Harry Potter Boy who Lives

H P Boy who Lives 7th year

Chapter one

The Train


Here we go, our favorite wizards and witches, start on their final adventurous year at Hogwarts. In this chapter our gang gets to ride to Kings Cross Station in comfort, as a new train car is added to the Hogwarts Express, Harry gets another glimpse into his future; a father and son finally understand each other...


1:00 A.M.-September 1, 2004

Harry dressed in his Hogwarts finest, pinned his HBP pin, and Head Boy badge to his Wizarding robes. He had downed the five potions that he needed to take for the day and his arm was cradled in a sling.

"Looking good son," James stood in the doorway of his room.

Harry yawned as he glanced over at his father. "Thanks Dad, I'll be down in a few minutes."

"Chen is waiting patiently to treat your arm and has your tea treatment ready for you, as well as your new breakfast of champions. I went through it five minutes ago. I forgot what needle therapy could do with a busted up arm." James patted his own sling.

"Can't keep him waiting then can I." Harry grabbed his school satchel that he'd loaded with books to read on the train, and headed for the door.

"So we're quite the scholar now aren't we?" James noticed the satchel Harry had slung over his left shoulder.

"It's a long train ride and I plan on taking my training with first-gramps seriously." Harry replied in earnest.

"That's a very good answer son, but don't forget to remember that you need to balance the training and learning with some downtime as well." James was proud of his boy.

"I know dad and I will." Harry nearly took a fall headfirst down the stairs, when he nearly tripped over Pepper.

Pepper yowled and hissed at him in outrage at being woken up.

"Not my fault Pepper the stairs are not your bed." Harry glared down at the cat.

Pepper raced down the stairs and headed off towards the girls floor.

"Harry James, Chen is waiting." Lily called up the stairway.

"Be right there, mum!" Harry shot the girl's floor a longing glance, as they past it on their way to the Common Room. He had wanted to see Hermione.

"Let's go Romeo you can see her after he treats your arm." James made sure that he continued down the steps and into the Common Room.


Hogsmeade Train station thirty minutes later

They approached the train and noticed an extra car had been added in front after the engine that bore the royal seal. It was larger than the others behind it and only its doors were open to allow entry.

"It's all set for your journey to Kings Cross and might I add much more posh than your previous rides." Tonks told James of the all clear.

"Tonks you are relieved and free to go back to bed." James relieved her of guard duty.

"The kids are my sworn charges to protect, so no sleep for me." Tonks yawned.

"Lily, Sirius, Jenna, and I should be enough to keep them safe and in order." James grinned.

"Safe journey and good night," Tonks set off towards the carriage.

"You can't get rid of me that easily. I stay with my charges. Plus, I can keep order on the train." Angelina stood fast in front of Harry, Hermione and the others.

"You win Angelina, but until we arrive at Kings Cross, try to give them all their space." Lily yawned.

"As you wish your highness," She boarded the train.

"Dad, we can handle a train ride there and back without a watcher or parents tagging along. Ron, Ginny, Luna, and I have done it five times. Hermione and Draco have ridden six." Harry rolled his eyes at his parents.

"Consider it a family outing, Junior, now get in."

"Do we at least get our own compartments?" Harry grumbled.

"Yes, now move your ass." James was getting impatient with him.

They all piled onto the train, what they saw was pleasing to the eye, and nothing like the other cars. Plush red carpeting blanketed the aisle; the compartments had their names etched on the doors in gleaming gold. You could barely tell the train had left the station, even the roar of the engine, or train whistle weren't apparent to the ear.

"This is wicked." Ron was very pleased.

"It is nicer than the other cars." Luna nodded.

"Even the Prefect/Head Boy/ Head Girl car isn't like this." Ginny grinned.

"If we're lucky there will be beds in the compartments to crash out on." Draco was barely awake and had been denied his ritual coffee by Chen.

Harry opened his and Hermione's compartment. There was a plush bench seat on one side with a table in front of it, a set of bunk beds on the other side, and a small bathroom. "You happen to be in luck, little brother. We have bunks in our compartments." He gave him the good news.

"See you when we wake up." Draco and Ginny entered their compartment.

"Yeah, we're gonna snooze for a bit too." Ron and Luna disappeared into their own room.

"We'll take the pups, Uncle Sirius." Harry pinned his Uncle with a look. "Don't deny that you don't have them hidden under the invisibility cloak, I know that they're there."

"The girls took the kittens so; it wasn't fair to leave the pups." Sirius uncovered Rad and Lady, who blinked sleepily at all of them.

Hermione and Harry each took a pup. "We didn't know that all of you were tagging along, hence the reason we weren't bringing the babies. Dad had me believing that you were all gonna stay at the castle." Harry set Rad down on the plush bench and he curled up to go back to sleep. Hermione did the same with Lady.

"That was the plan, but then Lily thought about your arm, and that you might need her. Sirius thought of all those kids who are getting on the train that might wish to lynch your brother. So here we are spending the day with you on the train." James like Harry was a bear if he didn't get enough sleep.

"Let's all just get some sleep for a few hours and for the last time no one is going to lynch Draco." Jenna yawned.

"Brilliant idea, my lovely. Prongs can show them what Dad brought from the old homestead, after we get some more shuteye." Sirius and Jenna went to their compartment.

"Let's go my flame, the twins, and you need your rest." James scooped her up into his arms and the compartment doors across from Harry's opened.

