he was not alone. Looking around, he noticed Quatre at the controls of what
appeared to be yet another carrier... but
the platinum blond wasn't the only other occupant. A young girl lay, passed
out, next to him.


"Heero? Thank God you're okay. You had me worried."

Without responding to Quatre, Heero indicated Serena. "Who's she?"

"Her name is Miss Serena."

"And my gundam?"

"In the back. I'm suprised how different your controls are from

"What'd you expect?"

After a moment, Quatre looked at Heero.

"Are you strong enough to help get her to the infirmary?" Heero nodded,
looking distracted.

When they landed, Hiiro grabbed Serena in his arms, and jumped out of the
carrier. He began to run towards the

(Quatre, aqquiring a sweatdrop): "I should have known he'd run..."

------------------LATER, IN THE INFIRMARY---------------------

Heero gazed in at Serena through the glass window.

"What's her status?"

"She's fine," replied Quatre, "although---"


"Scanners indicate an enormous level of energy stored within her body. It is
not like anything the five of us have, just-" he struggled for
words, "energy."


"No Heero, not necessarily; she didn't seem to know who Zecks Marquis was;
he almost killed her, in fact."

"Is she awake?"



"Technically, Heero, although, she really needs to-"

Quatre was cut off as the doors to Serena's infirmary room closed behind
the soldier.


Quatre turned at the sound of Duo's voice to see the three other pilots.

"Hey, Quatre. Was that Heero?"


---------------INSIDE THE ROOM---------------------

Serena woke up to see Heero sitting in a chair beside her bed. Recollecting
the past events-- Heero, carrier, hit---
she felt her head. Finding no bandages, she thanked God she was okay.

"You're awake." Heero stated. Serena nodded, signifying a yes.

"Who are you?" he demanded of her.

"My name is Serena Tsukino."

"Who do you work for?"


"What organization??!"

"...Organization?? What do you mean??"

"Answer my questions or you're going to die," he said, standing up. Heero
backed up a few feet, aiming his gun at her.

----------Outside the Room----------

All the pilots stopped talking and watched in horror as the "perfect soldier"
pointed his gun at Serena.

Quatre blinked. "What's he doing??!"

"That asshole!!!" the indigo-eyed pilot exclaimed as he ran
into Serena's room.


"Maybe you should you have a talk with Quatre, Heero."


"Or, maybeee I should call Miss Relena, eh, 'Heero-kun'?" Heero glared

(nananananananana death glare!!) at Duo as he walked out of the room,

looking terribly pissed off.



A note from me, the author: Serenity-chan

"[email protected]"
----hey!! more chapters to come... I love crossovers, so expect many more.

Please review. If you like it, review. If you don't like it and want
to throw me to a pack of Relenas, review. If you didn't appreciate that last
comment, review. Please.Again, I do not own Sailor Moon or Gundam Wing:
please, don't sue me.


ja ne!