Author's Note: Okay, here we go. Since this is a fanfiction, I will not be sticking to the exact same story line, so if I change some facts a bit-don't hate me. I won't change them that much, I promise. This will take place after the 2nd book, so Thoru hasn't met many Sohmas yet. Thanks, and enjoy!

Disclaimer: Why do I even bother, I do not own fruits basket or anything associated with fruits basket, though I hope and dream I did.

Chapter one: Fateful encounter


"Thoru, are you okay?" Yuki came running into Tohru's bedroom to find her standing in her nightgown, looking down at a black dog.

"Sorry, sorry, my fault" said the dog. "I was trying to wake her up, when she kind of fell to the side. I was stupid enough to catch her" he continued.

"So you would have let her fall?" Kyo said, walking up to them.

"Why are you here" Yuki asked Kyo, disgruntled.

"Why do you care, damn rat?" Kyo yelled. The two boys then went into a huge fight, blowing up parts of the house. Tohru looked at them and smiled. It was just a normal day at the Sohma household.

"I must be the luckiest girl ever" Tohru said smiling, the sounds of Yuki and Kyo yelling still in the background.

"Then you must have a pretty twisted outlook on the word lucky" the dog next top her said.

"No, I just see the good things in life. I'm going to make breakfast, what would you like?" she asked.

"I dunno, something with a lot of leeks" the dog said, smiling, looking at Kyo, who had just blasted the front door away for the thirds time that week.

"You are so mean" Tohru said laughing. She walked over to the kitchen and took out a mixing bowl. She looked out the window as she set the bowl down. She had a pretty good view of the estate from there. In the far distance she could see Yuki's garden. The strawberries he had planted had just started to take bloom. She looked over to the trees on the left of the garden and saw something that made her hearts stop. Walking towards the house was a figure, dressed in some type of kimono. She looked a bit taller than Tohru and had short hair, orange hair.

"Mom?" Tohru whispered, not believing her eyes. She couldn't see the lady's face, but she had the same colored hair. The only other person with that colored hair was Kyo, and he was still fighting. Tohru ran out of the kitchen and past the fighting boys, heading for the mysterious person. Instantly, Kyo and Yuki stopped beating up each other and followed her.

"Tohru, what's wrong" Yuki asked, running behind her. Kyo followed up in the back looking a bit annoyed.

"You better not be leading us on" he said to Tohru's back. "God, how fast does that girl run" he muttered to himself.

Thoru did not hear any of this. She was too intent on getting to whoever was out there. She was remembering that fateful day when she received the dreadful news. The sound of the street vender's voice still echoed in her head.

"I'm sorry, kid, but your mom is past hope."… past hope…past hope

She ran as fast as she could towards the trees, her legs getting cut by the rocks and sharp branches that littered the ground. She finally saw the figure, in front of her. She was backlit by the sun so it looked like she was surrounded by a glowing light. Tohru looked up and expected to see a much beloved and missed face. Instead she found herself looking into a pair of confused, scarlet eyes. Not the eyes of her mother. Tohru collapsed on the ground, physically and emotionally tired. The person, whoever she was, knelt down beside Tohru.

"Are you okay?" she asked, her voice light, but strong at the same time. Tohru looked back up at the person. She saw that she was young, probably her own age. She also didn't have short hair; it was just pulled up in a bun on the back of her head. Thoru tried to talk, but her voice failed. The girl was not her mom, but she looked so familiar, where was she from?

"Tohru!" Yuki said as he burst into the trees. He looked from Tohru, who laid on the ground to the girl who was next to her. Tohru heard him suck in his breath. Just then Kyo came running in.

"What's the big idea Tohru, you lead us here for no….." he stopped in mid sentence as he sated at the oranges haired girl. Tohru sat up and looked on. Kyo kept staring at the girl as though he was seeing a ghost.

"Kia?" he whispered, his voice hoarse. Suddenly, the girl ran into Kyo's arms. Tohru felt a sudden force of jealousy that coursed through her for a second. Then she realized that Kyo had not transformed.

"Another Sohma!" Tohru screeched as she got up to her feet. Yuki chuckled at the look of excitement on her face.

"No need to get your hopes up Tohru; Kia doesn't change into anything" Yuki said.

"Oh, that's okay" Tohru said, trying to hide her disappointment.

"Yeah, I'm just a normal one, well as normal as a Sohma can get" Kia said smiling. Tohru looked at Kia and Kyo and squealed. Now she knew why Kia looked so familiar. She was the exact copy of Kyo. They both had bright orange hair, scarlet eyes, the same nose, mouth. They were identical except for the fact that Kia had longer hair and a more, well, feminine body.

"Your, your twins!" Tohru said, her eyes lighting up.

"Yup, the only Sohma twins!" Kyo said, a big smile on his face. Tohru noticed that this was the happiest she had ever seen Kyo, except for the time Yuki was forced to wear that dress.

"Two cats! Oh, that's wonderful!" Tohru said. But she wished she hadn't when she saw the look on the twins' faces. "Oh, um, well, Kyo, how come you never told me about Kia?" she asked, trying to change the subject a bit.

"I thought she was dead" Kyo said bluntly, looking away, but still firmly gripping his sister's hand.

"Oookay" Tohru said, truing to look for something else, a bit less depressing to talk about. "Um, so how about breakfast, I'll go start it, do you want to come with me Kia?" Tohru asked her.

"I'd be delighted to" Kia said, letting go of her brother's hand and walking up to Tohru. "I'll fill you in on the way to the house, I know you must be dying of curiosity" Kia whispered. Tohru giggled and nodded.

"Um, be careful on the way up you two" Kyo yelled at them. Kia looked at her brother oddly and then broke out into a big smile. She went over to him and whispered something in his ear. Suddenly he turned as red a tomato and turned away. Tohru and Yuki both looked confused. Kia walked back to Tohru and smiled.

"Let's get going" she said. Tohru stumbled behind her.

"What did you tell Kyo to make him blush like that?" Tohru asked.

"You haven't figured out yet?" Kia asked, looking at Tohru with a confused look.

"Um, no" Tohru answered.

"You really are as naïve as you look" Kia said, smiling, "but that's a good thing. You will see Tohru, soon." And with that, Kia turned away, leaving Tohru utterly confused. What was wrong with Kyo? And what did her being naïve, which she WAS NOT, have anything to do with it?

"So, what's the story with you?" Tohru asked, dismissing the previous thoughts from her head.

"It's a long story, but basically I left for training six years ago, but Akito thought it would be helpful if he told everybody I was dead." Kia said, her voice sounding oddly strangled.

"Oh, okay, so what do you want for breakfast?" Tohru asked as the reached the house.

"Anything is good, as long as it doesn't have leeks" Kia said. Tohru laughed.

"You are exactly like your brother" Tohru said. Kia looked back at Yuki, who was walking towards them.

"No, not exactly" she said softly.

A/N: So how did you like it? Please, please, R&R, it would mean the world to me! I won't put up another chapter until I get at least ONE review. Thanks!