Power: This fanfic is rated PG for mild swearing and mild violence. However this may go up in future chapters.

EDIT: This is more of a writing exercise; to write a fanfiction featuring the entire rogues gallery from Crash 1 – 4 (with bonus added Nina Cortex) all together in one place. As such this isn't strictly canon compliant, ignoring later alterations to established canon, and is more of an AU. Everyone is apparently friends, lol, though not quite on first name terms. This also features fancharacters so if that's a turn off for you, look away now.

EDIT 2: If you're reading this now, this was first started fifteen years ago. Yes, FIFTEEN YEARS AGO, I WAS FOURTEEN OH GEEZ. It suffered a writers block due to basically not having a storyline beyond the basic plot elements in this first chapter. Four years later, the rest of it takes form and Chapters 2-5 are written and posted on both and DeviantArt. Another SEVEN YEARS go by and it receives a minor rewrite (more on that at the end) but ultimately doesn't go anywhere. Now here we are again, another three years later and this might actually be completed this time.

EDIT 3: Now sixteen years. Thank you Crash N. Sane trilogy for the renewed interest.

Anyone joining the fandom from said remaster, hello! And welcome to the fandom! :D While the changes may not be drastic, this was written with the original characters in mind and as such subtle differences in the way they were portrayed in the remaster may make everyone seem a little. . . off. Just FYI. Otherwise, I'm so happy to see you here, please read on and enjoy. :)

Part 1: Chapter 1: Awakening

Console lights blinked on and off through the smoke. His vision blurred in and out. Where was he? What happened? He closed his eyes and tried to remember. The Bridge, he was on the Bridge! But what happened? They must have hit something. A meteorite? A satellite? A mine. . .? In space? Things were slowly starting to fall into place. He was on the Bridge of his Space Station . . . in orbit around Earth? No, that wasn't right. They had moved away to investigate something - yes that was it. What was it again? He couldn't remember. The sickening dizziness of a concussion was beginning to take hold, hopefully one that wasn't too severe. But other than that he was fine. Was everybody else all right? He climbed slowly to his feet. The collision had thrown him clear of his chair. He was standing at one of the navigational consoles at the front of the Bridge. He frowned in confusion over the garbled language it was presenting but if he was interpreting correctly, the console was informing him that they had come to a complete halt. That was something at least. He walked back to his chair, massaging his forehead with one hand. Bits of ceiling rubble lay strewn here and there and the chair itself lay beneath a pile of it. He shoved it off, collapsed into the chair and flipped open a compartment in the right arm.

"This is Dr. Cortex to anyone who can respond," he said wearily. "Status report."

No response. He tried again. Dead air. Which meant that either the comm was down or everyone else was unconscious. Or worse.

A pile of rubble by the door groaned. Cortex looked round in surprise. He did not remember there being anyone else on the Bridge with him. The pile of rubble shifted. He got up and went over to investigate.

"N. Brio?"

"Cortex? W-w-w-what happened?" he asked, his stutter re-emerging under duress.

"You're guess is as good as mine."

He made an attempt to stand only to realise he was pinned down by a heavy-looking piece of metal. "G-g-get this off me."

Cortex shifted the lighter stuff and examined the piece of metal. "I don't think I can lift that without help I'm afraid." He folded his arms across his chest. "Is anything broken?"

"I-I don't think so," he replied.

"Try moving your arms and legs." N. Brio did as instructed. "Good. Any pain anywhere?"

"My side."

Cortex frowned, noticing a darkish puddle was forming by the other doctor's right side. He stooped and touched it. "You're bleeding. We need to get this off you."

"That would be ap-p-p-p-preciated."

He looked at the piece of metal and made a decision. "All right. I'm going to attempt to lift this." It was a futile endeavour. The piece of metal didn't even raise an inch. "No good. I need to try something else." He cast around the room for anything that might help. It was littered with rubble fallen from the ceiling. "Wait. I've got an idea." The doctor began grabbing bits of metal and wedging them under one end of the metal object, propping it up until N. Brio was able to scramble out.

They both stared at the nasty gash on Brio's side visible through the tear in his clothes.

"That's going to need a bandage," Cortex stated unnecessarily. "There should be a medkit here somewhere." He began searching around the bridge, leaving Brio to further examine the wound.

