A/N: Yes, here is the sequel. The majority called and I answered, lol. This will start directly after the story "A Different Meeting," though the storyline will obviously be different from the last. Also, the updates for this story will only come when I have no other updates for my other stories. Anyway, hope its meets with everyone's expectations.

Disclaimer: After all these stories, I still don't own Hellsing.

A New Life

Unexpected Consequences

Seras Victoria awoke the following evening with some reluctance. The young vampire was comfortable in her area of the coffin, sweet memories of the previous night rising to her mind. Lazily shifting over, she noticed a distinct absence. She slowly opened her eyes, only to meet with the empty space where her lover had once lain.

Using her newly heightened senses, Seras quickly found Alucard in the library. Her brows met in confusion, wondering what he could be doing in that room of all places. She knew he rarely went in there, if at all, from the amount of undisturbed dust she'd noticed on her last excursion into the room.

Sitting up with a slight shot of pain from her abdomen, Seras looked down at herself and realized she needed to find her clothes. She also noted the disappearance of her previous night's changing, her hair having returned to its striped style and normal length. Her skin was once more the pale hue she had obtained since her turning and she could only assume any other changes had reverted back to her now normal state, considering a mirror was not on hand nor did she know what other changes had occurred during last night's fun.

As she rose from the coffin the young vampire idly wondered if she could call the transformation by sheer will, though the probably slight since she had rarely seen even Alucard change into the form. After several minutes of exploration, she managed to find all the articles Alucard had thrown from the coffin. A blush came to her face when she held up the tattered shirt, not realizing how energetic their fun had been.

Seras pulled on the outfit and decided to see if her powers had changed. Concentrating on repairing the damaged cloths, she felt the seems and stitches meld together. The process barely took more than a few seconds, causing a proud smile to appear on her face. Her powers were easier to manage, a combination of training, willpower, and Alucard's blood now flowing freely through her veins.

Appearing in the room with assistance from her black portal, Seras' eyes widened in shock at what she saw. The room was in worse condition than when she had last seen the contents. Books were strewn everywhere, clouds of dust hung about like draperies, and the odor of mold was almost overpowering.

Peering through the dust-induced fog, she spotted Alucard standing in front of one of the large bookshelves. Apparently so engrossed in the book he held, the master vampire was unaware of her presence. With a sly smile on her face, she crept toward him, carefully using the abilities he had given her to remain completely silent.

Unfortunately, just as she was about to reach out and tap him on the shoulder Seras' nose suddenly began to tingle. She began to sneeze uncontrollably, catching Alucard's attention and bringing her fun to an abrupt halt.

Alucard stared at his former fledgling in amusement as she tried desperately to control her body's involuntary action, failing miserably. With a small chuckle, he closed the book he held and placed the volume on a growing pile beside him. By this time Seras had managed to gain some reign over her nose and was staring at him questionably, her eyes still filled with tears from her sudden fit.

"Were you trying to sneak up on me, Seras?" Alucard asked, looking forward and seizing another book from a shelf. The vampire smirked when he heard another sneeze to his right.

"Maybe" was the answer given, as he felt arms wrap around his waist. He stiffened, turning to meet the mischievous eyes of his child.

"What are you doing?" Seras asked curiously, trying to peer at the book he held. She couldn't read the language, nor did she even recognize the alphabet used.

"Research" Alucard said, his eyes turning back to the open page.

Seras sighed, realizing he wasn't willing to give any information until he found what he sought. The young vampire moved to the desk, mindful of the clouds of dust, and sat herself down in the large chair. She noticed a bottle of blood and two wine glasses next to the container, and poured herself a glass.

Seras leaned back in her chair, watching as Alucard shifted through the books. She sipped the blood, letting the aged nourishment run through her mouth as she absently opened her senses to the room. Noticing a distinctively different entity in the room, she focused on the aura within the close vicinity. Her eyes flew open when her vampiric ability showed the location to be herself.

"Have you forgotten so quickly?" Alucard asked, not looking from his book.

Seras gasped and her hand flew to her stomach, nearly upsetting the glass in her other hand. She'd entirely forgotten what had begun their heated tryst the previous evening and even now hardly believed the truth, though she could feel the new life within her. Doubt filled her mind with the full force of the revelation, with the young mother suddenly wondering what Alucard truly thought of the matter.

A deep chuckle resounded through the room, making Seras snap her head to attention. Alucard was peering at her, his eyes dancing with amusement.

"Need you ask, Seras?" he questioned, amusement and pride in his voice.

Seras' face lit up with a smile, then her mood switched dramatically with the relief. The young No-Life Queen fumed at the intrusion into her thoughts, supposing he would give her some privacy. She couldn't imagine why he would read her mind when he could merely ask her what she was thinking.

"Why not? I have everything else" he stated, putting down the book in his hand and grabbing another.

Seras blushed at his words, though she couldn't deny them. The young vampire was after all carrying his child, and was still connected to him by his blood. Then a sudden revelation came to her, and she decided to interrupt his exploration for a moment.

"Alucard, why aren't there more vampire children?" Seras asked, stifling another sneeze.

"Because fledglings often kill their masters for power" he answered, not looking up from the pages. "And most vampires are lone predators, wanting neither company nor competition."

Alucard suddenly grinned, closing the book with a loud snap. He seemed amused at what he'd found, and Seras was apprehensive about asking. Walking over to the desk, he sat down on the corner to her left, peering into her eyes.

"I have been looking through my library for your...condition" he said, obvious glee in his voice. "And I have found many interesting facts."

"What?" Seras asked hesitantly. The glee in his voice and the mystery of his finds was making her uneasy.

"Your new state has several interesting...consequences" Alucard explained, his eyes not leaving her own. "You will need to drink more blood, especially warm, fresh blood." he said, his grin growing wider at her paled face.

"What else is there?" she asked, pushing the glass of blood away from her. She'd suddenly lost her appetite, not expecting to hunt humans so quickly after their return from London.

"A vampire's pregnancy lasts according to the strength of the partners. With a more powerful coupling, the child will be born quickly" his eyes watching her reaction to blood carefully, a slight tinge of irritation in their depths. "Though exactly how long remains to be seen" he added with a chuckle.

Seras' eyes widened in surprise, her hand rubbing her stomach thoughtfully. She wasn't sure how she felt about these new conditions of life and wondered if she would be able to handle them. Human mood swings with prolonged pregnancies were intimidating to say the least, but the pressure of carrying the child so quickly would produce very wild mood swings.

But then a smile came upon her lips, making Alucard raise an eyebrow. She did have her mate here to help with the difficult periods, even if it killed him...

Alucard suddenly stood and offered his hand to her. "Care for a walk? This room is quite disturbed with dust, and the moon is beautiful tonight."

Seras nodded, taking his hand and letting him guide her from the room.