She Wants Me

Warning: The final pairing is Kai x Tyson. If you don't like shounen-ai, don't read it.

Chapter 7: Ending 3

"Bye Hilary." Tyson said as she left.

Rei, Max, and Kenny got up. " We need to be getting home too." Max said as they left.

Rei turned to face them. "You coming, Kai?" he asked

"I think I'll stay here a little longer." Kai replied.

"Alright." Rei said with a smile as he left.

"What was Rei smiling about?" Tyson asked.

Kai sighed. "Tyson, a few days ago, Rei helped me sort out something."

Tyson just stared at him, confused. "What do you mean?"

"Tyson, I think I like you. I mean, more than a friend."

"You mean like love?"

"Yes, stupid." Kai replied, annoyed. Why must he always ruin the moments?

"Hmm, now that I think about it, I might like you too."

"Tell me, Tyson." Kai brushed his lips against Tyson's. "How did that feel?"

"…kinda……nice." He replied.

"I thought so, too." Kai said with a smile. "I have to go."

"Really? Why can't you stay here tonight?" Tyson asked, disappointed.

"I guess I could." Kai said, walking back to the dojo.

Tyson yawned. "I'm tired, let's go to bed."

A/N As VGMaster04 reminded me, I did say 3 endings So here's the last one. I'm not really into Kai/Tyson, but it's so popular, I thought it was worth a try. Review!