He blearily opened his eyes and squinted through the darkness. The room was dimly lit, dark enough that he couldn't see clearly at first until his eyes adjusted. He was sprawled awkwardly on the floor in an ungainly heap. How had he got there? The vague recollection of a loud explosion and of being hurled across the room surfaced, as if in answer to his unspoken question. He disentangled himself, the movement causing an explosion of pain to erupt in his right leg. He clapped a hand to his mouth, stifling a scream and turned his head to investigate. It was trapped under a large, heavy object which would have been difficult to shift even if his leg hadn't been broken. It was then that he became aware that he wasn't alone in the room.

Weak starlight illuminated the deep green scales of one unconscious figure by the window. Another was slumped, upside down against the wall. The third was trapped beneath the table by a heavy metal beam.

He took a moment to recall their names and what he was even doing here in the first place. Socialising with the minions? Over a game of poker? Yes, that sounded right. "Joe," he called to the figure by the window. "Joe! Wake up." No response. "Moe? Dingodile?"

His chest hurt. Stabbing pain everytime he inhaled. It was like breathing fire.

What looked like a weirdly coloured tree at first glance was sprawled across a work bench on its back. He climbed slowly and painfully to his feet and looked around. His lab was a mess. Bits of rubble from the ceiling had fallen destroying some of the equipment here and there. The lights were dim but they were enough. His gaze was drawn to the tree-lizard thing, its body coloured brown but limbs and tail, a green with blue stripes running down its back, as it stirred and opened its yellow, reptilian eyes. It cursed in a child-like voice. "What the heck happened?"

"Apparently. . . we hit something," he wheezed, his speech pattern broken by the pain of what he assumed must be fractured ribs of unknown severity.

The creature, stared at him. "Really, N. Gin? What in space gave you that idea?" she replied sarcastically.

He ignored this. "Perhaps we should. . . contact Dr. Cortex."

She blinked, relinquishing her shock-induced sarcasm and nodded. "Yes. Good idea." So saying that, the tree creature got up and sat down to inspect herself.

He pressed the comm button on the wall by the door. "N. Gin to. . . Dr. Cortex. . . Please respond."

Cortex scrambled to the chair. "Norman, what's happened? Who's with you? Where are you? Are you hurt?"

"We must've hit something." Came the reply. "I'm with Treezan-."

Here another voice interrupted. "Ah man, a bit of my antler's snapped off - it'll take ages to regrow." A pause. "Oh, uh but otherwise I'm fine."

N. Gin continued. "We're in my lab and. . . I'm quite certain that I have. . . a rib injury."

"Can you get to the Bridge?"

"Uh. . . Yes. In theory."

"Good. Report to the Bridge."

"On our way."

"Here, wait, take this." Treezan had found a complete test tube. She drooled into it. "For the pain." Then handed it to him.

He looked like he'd been ordered to drink poison but forced it down none the less.

"We can wait a few minutes until-."

"No. . . We're needed on the Bridge. . . now."

Treezan sighed. "Let's go, then." She jumped off the table, landed rather awkwardly and strolled casually out of the door.

Dr. Cortex looked over at N. Brio. "How's it going?"

He was punching buttons and scowling at the console. "I can't get a full damage report because the scanners are down and I don't know how to get them back online because I can't figure out this keyboard! The impact seems to have scrambled most of the computer's language." He took a deep breath. "I can tell you that Docking Bay Four is still online, or at least I think that's what it's saying. Not that that helps but it's the only information I've got."

Komodo Joe groaned as he came to. He tried to speak, to ask the question "What happened?" but he couldn't remember how. The room was dark.

"Joe?" That wasn't his brother.

He groaned. ". . . Nnn. . . N. Tropy?"

The voice sounded relieved. "Oh good, you're awake. How bad are you hurt?"

He raised a scaly hand to his forehead. "Uhhhhh. . . . mmm." His left wrist ached. He tried to move his fingers but a sudden intense pain prevented him from doing so. "My wrissst. I think. . . it'sss broken."

"All right, anything else?"

He moved his feet and tail. ". . . No."

"Good, listen. My leg is trapped beneath some rubble. It's too heavy for me lift myself. Can you remove it for me?"

Joe nodded and got up. The room tipped slightly and his vision blurred a little. He was extremely grateful that his accelerated healing had kicked in otherwise he'd be feeling a lot worse. He wobbled across the room holding his broken wrist against him, to the shadowy figure from which N. Tropy's voice had come from. He threw away some stray rubble and attempted to shift the beam pinning down the doctor's leg with one hand.

