Author's Note:
Hello! This is my second story: Fires. This story's ending won't bea dudlike Sulaeke's was (andit was a dud). I know this because I took the time to plan it out completely - every detail is in order, just not written out yet. I know I say this a lot, but please read my biography before reviewing. I don't accept flames. I am accepting anonymous reviews now, so review even if you don't have an account! I am also going to thank any and all reviewers (not flamers) in my bio, so if you want to be mentioned, REVIEW! Okay. If you forget to review, I will be disappointed. I think that's all I have to say for now, so enjoy!


Chapter One

"The floorboards creaked beneath him as he followed the bloody footprints up the stairs. The crying grew louder with every step he took. He paused for a moment, pondering whether or not he should continue. Who knew what might have been lurking in the upstairs bedroom?" Hurley paused in his story for emphasis, looking at the others surrounding the campfire.

Kate sat staring at the large man, amazed at his story-telling abilities. She never would have thought that Hurley could have relayed his scary story as chillingly as he had.

Charlie had hardly been listening. What he had heard, he had been impressed with, but the shaking of his hands and the pain in his stomach was a bit distracting. He was sweating, he knew. He wanted his drugs so badly. He hoped no one else noticed his discomfort.

He could sense Jack's concerned stare burning holes in the side of his face. He looked up just in time to see the doctor and Locke exchange a glance.

"Are you alright, Charlie?" Claire asked, interrupting Hurley.

Jack began to answer for him, "He's got the fl-"

"I'm fine," Charlie cut in, not wanting to be the center of attention for any reason. After a short pause Hurley continued with his story.

"Suddenly, the floating figure turned to face him. It's face was covered in blood and scars, and it's evil smile clearly showed his the ooze leaking from between his rotten yellow teeth. As the man stepped backward, the figure lunged at him, sending him hurtling toward the dresser in the corner of the room. His head collided with the wood, and he heard the drip of blood as it splattered across the floorboards. He was never seen again."

"That's a great story, Hurley," Kate complimented. "Where'd you learn it?"

"My dad used to tell it to me and my brother," he explained. "He used to take us on camping trips, and we'd all sit around the campfire and tell scary stories. This one was a classic. He'd tell it every time we went, even though we already knew what happened at the end."

Charlie thought about his dad. He'd never actually gone on a camping trip – no one in his family was what you'd call 'the out-doorsie type'. His parents were both what Liam had always referred to as 'fun sponges'.


Charlie walked into the dining room, where his father had been sitting for the past hour, reading some religious book that Charlie couldn't even have forced himself to pick up.

"Hey, Dad?" he began, suddenly feeling rather nervous over what he was about to bring up.

His father laid the book on the table and looked up at his son. "What do you need, Charlie?"

"I was wondering..." he paused, pondering the best way to phrase his question. Liam was talking about his band, and, since I'm going to join when I turn 18 anyway, we were wondering if I could move into his apartment with him so I can get to know the members and… stuff."

"Charlie, I-"

"I'm going to turn 18 in a month, anyway. It's not like all the other bands – you know - the ones that get hooked on drugs and alcohol."

"Charlie, you may start out different, but all bands end up that way. Liam always wanted to start a band – there was no way I could say no with him. But, Charlie, you're not Liam. You don't have to do this just because he is."

"I'm not doing it just because he is! This is what I want to do. Dad, I'm 17, and I've never had a job. I've got to start making money somehow, and Liam is practically begging me to join Driveshaft."

"I just don't want you to get stuck in a world you don't belong in. There are so many other things you could do."

"I love music! I belong in the music world!"

"Charlie, I know, but-"

"Dad, please."

"Charlie, once you turn 18, I can't keep you away from things like this. But until then, the answer is NO. I'm going to have to talk to Liam about this."


"Charlie, I'm not going to discuss this any further." He picked up his book and began reading again. Charlie stormed out of the room, hating his parents for being so controlling and over-protective.


Charlie sat on his make-shift bed later that evening. He thought about his parents, Liam, anything that would keep his mind off of his drugs. He wished now more than ever that he hadn't let them burn up in the fire the day before. Suddenly, he heard footsteps approaching.

"Hey," Claire said, sitting down beside Charlie. He shrugged in response. He wished she would go away. He didn't want to puke in front of her.

"Are you sure you're okay?" she asked, pushing his hair away from his face.

"I'm fine, really," he assured her. He looked over at her.

"If something's wrong, Charlie, you can tell me."

No I can't, he thought harshly. What would you think of me if you knew I was a hopeless junkie?

Claire stood up and walked back over to her bed.

Charlie strolled down the path toward the beach. He had woken up unusually early that morning – not even Jack had been up at the time he'd left to take a walk.

As he walked out onto the sand, he noticed a small metal box near Sawyer's things. His curiosity getting the better of him, he moved stealthily toward it, hoping no one was watching.

"Hi, Charlie," a female voice rang out behind him.

Charlie turned around. "Oh, hey Shannon," he said, his dismay obvious in his voice. "What are you doing on the beach?"

"Just thought I'd come out here to tan for a while," she explained. She's sure proud of that skimpy bikini, Charlie thought, watching her with raised eyebrows.

Shannon continued, "Hey, I'm getting kind of hungry. Mind catching me a fish?"


"You know, a fish? Those ugly little gilled creatures that swim around in the ocean all day?"

"I know what a fish is, Shannon. But do you remember the last time I caught one for you?"

"Faintly…" She stood there, pretending to search her brain for the memory.

"Yeah, well. Get your brother to wait on you." Shannon stared at him for a moment, irritation clearly written all over her face. She turned around and walked over to where she had previously been basking in the sun.

Finally, Charlie thought, kneeling next to the box. He reached out and removed the rusty padlock. It looks like Sawyer hasn't gotten around to raiding this box yet. He lifted the cover, trying to keep the hinges from squeaking too loudly.

He stared at the contents in awe. Sitting in perfect rows, were about a dozen small brown bags filled with something. Drugs, he realized.

He smiled slightly at his discovery, and opened one of the bags, sticking his fingers inside. Suddenly, he stopped.


Charlie sat in the hallway, pressing his ear up against the double dining room doors.

"Liam…" he heard his dad say.

"Honey, we know you're doing drugs," his mother finished. Charlie held his breath, praying with all his heart that Liam wouldn't tell them the he was on drugs as well.

"Mum…" Liam said, exasperation shining through his tone.

"We just wanted to talk to you about it," their father began. "We can get you help."

"I don't want help!" Liam snapped. "The drugs make the band! We're shit without them!"

"We?" His mother was clearly angry now. Charlie mentally kicked his brother.


Charlie pulled his fingers out of the bag and clenched it in his fist. Standing up, he ran back down the path toward camp.


How can you resist pushing that review button? Thank you for reading. Chapter two will be up shortly.

- Setszuki