A/N: Finally the final chapter for this long-written sequel. A thanks and applause to all who managed to hold interest for this long.

Past Buried

The two vampires found themselves walking into a large hall lit by high chandeliers and decked with fine, gilded tapestries. The columns which lined the walk toward a podium at the far side of the room were well-kept and glittered with precious jewels. Against the walls stood sentries of the Countess, their eyes watching the two visitors as at their arms they held fire arms.

Alucard led Seras and himself to the center of the room, where he promptly stopped and stared ahead at the darkened podium only a few yards away. His bride could see nothing but shadow amidst the area, which was strange considering the brightness of the rest of the room.

"Alucard" a velvety voice suddenly flitted upon the wind, the younger vampire looking around in alarm as to the direction of the words.

"Countess" Alucard responded with amusement, his eyes falling upon the darkest shadow of the podium as he deeply bowed.

"I see you had to save your bride" the shadow spoke in a patronizing tone as she gave a clear, ringing laugh. "With such weak abilities, it appears your bitch isn't suited to your blood."

Seras snarled as her insult, but Alucard placed a hand tightly upon her shoulder. The bride understood the message and allowed the snide remark to pass, at least for the moment.

"Jealous?" he answered with a grin as the flutter of movement from the shadow showed her anger at his remark.

"Hardly" was her bland reply as she stepped from the shadows. The Countess wore a dazzling dress bedecked with bright gold and studded with diamonds of every variety. Her long, dark hair was pulled back in a complicated braid while her sharpened white nails shone brightly in the light. "But I see you have destroyed my daughters" she spoke as she smoothly changed the subject. "And my only son has been seduced by your charms."

"He was quite willing to turn from your kindness, Countess" Alucard returned with a smirk. "Unusual for you to raise such disloyal and pathetic children."

"Oh, but I intend to raise the next one quite well" the Countess replied with a slight smile as her eyes settled upon Seras' stomach. "But I believe you have some qualms about my simple request?" she directed her question toward Alucard.

"Indeed" the elder vampire agreed with the humor gone from his voice. "We must discuss your proposal" he spoke as he pulled forth his gun from his coat.

"Using human toys, Alucard?" the Countess spoke with disgust, her eyes looking to the modified weapon venomously. "I think not" his opponent scolded with a smirk as the humans which stood along the walls of the hall suddenly pulled forth their own weapons. "You both may have great supernatural speed, but can you truly dodge so many bullets without risking the life of your unborn child? And what of your pride as a vampire?"

"You insult me, Elizabeth" Alucard countered as he tossed the gun to the side, opening his empty palms out before her. "A vampiric dual should indeed be left to powers alone."

The Countess threw back her head and let out a loud chuckle, her eyes glinting with the challenge. A look of dark mischief lay in her red orbs as she strode toward her opponent, her walk one of complete confidence in her abilities.

"You may have your great powers, Count Dracula" she spoke with a smooth tone. "But I know your true weakness."

"Do you?" Alucard questioned with doubt as he allowed her to circle his bride and himself.

Seras, however, was not so comfortable as she looked with suspicion at the carrion which walked around where they stood. The Countess' eyes seemed to hold a secret in their depths, and she doubted the truth would bode well for their trial. The young bride was especially vexed when the other vampiress sidled up against her mate and laid her head upon her shoulder.

"You still mourn over your lost love" she whispered into Alucard's ear, flitting away like an annoying moth to a flame as he turned toward her with an unknown expression. "Such a human concept" she contemptuously added. "People die, especially the weak. Even strong vampires must give in to mortality" she mockingly lamented, brushing a hand along Alucard's coat. "Perhaps even your new bride will perish by your weak will" she added as she fixed her gaze upon Seras.

A hint of a smile grew upon Alucard's lips as she spoke, his maniacal grin finally appearing at the end of her speech. For a moment his body shook with the silent amusement until he threw back his head and began laughing insanely. The Countess' own smile slowly fell off her face while she stopped her circling and clenched her teeth as the other vampire's enjoyment faded into a menacing chuckle.

"My demons have been exercised, Countess" Alucard commented casually as he waved a hand in the air in an offhand manner. "Seras will not fall, and your time for talk is over" he spoke as a blast of darkness suddenly swept over his body. He grinned wickedly as his eyes glowed like coals. "Now the fun begins."

"If that is what you wish" the Countess replied as her own power flared up about her person.

Seras stood back as the two elder vampires launched at one another, their faces filled with glee at the deadly challenge as their dark auras collided. The young vampiress was barely able to dodge some of the offshoots of the collision, while some of the humans standing by were not so fortunate.