"Thisss iss too heavy for me to lift with one hand. I need both."

The figure under the table groaned. "Ahh-ow. What the- Huh?" He shifted the table and heavy beam and stood up, staggering a little to the right. "Ooooh me tail."


"Joe? What happened? Where's everyone else?"

"I'm down here," said N. Tropy.

A fourth voice joined the conversation with a groan. "And I'm over here. . . . Whoa, everything'ss upsside down. Oh no! I'm in a parallel universse!" Moe cried.

"Moe, you're upsside down, here let me help you." Joe helped his brother to his feet. "Are you hurt?"

He paused to assess himself. ". . . No. I'm fine."

"We need some light. Where's the light switch?" Dingodile squinted round the dark room looking for a light switch.

"Computer, lights," N. Tropy commanded.

Dim lights sputtered to life, illuminating the room.

"Ah, that's better." Dingodile stared down at the doctor. "Oh, let me get that for you." He easily hefted the metal beam and threw it aside.

Tropy cringed as sensation came flooding back into his leg along with a throbbing pain.

"Iss there a medkit in here?" Asked Joe.

Dingodile scratched his chin. "I think there's one outside."

"Hey wait. Do you hear ssomething?" Moe was staring at the door.

Everyone strained to listen. They could hear voices drifting down the corridor.

"Treezzan!" Moe grinned and shot out the door. Strangled screaming informed everyone Treezan was being crushed in a bear-hug. The komodo dragon returned still hugging the poor tree creature, N. Gin following behind them.

"Put. . . me. . . down!" She gasped. He obeyed. Treezan haughtily inspected herself. "Well. It doesn't look like my bark's been ruined." She glared at Moe. "Don't do that again." She sniffed and folded her arms across chest. "So. How is everyone?"

"Broken; my wrisst, hiss leg, hiss tail."

She nodded. "I'll get to work. Where's the medkit?"

"Unngh." His right hand twitched as he slowly hauled his eyes open. He was upside down, slammed against the view screen. Red lights flashed on and off. His eyes widened. The proximity alert sirens. He was about to collide with something! With difficulty he righted himself and crawled back into the cockpit chair. He peered through his lurching vision at the console. Apparently, he wasn't moving but sensors were picking up a very large ship close by. Very large. More like a space station. Unfortunately sensors had taken damage and couldn't reveal anything else about the Space Station other than the fact that it was there. Well it was either that, or the Space Station was composed of an alloy that was interfering with his scanners. He activated the comm.

"This is Nitros Oxide to Space Station, please respond. Requesting permission to dock."

The voice that answered was about the last voice he expected.

". . . Nitros Oxide?!"

". . . You?! . . . Whatever your name is."

"It's Dr Neo Cortex. What in blazes are you doing here?"

"I ask you the same question."

"We're investigating something. I think. Now what do you want?"

"Why don't you check your scanners?!" Oxide snapped back. "See for yourself!"


"Nitrus!" For a split second, Oxide thought Cortex was talking to him and he frowned in confusion. "No one's rubbing it in your face, just calm down all right? Sorry about that. What do you want?"

"Permission to dock," he replied. "My ship has taken damage and," he grudgingly added, "I'm injured."

There was a lengthy pause before Cortex reluctantly replied. "Permission granted."

"Thank you."

"We have also sustained damage but I believe that Docking Bay Four is still operational."

"Should we send someone to greet him?" Brio ventured.

Cortex frowned. He hadn't thought about that. "I'll send Treezan when she gets here."

"Shouldn't Treezan and N. Gin have already got here by now?"

That was a good point too. What was taking them so long? He sighed and commed Oxide's ship. "Oxide, take the lift directly to Level One. We'll be waiting."

"I was hoping to see your medic first. I assume you have one."

"Our medic will be waiting for you when you arrive. Hopefully."

"That sounds promising," he remarked sarcastically.

"My apologies for being in such disarray," was Cortex's scathing response. "I can't imagine why." Silence was the reply. "I'll be waiting for you on the Bridge."

"Perhaps I should go on ahead," N. Gin commented.

Treezan looked up from fixing a make shift splint to Komodo Joe's wrist. "Probably a good idea. Take Moe with you, he may able to help."

