None of the Characters I this story are mine. I would love it to be as I would be rich out of my wildest dreams.

This story is all from Éowyn point of view in her own diary. It is pre-war of the ring and the story though out will change the whole plot. I apologise for any un happiness this may cause. Also if this idea has been done before just tell me. (The improvments made are to spelling and grammer) Thank you.

Facts file (Year 3010):

Name: Éowyn daughter of Éomund and Théodwyn.

Age: 15

Year of birth: 2995

Family: Both parents deceased. One brother called Éomer (Born 2991). Now live with my Uncle (King Théoden) and only cousin Théodred.

Marriage status: Valour I'm only 15. This is not Gondor.

Children: See above

Aims in life: What question is that? I could put any rubbish, For example. Too slay the Witch King of Angmar.

26th June, 3010

Rohan seems so far away from here. We have been riding for 5 days now. Everything looks the same, no trees not like in Ithilien. That was an amazing place. But I have been informed by my dear brother and cousin that Minas Tirith is defiantly I sight to be seen. (But not as beautiful as the Golden Hall). The heat from the sun was strong. Our company rode up a steep hill then it came into sight. It was amazing. All 7 layers of white stone, and the solid gates were beautiful. And as we rode up towards the Citadel I felt as if all the eyes were fixed on me.

"Now remember what I said." Théoden begin to speck to us. "This is a business trip and any words spoke out of line will not be good. So let me do all the talking but if you are asked a question say as little as possible but smile."

With this last remark he chuckled at him self. We were led into the main hall. It was bare and empty, our very footsteps echoed around it.

"Welcome King Théoden." An old but joyful man got off his throne at the bottom of the steps and walked over to meet uncle. "Welcome to Gondor" He then looked over uncles shoulder and saw the three of us standing there.

"And who are these people?" This was not the same man, bitterness came over him and he stared at us with piercing eyes.

"Forgive me." Uncle moved aside "This is my son Théodred." He moved his hand to signal which one he meant. "And these are my late sister's children Éomer and Éowyn."

The Steward of Gondor nodded in acknowledgment and started to speak.

"I too have sons. Boromir is the eldest and he will be returning today." The man turned his back on us and began to walk away whilst still praising his son.

"Boromir is brave, strong and loyal to me. He is no wizard pupil like Faramir." With this murmuring the second name of the son was mentioned. Who was this Faramir? What was he like? How old was he? In the eyes of his farther he did not seem to be worth the mention.

The rest of the day past with no action taken place. I was not allowed out of this tower. The horns have just blown though, as a sign that a Lord of Gondor has arrived back. It will be Boromir. I guess we will meet him at diner and maybe even Faramir. I do not now why but I'm interested in him, what he is like. I will write down what happened at diner later. Now I must get ready.

Well what another waste of time. Faramir was not there, though his brother Boromir did mention his name. He had been sent to eat with his rangers and so will not be joining us this evening. But in turn Boromir was a kind man. He laughed and joked and found more interested in talking to Éomer, Théodred and I then the elder people at the table. We did find out a lot of information about him too.

Facts file (Year 3010):

Name: Boromir Son of Denethor and Finduilas. Captain of Gondor

Age: 32

Year of birth: 2978

Family: Father Denethor (Stewart of Gondor). Mother, Finduilas died (2988). 1 Brother, Faramir.

Marriage status: No love intension

Children: None

Aims in life: To become a noble man of Gondor, Raise a family and make his farther love his little brother.

Well that annoyed me. I could have found out a lot about Faramir if Denethor had not interrupted Boromir every time we got near the subject. Well if Boromir is 32 now and he is the oldest and there mother died in 2988 then Faramir has to be in his late 20's.

But on the up side that meal was not a complete waste of an evening as uncle did say that tomorrow we will be aloud to look around the city. I will be able to get out of this room. There are 234 blocks in the walls and 55 slabs on the floor. I need some air and contact with people not just Éomer and Théodred.

I have got a load of ideas for this but not sure if it is any good. I would love any feedback good or bad as that is the only way to improve.

Thank you

The bad speller