As Seras watched, those humans hit by a blast were instantly engulfed in flames and turned to dust within a few seconds. She was then mindful of her step as the auras revolved around the opponents as the two vampires slashes and clawed at one another within their created reality.

Seras felt helpless as she merely watched the proceedings, but her eyes were kept sharp for an opening where she would be of use. To her great joy the Countess was relatively unguarded on her right side, which was the side where the young vampire stood, but the opening was rare and short.

As Seras was still deciding on her course of action, the two battling beings broke apart and separated themselves by the length of the room. Each was panting from the exertion, but neither appeared bothered by the fight.

"I see married life has not dulled your abilities" the Countess remarked as she gave a small laugh.

"And yours are as sharp as ever, Countess" Alucard complimented with a grin of his own. "But as my bride and myself wish to return to our castle, I'm afraid I must make this game shorter than I would have it otherwise."

"Indeed, I also tire of your company" his opponent insulted as she held up a single finger.

Seras gasped as the humans who remained held up their weapons and aimed their barrels at Alucard. She could smell the silver which made up the bullets, and the scents of holy water and wolfsbane were also present. Such a mixture would not necessarily kill her mate, but the effects would leave him weak enough to be destroyed by the Countess.

"I'm afraid I have to play dirty like this, Alucard" Elizabeth commented with a small smile. "After all, we both know I probably wouldn't win in a fair fight."

Alucard growled his distaste as he looked about him toward the many weapons pointed in his direction. He calculated most would miss, as the hands which held them were somewhat unsteady, but a number would find their mark regardless of his speed and dark powers.

"Sorry to have to do this to you" the Countess mockingly apologized as she let out a laugh which held no regret. "But after you're gone, then I can have fun with your br-"

The Countess suddenly stopped mid word and stood still as her eyes looked forward and widened in shock, then her gaze slowly moved down to her stomach.

Protruding from her abdomen was a white glove, the hand small and clenched into a tiny fist. Seras stood behind the vampiress, her teeth gleaming with anger and wicked humor as she scowled at her captured opponent.

"I'm hungry" Seras spoke as she twisted her hand and caused an agonized yelp to pull from the Countess' lips. "I'm tired" she said with another painful jerk. "And I just want to go home!" she exclaimed as with one final push her arm struck the elder vampire's heart.

The Countess released one long, loud howl as she felt her heart explode. The small audience watched as Elisabeth's body collapsed into a mess of body parts, than slowly melted into nothing more than dust.

The hall was quiet as the echoes of the mistress' wails were swallowed by death, leaving nothing but a pile of ash. The human servants could hardly believe their eyes as their leader was no more, along with their chance at immortality. Alucard stepped to forefront beside his bride, a wide grin upon his face as he looked down upon his blood-splattered bride.

"I believe Rip and Michael will excuse us for a moment while we have ourselves a feast" he suggested as his eyes looked to the covering servants.

Seras smirked at her mate's invitation as her eyes grew blood-red with eagerness at the bodies which surrounded them.

"For this time, Alucard" she replied as she looked to the many meal courses which were steadily beginning to panic. "I will gladly take your invitation."

The moon traveled across the sky on a cloudless night as its light shone over the crumbling castle where the journey had first begun. The old village lay at the foot of the hill, quiet during the dark hours as all were aware of the occupants which had once again made their residence in the crumbling structure.

This night the content couple stood outside upon the field where they had met so many years before, their faces turned down toward the weed-chocked road which led to their abode. They were awaiting some old friends who had made a promise to return for a visit, and the time had come for their arrival.

Soon the voices of their company could be heard walking up the hill, their arguing causing a pair of smiles to appear on their hosts. Then Rip and Michael appeared over the horizon, their faces unchanged over the past few years and the fledgling's temper still uncontrolled as she shouted insults upon her master.

"Mommy, are they really happy together?" asked the child which stood at his mother's side. He looked to be about ten years old, with dark red eyes and the sandy-colored hair of his mother's own. His features, however, were as sharp as his father's as he looked to his parents in confusion. "They look awfully mad at each other."

"They get along well enough" Seras replied with a smile as she heard her mate chuckle on her other side. "And it will at least be nice to have another lady around to talk to" she commented with some vexation.

"Another lady?" Alucard asked with mischief in his voice. "Does that not mean we must first have a lady here to make two?" he questioned as one of his bride's eyes twitched.

The young boy, whom they had named Cain, watched as his parents proceeded to dive into their own argument even as the first perturbed couple reached where they stood. He dropped his head in submission to his fate as the adults around him argued like children, their voices loud enough to raise the dead as he turned toward the moon high overhead.

With his parents around, along with their insane friends, his undead life would certainly never be dull.

The End