He nodded, "Let's go," and the two headed off.

She finished bandaging Joe's wrist and fixed up a sling for him. "There you go. All done."

Dingodile looked out the window as the tree creature started to inspect N. Tropy's leg. His jaw dropped. "Guys, you're not gonna believe this."

All looked up.

Joe's mouth hung open. "That'ss that alien Oxxide'ss ship, if I recall correctly."

Treezan, who had not been around then, looked blank. "Who?"

"Nitros Oxide," N. Tropy explained, wincing everytime one of her claws prodded his leg. "An alien who threatened to turn our entire planet into a concrete parking lot and enslave us all if we lost to him in a race. Crash Bandicoot was the one who saved us of course."

She frowned. "Turn it into a concrete parking lot? I don't see how he could've done that. It sounds ludicrously impossible."

He gave her a weak smile which swiftly turned into a grimace as she began to tie a splint to his leg. She paused in her bandaging to drool into a test tube that she had on hand. "Take this, it should ease the pain in about fifteen minutes."

He pulled a face and stared at it for a full minute before mustering the courage to swallow it down.

"How about you, Joe?"

The komodo dragon was staring at the ship trying to figure out what Oxide was doing. "I think he'ss trying to dock with our Sspace Sstation."

Dingodile looked round at him. "He's having a fine time trying to do that. One of his engines is busted."

"He musst've been in contact with Dr. Cortexx," Joe concluded.

"Is he heading for Docking Bay Four? That's right near us."

Oxide finally managed to get the offending engine working a little and was slowly approaching said docking bay.

Dingodile grinned. "Let's go and meet him."

"After I fix your tail," Treezan replied standing to help N. Tropy up, Komodo Joe quickly moving to assist.

Dingodile sat down to be tended to. "Why don't you two go on ahead and greet him. We'll follow you in a bit."

"All right." Joe had to help N. Tropy hobble out of the door.

Oxide frowned around at the interior of his cockpit. Where the heck was his datapad? As he travelled a lot, he kept a datapad of his medical notes which also contained important information on Gasmoxian physiology. It wasn't in its usual place and must have been dislodged by the impact. Fortunately he didn't have to search far as it was conveniently located next to the airlock. He picked it and initiated a translation into English as he leant against the door waiting for the docking clamps to attach to his ship. A loud clunk informed him of the successful docking and he pressed the button beside him to open the hatch. [I hope Cortex's medic is a good one.] He stumbled through the first hatch and waited for the second to open.

"Well well well, look what the cat dragged in." Komodo Joe sneered down at him, taking full advantage of their few inches of height difference, while N. Tropy held a superior look on his face despite the obvious pain he was in.

Oxide squinted at them through his tipping vision. They appeared to be wobbling left and right and he was coming over all light-headed.

"Er, are you all right?" Joe asked, exchanging a frown with Tropy.

"Why can't you just stand still?" Oxide snapped irritably. He felt like he was falling. Perhaps he shouldn't have got up so fast.

"You don't look all right." N. Tropy's voice was so far away.

Now everything was going black. Was he going blind? [Great, this is all I need.]

"Whoa!" Joe exclaimed as the alien collapsed to the deck. He grabbed Oxide's shoulder and shook him. "Wake up. I don't think you should go to ssleep."

Oxide mumbled something in a strange language - possibly his native tongue. The lizard looked up at N. Tropy. "I'm going to get Treezzan."

"Yes, good idea."

Joe promptly shot off.

Oxide's eyes slid closed. The doctor prodded him with the foot of his injured leg and his eyes opened. The alien seemed to have forgotten English entirely and kept talking to Tropy in his native tongue.

"I don't understand a word you're saying."

"Go. . . away. Tired . . . sleep . . . "

"I won't allow it." He poked Oxide again.

"I'll take over." Treezan kneeled beside the half-conscious alien while the other three looked on. She spotted the datapad and picked it up, skimming through it to the section on substances and chemicals and their listed effects on Gasmoxians. "Here smell this." She wafted a test tube containing some foul smelling liquid in front of what the datapad informed her was the alien's nose. He began to cough and splutter in disgust and his eyes began to water.

"Feeling more awake now?" He nodded. "Did you hit your head?"

"I'm not sure. I was upside down when I came to."

