Hello again, did I mention that this is the last chapter, well it is. And also I had better mention that THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS A KLEENEX WARNING it made me cry anyway!

Anyhow reviews.

Astalder27: I could leave the cliffie cos I'm the author and I wanted to, and Legolas will get the other injury tended to, poor elf. Thranduil should be ok, and Legolas would like to say, he is ready to be king cos then he could have a bouncy castle and he wouldn't sign a new life long agreement binding Mirkwood and it's elves to me like his Father did (Though in Thranduil's defence, I didn't tell him I was evil!)

Chapter 12

Legolas stared at his Father for a moment before he hurried to his side then and checked hurriedly for a pulse, sighing deeply when he found one, "Adar!" he called frantically, trying to wake the unconscious Thranduil "Adar! ADAR!" tears were running down Legolas' face now, the previous words he had shared with his Father long gone from his mind. He fell to his knees beside his Father "Adar!" he shouted again, shaking his Father's shoulders, and feeding him water from his own flask.

The Elf King spluttered awake, and Legolas breathed a sigh of relief

"Leglass…" Thranduil whispered staring up at his "You…"

Legolas nodded blinded by tears and helped his Father to his feet,

The king looked around dazedly, when he came to his senses he said "maybe I should clean myself up. Then I think we need to talk"

Legolas nodded, "I'll wait here"

When Thranduil emerged from his chamber, sometime later, feeling fresher than before he noted his study had been tidied, and Legolas sat in one of the armchairs before the fire, when Thranduil joined him he looked up "Do you love me?" he asked as Thranduil sat down.

Thranduil looked at his son, "Yes," he said immediately, without thought "I love you more than anything" he said "More than Middle Earth itself,"

Legolas met his eyes "Then why did you say what you did, why…"

Thranduil looked away, ashamed of those words, it seemed like so long ago that he had said them, "I…there's no excuse that I have that would satisfy you." He said "I can only say that on that day, I was bitter. It was the anniversary of the day I had met your Mother. Not only that, I was still angry with you for blatantly endangering yourself. I did not speak the truth, for to lose you, would mean I would give in, I know I would follow you to Mandos if I were to lose you. You are everything to me, Legolas. The words I said were words born from my terror of loosing you, maybe I was trying to convince myself that I could live without you…something which I could never do…"

Legolas for a moment didn't answer, "What about the diary…? Did you not want me? Is it true?" the prince looked close to tears at this point

"You were never meant to see that, Legolas, I should have destroyed it. But you must understand, Legolas. I have told you how I met your Mother; I have told you how her Father on his death bed finally gave me permission to wed her. But when your Mother and I married we were young, I was only about your age, and she was younger still. I was King, and I was still struggling to attend to my duties, I was not yet used to being King, she was grieving the loss of her family still. When she became pregnant with you we despaired, for at that time we did not want, or were not ready for children. But we grew used to the idea. I still, however, doubted whether I would make a good Father, and I still was not sure I was ready to be a good Father and a good King, like my own Father. But when I first saw you, and held you in my arms I loved you, and I have loved you from the moment I saw you. And when your Mother died, I nearly followed her, but it was my love for you, that kept me here, I knew that to die then would be to give in, and to loose the chance to be a good Father. Legolas I love you,"

"You hit me"

"I…Legolas, you told me you hated me and it hurt…"

"I did not mean any of it. I am sorry…" Legolas met his Father's tear-filled eyes, with eyes that matched them exactly; he saw the guilt written in his Father's eyes. "Adar…you hurt me…"

"I know. I can only beg that you will forgive me, for everything, for I am truly sorry…for everything,"

Legolas looked away then, before rising and walking to his Father's desk "I was so afraid Adar, and you didn't…you were not searching for me…"

Thranduil walked over and stood in front of his son "I knew not where you were. I believed you were safe…If I had known I surely would have come for you"

Legolas then fell into his Father's embrace, his body racked with sobs "It was awful" he sobbed into his Father's chest, his hand's clenched in his Father's robes ."The…pain…and the humiliation…they tortured me…beat me…raped me…"

Thranduil stiffened at these words and tightened his grip on Legolas, not wanting to let him go, tears were now flowing from his eyes, he kissed Legolas' brow over and over again, to comfort the Prince who clung to him, in hysterics.

