Disclaimer: Alrighty than ya'll this is something I wanted to do. As it is it is a BV AU fic.

Summary: The infamous 3 years before the Androids show up but they don't. I'm just using those years because I can and yeah so yeah...So what really happen in a mind as twisted this one.. This is going to take place on a different planet other than earth. Possibly Vegetasii but I'm not sure yet.

Summer Night

It was a cool summer morning when Vegeta woke up to start his daily training. He got up and took a freezing cold shower to get rid of the thin sheet of sweat that covered his body as he woke up from another nightmare of when he was being used to kill people by Freezia. This particular dream though was unlike the rest. It also the boy from the future, Kakorot and the woman that has been keeping him housed, fed, and provided him his Gravity simulator (GR). He got out of the shower, got dressed in a pair of spandex shorts, and started to train in the GR with Kakorot.

He didn't know why he was having dreams of the woman but ever since he saw her on the deserted and dead plant that, at one time was full of rich and wonderful vegetation. It had all of the resource that you'd expect on any planet but then it turned out to be a waist land. It was on this planet that he meet her, and her raven haired human friend. In the dream, and all actuality, they had found him and his guard battered, torn, burned, and almost dead on the desecrated place.. Both of the women picked up the smaller one first and took him back to their ship to help him, then went back for the taller, more muscular man. The raven haired female took extra care for him and the woman that has captivate Vegeta's mind took care of him.

For the past week that was his dream. This particular night was some how different. He couldn't get her out of his mind, He thought that for the rest of the day if he didn't do something and fast he was going to go crazy. It was dangerous for him to have something like a woman on his mind at this time of the month. It was the week of the full moon and the full moon caused a Saiyjins hormones to be above normal level for any being.

The two males were having sever fevers recently and new what it was from but unfortunately Bulma and Chi-chi didn't. The girls were trapped on a ship alone traveling to the saiyjin home planet with the saiyjin prince and his personal body guard. What was worse for the prnice was that he needed to mate soon because he was to be king in a matter of a few short days. To prove himself to be a good and fit king, he needed a mate and an heir to the saiyjin empire. He had a fiancée on the planet but he needed to mate now to not only get rid of his hormone problem but to also produce a strong enough heir that the people will accept as their future prince of Vegetasii.

The only person he even found worthy enough to be a queen and produce an heir with was the woman that rescued his ass from a death situation. Had he been on the planet any longer he would have died. If she hadn't saved him then his little sister would exceed the throne and there has never been a woman in power and he'd be damned if any one was going to take his birth right away from him. But to solve the problem he was having at that moment wasn't helped any as Kakorot got his attention with a ki ball to Vegeta's chest.

"Kakorot what are you doing you fool? Can't you tell that I'm trying to get out of a serious predicament that I'm finding myself in?" Vegeta asked his guard knocking him down easily.

"Sorry Vegeta. It was a sudden thing so I guess I didn't notice," He replied laughing a bit. "What seems to be the problem?"

"Well I'm supposed to be crowned king when we get back to Vegetasii and I need a mate and her to be pregnant with the heir when we arrive. The only woman that is even qualified for that is the woman but she wont do it. She hates me to much," Vegeta explained with a growl.

"Well have you asked her about it yet?" Kakorot asked making complete sense.

"Good thinking Kakorot. I'm going to go think my self before I do anything like that," Vegeta sighed as he walked out of the GR followed by Kakorot.

"Just make it fast because if you don't do something soon then we both know what will happen," Kakorot yelled running down the halls toward the kitchen which was the opposite way that Vegeta was going.

He needed to talk to the damned woman and explain the situation to her so she knows what exactly is happening with him as of now. He sensed her low ki level and noticed that it was higher than what is usually was. He quickened his pace and reached her bed chamber in a blink of an eye and almost had to beat down the door to get it open because it was locked. She always locked it so no one would disturb her.

"Woman wake up," Vegeta growled loudly to wake her up but not loud enough to alert the idiot and his new mate who he often called a harpy.

Bulma jerked awake at the sound of Vegeta's voice. She gasped as she finally noticed that Vegeta was staring at her barely covered breasts. She covered herself then quickly composed her self enough to speak.

"What is it Vegeta?" Bulma asked with exhaustion.

"I need to discuss a situation with you that I'm sure you'll find interesting..."

Well peeps that's it for this Chapter. Stay tuned for the next exciting Chappie of these two rivals, or are they? Read and review. PLEASE!