"I see. It sounds a simple episode of orthostatic hypotension, or a headrush in laymen's terms but I can give you a proper examination when things are more in order and this tonic in the meantime." The tree creature withdrew a cup and drooled into it.

He looked repulsed. "I'm not drinking your spit!"

She laughed. "Dude, relax. It's not spit, it's a tonic like I said and it will help you get over any lingering weakness and nausea. So drink it voluntarily or I'll make you drink it. Got it?"

He scowled but nodded, took the cup and looking as if he was about to gag forced it down. "That tasted suspiciously nice. Are you sure it will work?"

"I'm sure Dr Tropy can attest to that."

"I do indeed."

"Just lie still for a little while longer before you try getting up again."

Oxide looked at her. "What's your name?"

"Treezan," she replied.

"If you don't mind my asking, what are you? You're not like any medic I've ever seen."

"I'm a combination of a tree, a lizard and some type of insect. Even I'm not sure on that one."

"I didn't see you during the big race to save your planet."

"Well you wouldn't have, I wasn't created until afterwards."

"And why are your eyes turning red?"

"Oh dear, they are?"

Dingodile stared at her. "Are you getting hungry?"

"Yes, now that you mention it."

"Not a promising development," Tropy remarked.

"How far away are we from the Canteen?" Joe asked looking worried.

"Am I missing something?" Oxide asked looking mildly peeved. "What's the big deal?"

"Er, well, you see, my metabolism burns iron faster than it should, so I have to eat daily amounts of raw meat as well as doses of iron supplement to stop me slipping into a coma."


"Well let's just say a hungry Treezan is not a nice Treezan," Tropy explained.

His first thought when he regained consciousness was [What the hell happened to my sandwich?] His vision phased in and out. He could hear movement in the room. "Hey, is everyone all right?" He called out. There was a sharp stinging pain in his right shoulder which he did not like the feel of.

A few muffled groans answered his question.

"Tiny not okay," Tiny growled. " Who speaking?"

"Pinstripe. Who else is here?"

"Papu Papu," said one voice in the far corner.

"Koala Kong," said a voice by the door.

"[I'm here, too.]" sounded right by his ear and he turned to look, sitting up as he did so. It was as if someone had poured acid on his shoulder. The whole right side of his chest exploded with pain. "Aaargh." He collapsed back to the floor. "Rip is that you?"

The blue kangaroo moved into his field of vision. "[Hello yes. It is me.]" Ripper Roo's normally cackling laughter-speak was now more of a subdued chuckle and Pinstripe was suddenly struck by the seriousness of the situation. "[There's some metal in your shoulder.]" he continued.

So that's what was causing the pain. Pinstripe became aware that his hands were trapped. One was uncomfortably pinned beneath his back, the other was held down by a heap of metal. "Rip, youse gonna have to pull it out for me." The kangaroo clamped his teeth onto the bit of metal and gently pulled it out. Pinstripe winced. "Thanks buddy. Now go check on everyone else." Ripper Roo obediently complied.

He raised his head and looked around. His right leg was buried beneath a pile of metal. It was heavy but wasn't completely cutting off the circulation. Of all his limbs, only his left leg was free. He arched his back and slowly and carefully brought his left arm out from beneath him. It screamed protest for having been trapped in that unnatural position for so long. Ripper Roo reappeared. He tilted his head and watched Pinstripe.

"Oh hey. How are the others?"

The blue kangaroo glanced back at the others as he spoke, "[They're. . . Not dead.]"

"Always good news." He raised his voice so he could be heard. "Hey, can any of youse help me? My right arm and leg are trapped."

Tiny's head appeared. "I help." He lifted the metal easily and threw it aside.

Pinstripe's right hand began to ache as the blood flowed back into it. He carefully sat up. He was remarkably unscathed despite the obvious destruction and excluding his right shoulder which stung everytime he moved his arm. He looked up at Tiny who hadn't moved. "Thanks. Go find out if the others need help, I'm all right."

Tiny nodded and moved away.

He climbed slowly to his feet. Ripper Roo whined and moved closer. "I'm all right."

"[Your shoulder.]"

Pinstripe cursed when he noticed the dark patch forming on his suit where the piece of metal had been imbedded. Now that he was sitting up, the blood was flowing freely. He got up carefully and looked around the dark room. "Computer lights." Nothing happened. He sighed, "Oh brother." The lights were down.