Later Legolas stood, still in his Father's embrace, no longer sobbing, instead trembling in his Father's strong arms. The King was concerned about his son, more than he would like to admit. "Maybe you should get some sleep" he urged his son, seeing the pure exhaustion in Legolas' eyes

Legolas shook his head "No…I cannot"

"You have been having nightmares"

Legolas nodded "Yes, they violate me over and over…"

Thranduil rocked his son "But you are exhausted, and I shall not leave your side. You will be perfectly safe."

Legolas allowed himself to be led over to the bed, he numbly allowed his Father to remove his upper garments. Then numbly he lay in the bed. "Adar, I do not hate you, and…"

"Hush…" Thranduil said, beginning to sing an ancient lullaby, he had sung to Legolas when he was but a child. He kissed Legolas' brow "I shall be right here" he promised, "and I shall wake you from any bad dreams"

Legolas, nodded, and helped by his Father's deep voice, he soon fell asleep.

He was plagued by no bad dreams that night.

He woke the next morning to find his Father still sat there gazing at him, a smile on his face. "Adar," he said, sitting up in his Father's large bed and looking across at the King. "How are you?"

"I am more concerned about you." Thranduil protested, "But I am fine" Legolas climbed out of bed, moaning when he disturbed his injuries and rising to his feet. The King wrapped him in an embrace "I thought I had lost you" the king said "I thought you would never return…"

Legolas shook his head "When Lord Elrond told me that Ilyanna thought you were dying, I had to. I could not…"

"You do not have to explain" Thranduil said ushering his son into the study, even as Legolas fastened his loose shirt "Now, I suppose you have not eaten a decent meal in a while" on the balcony was a table decked out with wondrous foods fit for a king- Thranduil would not expect anything less- the two sat down then and began to eat. After they had eaten their fill Legolas looked at his Father, and the troubled look in his eyes told him the King still worried about something, and Legolas knew what it was. "Adar," he said "You are a brilliant King, and there is no better Father in the whole of Middle Earth."

Thranduil smiled then "and no Father could wish for a better Son that you, Legolas"

It was then a commotion outside the room made the two look up, only to see Elladan and Elrohir enter the room, when they saw all was well they both breathed a sigh of relief

"See Elrohir," the elder twin said "I said they would not have murdered each other!"

They all had to laugh at that, though later the King wondered why he hadn't ordered the guards to take the trouble makers to the dungeon, after all, the king simply needed his mug of tea every morning.

Tea with sugar, that is, not tea with salt…

The End

Well, all is well!

Thankyou to everyone who has ever reviewed.

Agnessophia, Anonymous, Astalder27, Bulldogodiva, Caunoiech, Deana, Elven Kitten, Jogreenleaf, kel, Lorella, Lyn, MCross, Missy, shidoslovr, stargazer, Wanda

And I will be back as soon as I have finished the next fic, which is likely to be a one chapter thing, and then I have a few more projects in mind.

Just a short summary for the next fic, which isn't yet titled. (Origionally, in idea status it was called 'to become a warrior' but then Adromir called one of her stories 'To be a Warrior' so that idea kind of went bad.

Legolas dreams of joining the Mirkwood army, and one day he sneaks out to fight a battle against his Father's wishes, to prove he can battle without being injured, but of course things go wrong and Legolas is once again in need of help, but by chance he has chance to prove his bravery, but will he get out alright, or will his actions cause death to not only him but his Father…

Anyway, will be back soon. TTFN!

Aranel of Mirkwood