One SlowDance

This is my first fanfic so be easy on me! I would like to apologize in advance because my spelling is horrible so I'm sorry if there are any spelling mistakes. Please review so I know whether to post the next chap. Well anyways hope u like it.

N/A- Thanks to my friend gem for proof reading and helping with ideas.

I do not own J.K Rowling's characters or the ending all I own is the plot.


So what really happened in their final year of school that made Lily changes her mind about James Potter? "You think you're funny, but you're an arrogant, bullying toerag, Potter." Did the infamous Potter grow up for the love of his life? (LJ 4eva)

Chapter one – Perfect world

James' point of view:

I woke up as soon as the sun hit my bedroom window. Getting up early had become a holiday ritual for me, to go for a run around my family's estate so I would be in top form for Quidditch, I was the star chaser and newly appointed captain.

I stepped outside and the chilly air hit my bare arms but I paid no attention to it and started my jog. I had tried extremely hard to get Sirius into my morning ritual but my attempts went in vain, so as I ran I had plenty of time to think of a certain fiery red head that I had been obsessed with the day he laid eyes on her! Lily Evans the love of my life, she was the most beautiful girl I had ever laid eyes on.

"James get your ass in here before you breakfast gets cold."

"Yes mum I'll be there in 5 min" I yelled back.

As I walked into the kitchen I was greeted by my whole family, my mother and father as well as a very sleepy Sirius. Although the Potter manor had many house elf's my mother all ways insisted on baking and cleaning up herself.

"Morning all" I said as I kissed his mother on the cheek.

"Morning son. There's a letter from Hogwarts on the table." I was the spiting image of my father Harold Potter except for my eyes I had inherited my mother's most unique eyes that had just about every natural colour spiraling into each other.

I opened my letter it was thicker then usual and as I opened it I found and extra page and badge attached to the usual book list. I read over the first page:

Dear MR Potter

I am pleased to inform you that you have been appointed head boy this year. This is a very demanding job but you have shown me and you fellow students that you can handle this responsibility.

You and the head girl will have to spend the train journey together in the head compartment organizing and discussing details for the upcoming year. Also you will help conduct the prefect's meeting. Enclosed is your badge and with that badge comes curtain privileges which may not be abused in any way.

Yours sincerely

Albus Dumbledore


My jaw fell open………… I, James Potter head boy, the same James Potter that got detentions at least three times a month!

"Mate what's wrong with you? You look like you've just been made head boy or something?"

I was speechless, I couldn't believe it. My mother looked up from the toast she had just been buttering and my father lifted his head out of his news paper.

"I-I-I'm H-H-Head Boy!" I managed to get out. The room was quite as though they were all processing what had just come out of my mouth. Within seconds my mother was on top of me hugging and kissing me and my father was congratulating me.

Sirius patted me on the back "Mate I think Moony has had more of and effect on you then you think. Either that or you finely grown up!"

Lily's point of view:

I lay on my bed watching the sun rise out from my window. I had been awake all night in fact; I hadn't slept for weeks now I stayed up all night crying. My usually beautiful bright emerald eyes were dull and my eyes were puffy and red, with dark bags from lack of sleep. Not only had I been losing sleep but I had lost a considerable amount of weight from not eating. It had been a month since that devastating day. It had been the day after the wedding between my older sister Petunia, to Vernon Dursley and both my parents had been traveling home from shopping, and there had been a random Death Eater attack, they had tried to help a bunch of children. They managed to get the children out but got killed in there attempt. My sister who had been notified on her honeymoon of the tragic accident had told me that she did not want any contact with me because it had been apparently my fault, my 'abnormality' had been the course. Which I full well know was right. If I hadn't been a witch my parents would be here with me now! My sister had let me keep the family house at least.

I had no one, my two friends were abroad and would not return till September the first, the start of their 7th and final year at Hogwarts school of magic.

"Come on lily, you have to get up and eat something today" I told myself "you have cried enough." I had always been a strong person that never lost my composer in front of too many people. I swung my legs over the side of my bed just as a huge barn owl flew through the window caring the yearly Hogwarts letter.

I took it of the owl's leg noticing it was heavier then usual. I opened the letter and it revealed:

Dear MISS Evans

I am pleased to inform you that you have been appointed head girl this year. This is a very demanding job but you have shown me and you fellow students that you can handle this responsibility.

You and the head boy will have to spend the train journey together in the head compartment organizing and discussing details for the upcoming year. Also you will help conduct the prefect's meeting. Enclosed is your badge and with that badge comes curtain privileges which may not be abused in any way.

Yours sincerely

Albus Dumbledore


This had not come as such a shock. I had known that I was a candidate for being head girl, I had the top marks of my year, was popular amongst the students, favorite of every teacher except the Divination teacher and I been a prefect two years in arrow. I was the 'perfect' student but that was just at first glance, very few knew of the things that I got up to with my friend, sneaking of to go to clubs, getting drunk and exploring the school and school grounds.

The thing that upset me the most was that my father and mother would not be able to know my achievements. My parent had all ways been proud of me.

"No Lily, don't cry again" I closed my eyes as one single tear fell down my face.

It had been two weeks since I had received the letter from Hogwarts and I still looked horrible but I had been eating a little every now and then. I had decided that today I would go to Diagon Alley to gets my books and a few extras.

I got dressed in my tight flare jeans and a green halter neck top. The top did not fit me so well anymore; it was loose because of the weight I had lost. Then I tried hiding the bags under my eyes with make-up, it worked a little but my eyes were still puffy. I gave up and went down stairs to apperate to the Leaky Cauldron.

I walked through the alley quickly getting all my stuff I needed as fast as I could. I usually took my time I loved going to all the shops and exploring there products but today I wanted to get back to my home more then ever. It was hard to go out into the public. My parents usually always came out with me; it brought back to many memories

James' point of view:

I sat at a table in the Leaky Cauldron surrounded by my three best friends; Remus Lupin, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew. We had decided that today we would get all our school books together. I had been silent for most of the conversation only adding in every so often. The door opened and I lifted my head and at that moment, time stood still as my eyes saw a glimmer of the beautiful auburn hair. It was her, Lily Evans.

"Hey mate wake up, are you listening to me?" Sirius waved his hand in front of my face

"Sirius leave him! There's only one thing that can make him act like this and she is standing at the door!" Remus said as he followed my gaze to the door. All the guys looked up to see the redhead make her way though the Cauldron.

"Oh my god! Look at her she look horrible, her top is hanging of her!"

"I wonder what happened to her!" I had noticed that her eyes were not there bright happy self and she had lost a whole lot of weight. I wanted to go follow her and find out what was troubling her and hug her, touch her but I know she would not tell me or let me, well not yet at lest.

Okay this is the exact same story as before but just with out the lyric because were not allowed the lyrics any more. It won't be the same! Anyways read and review as before.