Suddenly, he was alert. A noise was drifting down the corridor. The others stopped grumbling and moaning to listen. As the noise came closer, it started to sound more and more like some wild animal snarling. He braced himself for some kind of fight. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the others tensing and getting ready to spring into action.

A soft growling issued from Ripper Roo's throat. Suddenly he stopped and tilted his head. He smiled. "[It's Treezan!]"

"Yeah youse right, that's definitely Treezan. I'd recognise that snarling anywhere."

The others visibly relaxed and began tending to their wounds.

The door opened and Dingodile, Treezan, Tropy, Komodo Joe and Oxide entered the room. Pinstripe frowned in surprise upon seeing the Gasmoxian in their company but decided to hold onto his questions for now.

Dingodile had Treezan's arms pinned down by her side with one arm and was restraining her head with the other. She was alternating between animalistic snarls and pleas for food.

"Come on Double D, you don't need both ears, let me have one. . ." She broke off into snarling. "How about you KJ, just a bit of your tail. . . ?" Again into snarling. "Doctor T, your leg's pretty much busted, let me have it. . ." More snarling. "Hey Oxide, what about one of your feet, you've got four you can spare one?"

They all tried to ignore her pleas but couldn't help looking perturbed by her requests.

Pinstripe raised his eyebrows at the group. "Treezan hungry then?"

"No of course not," Tropy responded sarcastically. He limped over to what was left of the kitchen area, Dingodile following, and pulled open the fridge, accidentally pulling the damaged door off. Throwing it aside, he selected some raw meat. Treezan struggled violently in his arms when she locked eyes on the piece of meat in the doctor's hand.

"Give her the meat quick, I dunno how much longer I can hold her."

Gingerly, Tropy held it out. Treezan practically inhaled it. He pulled out another and another until Treezan had stopped thrashing and her eyes were her normal yellow. Komodo Joe had already located her iron tablets and popping off the lid with his thumb, he poured five down her throat. Only once she had swallowed them did Dingodile let her go.

The tree creature beamed sheepishly around at the group. "I'm sorry for what I said, guys."

Tropy smiled and patted her on the head between her antlers. "You're forgiven, child, you were just hungry."

Joe looked around at the others. "You guyss all right?"

"Yeah," they droned.

The lizard grimaced in sympathy.

Ripper Roo whined, "[Your shoulder is still bleeding.]"

"Oh shoot." Pinstripe looked down at the blood stain which was considerably larger than it had been a few minutes ago. "Oh boy. That's not a good sign."

Treezan immediately went to his assistance. "Ouch. Do we still have the medkit?"

"Here." Joe pulled it out from where he had tucked it away in his sling and handed it to her. She pulled out a bandage and began tending to the potoroo's wound.

Koala Kong, who had observed Tropy limping past him and across the room with some concern had examined the wreckage looking for a bench left intact. Locating one, he excavated it and carried it over. "Doctor, have a seat," he said as he placed it down.

"Thank you, Kong."

Pinstripe nodded towards Oxide. "So what's he doing here?"

The Gasmoxian glared at him. "I was in the vicinity. My ship was damaged by whatever happened to you."

Dingodile scratched his chin. "Speaking of, what do you think happened?"

"To quote N. Gin, 'Apparently we hit something.'" Treezan replied as she finished bandaging Pinstripe's shoulder.

He rolled his eyes. "Really now? Gee, I couldn't have guessed that."

Pinstripe attempted a smile and a light chuckle but it faltered and came out as a wince.

"Is there any way to contact Cortex?" N. Tropy wondered aloud.

Kong looked around. "There's a comm unit over there." So saying that, he crossed over to it and pressed the comm button. "Koala Kong to Dr. Cortex."


"Dr. N. Tropy for you, sir."

"Go ahead, Tropy."

"Dr. Cortex, do you require my assistance on the Bridge?"

"Are you hurt?"

"My leg is broken."

Cortex looked round at N. Gin who was working on the scanners. "N. Gin, do we need any more help?"

"Of course. All the help we can get," he replied without looking away from his work.

Cortex then looked at N. Brio. The scientist was leaning back against the main console, trying to banish a headache by massaging his forehead with one hand, the other crossed carefully across his chest. He had given up trying to decipher the garbled language and turned instead to simply observing the current occupants of the room. He returned Cortex's stare.

"Having difficulty over there?"

"Unfortunately," he sighed. "I might have a better job at it with a clearer head."

He nodded. "Leave it for now, then. There is other work to do on the Bridge."

"I don't think I could help there, either. Unless I had some schematics to work from that is. I didn't build the Space Station and I wouldn't know what I was doing."

"Do you at least know which tools are what?" N. Gin cut in before Cortex could comment.

"I do, yes."

"Good, then come over here and assist me. And N. Tropy as well when he gets up here."

Cortex turned back to the comm as Brio went to assist N. Gin. "I trust you heard that N. Tropy?"

"I did and I'm on my way."

"Take your time. . . Speaking of which, do you think your Time Twister survived?"

"I sincerely doubt it."

"You're probably right. Report here to aid with repairing the Bridge first, then you can get to work fixing your Time Twister. I have a feeling we may need it later on."


Treezan sighed. "I would object to you going, Tropy but you probably wouldn't listen."

"You are but a minion, Treezan."

She frowned. "I'm also the Chief Medic on this station and in that respect I have a higher authority." She sighed again. "But the Space Station does need fixing. Very well, I shall come too and assist in anyway I can."

"What should we do?" asked Dingodile.

Kong pressed the com button again. "Dr. Cortex, are the scanners online?"

"N. Gin is still working on it."

"Then may I suggest that all who are well enough tour the Space Station to evaluate the damage?"

"Excellent idea, Kong," Cortex replied. "Report back as soon as you're done."

"What about Oxide?"

"He's there with you?"

"He fainted," said Treezan. "But I think he's all right now. Are you?"

"I'd feel better after a proper consultation," he replied.

"I'll take that as a yes."

"Let me remind you, Oxide that our scanners are still offline. With the Space Station being as large as it is, this means that detecting critical damage requiring immediate attention will have to be done manually."

Oxide narrowed his eyes. "I think I see where you're going with this."

"Are you up to and would you be agreeable to assisting my minions with their damage report?"

"I would be agreeable to fixing my ship," he retorted.

"If you assist us we will assist you in return."

"Strictly speaking, I believe we already have," Tropy remarked.

"I gave him a tonic for his ails," Treezan added. "And a consultation when things are more settled."

Oxide sulked but conceded the point. "Fine. I don't have the energy to argue at any rate."

"Good to hear. I will be waiting for your report then."

Pinstripe addressed the others. "All right guys, youse all heard what Kong said. Are you up for it?"

There were a few confidant "Yeah's".

"Good. I recommend we go around in pairs." He glanced at Kong who nodded in agreement.

N. Tropy stood up. "Come Treezan, we shall leave them to it. Our presence is required on the Bridge." The two left.

"Pinstripe mate, I'll go with you," Dingodile offered.

Kong moved aside to allow Joe to comm Cortex. "Dr Cortexx, iss my brother there?"

"No, I sent him away. He'll have probably returned to where ever you were previously."

"Undersstood." He turned back to the group. "I'll comm down to the Gamess Room and wait here for my brother."

"Right, youse can take Level Five when he shows up."

"Will do."

"Koala Kong, you go with Oxide-"

"Don't order me around, Earthling. I'll go with who I choose."

Pinstripe bristled. "And who do you chose then?"

A pause. "Koala Kong will be acceptable."

He glowered at Oxide in annoyance. "As I was saying. Kong, you go with Oxide to Level Four-"

"What did I just say about ordering me around?"

Pinstripe spoke through his teeth. "Then where would you prefer to go?"

"How many levels are there?"

"Five," was the curt reply.

"Then I will take Level Four."

Had the potoroo possessed the ability to kill with a look, he would've dropped Oxide right then and there. Instead he had to make do with deathglaring the alien until his surge of irritation had passed. "Papu Papu," he nearly spat out the name, "you go with Tiny to Level Three, and me, Roo and Dingodile will take this one." He quickly commed the Bridge. "Cortex, we got every level covered except yours."

"Understood. I will do the damage report for Level One myself then."

"You got it, boss. All right people, let's move out."

Power/EDIT: This chapter received the most extensive overhaul. The basics are still the same, I just smoothed out the structures of some scenes, elaborated on the narrative here and there, adjusted some dialogue and fixed spelling and grammar errors.

EDIT 2: And the same again (years later). This time also addressing stuff that wasn't addressed in the original version and its first edit.