"I'll check on you in a few hours, after I rest a bit. Love you." She called over to her son.

"I'll be fine, Mum. I've got my own budding Healer-in-training to watch over me. I'll see you both in a few hours. Love you Mum. You too dad," That said he closed the doors to his and Hermione's compartment.


"Now this is one perk about being a prince that I'm not gonna complain about." Harry took off his Wizarding robe and hung it on a hook attached to the wall. "The pups seem to like it as well."

Rad and Lady were out like a light on the plush bench seat.

Hermione had already kicked off her shoes, hung up her own robe, and was lying up on the top bunk. "The bed feels like you're lying on a cloud. It was lovely of them to think of this for all of us." She yawned sleepily.

Harry kicked off his shoes and crawled into the bottom bunk. "Hermione?" He asked.

"Hmm..." She murmured sleepily.

"What do you think Gramps gave dad?" Harry was curious about what Sirius had said.

"We'll see in a few hours. Now go to sleep you need rest to heal."

Harry closed his eyes drifting off to sleep and the beginning of another glimpse into the future.


September 15th, 2005 1:05am

Harry looked down at the miracle, wrapped in a downy pink blanket, in his arms. "I don't think that your Uncle Henry will mind sharing his birthday with you and your sisters. You are the best early birthday presents that Hermione could ever wish for." He was still in awe over the days events. It was just past one in the morning and Hermione had given birth to three nearly identical bundles of joy only thirty minutes ago. The babies were identical but for their eyes. Amelia had amber brown eyes like her mother; Allysia had hazel eyes like his father, and little Danielle, whom he was holding in his arms, had emerald green eyes like his own. The three all had caps of reddish brown downy curls, and each had a tiny lighting shaped birthmark on their hip.

"So son how does it feel to be a dad three times over?" James was holding Emma in his arms.

"Dad, words cannot describe how I'm feeling right now. I have never had this kind of overwhelming feeling of love or fierce protectiveness that rivals what I feel for her." Harry watched in awe as Dani stared at him for a moment or two, as if she were thinking what he'd just said over, before yawning, and settling back to sleep. "This one is gonna run circles around us. She had to think over me being her dad." He chuckled softly placing a gentle kiss on her downy cap of curls.

"Gave you the look did she. Well, you did that to me after you were born then proceeded to howl at the top of your lungs for nearly an hour. So, the response that you just got was a good one." James grinned.

Lily walked in from the adjoining master suite door. She had baby Allysia in her arms. "Hermione is sleeping; she handled this like a trooper. Harry taking her pain away did smashingly as well. These three are such good little angels." She cooed down at the sleeping bundle in her arms.

"Taking what pain was left after the potion that you gave her was nothing compared to her having the girls." Harry smiled at his mother.

"Wills, Rory, Dromi, and Henry, will to be crushed that they missed pacing with the others downstairs. They were nearly home when I called him about Hermione being in labor." James walked over to look at a monitor on one of the walls of the nursery, on it he could see his five-month-old twins sound asleep in the nursery in their wing. "The twins slept through all of it."

"Shall we go show off the newest members of our clan?" Harry grinned.

"They've been on pins and needles for hours, so I guess they deserve a peek at the girls." Lily grinned.

Harry opened the door to the nursery and walked out into the hallway.

Draco, Ginny, Ron, and Luna rushed over to see the bundle in his arms.

"How's Hermione is she okay?" Ginny, Draco, Ron and Luna asked in unison.

"She's fine and so are the girls. Right now she's resting, but we wanted to show the family the girls, before putting them to bed in their bassinettes." Harry was one proud papa. "This is Danielle Stephanie Anastasia."

Draco looked down at the tiny bundle in Harry's arms. "She's a little replica of Hermione. Hello Dani. I'm your Uncle Draco."

Dani opened her eyes and looked at the four strangers, before promptly settling back to sleep.

"She's got your eyes." Ginny cooed down at her. "I'm your Aunt Ginny."

"She's adorable." Ron grinned down at her. "I'm your Uncle Ron."

"She's a little doll." Luna cooed. "I'm your Aunt Luna."

"This one is Amelia Lily Katherine and she has amber brown eyes like her mum." James happily showed off the fact that he was a proud grandfather.

"And this is Allysia Jamie Alexis. She has hazel eyes like James." Lily loved being a grandma.

"Grandfather sent Ferria to Uncle Albus to bring them all the good news, after hearing three babies cry, he was too excited to wait for names." Draco chuckled.

"Have Hermione's parents called from their hotel in New York City yet?" Harry asked softly.

"Grandma Anna is chatting with them on the phone giving them the good news. I've been ordered to get snaps of the babies and e-mail them to them as soon as possible." Ginny held up a digital camera.

All of them took turns getting their pictures taken with the girls, who were nice enough to open their eyes for their first official snaps, before drifting off to lullaby land.

Wills, Harry, Rory, and Dromi crept quietly up the steps and over towards them.

"We would have been here for the whole event, if you hadn't insisted on that final three day stop in Tokyo!" Wills hissed at his brother.

"It was to benefit England's economy, by showing the Asian market that England is mad about the video gaming industry and their electronics, as much as the Americans. Nintendo is now seriously considering opening shop here in England. I'm twenty-one today, I need to think about what's good for our people just as much as you do." Henry hissed back.

"Honestly, is that all you two are going to bark about when our nieces are not even two feet in front of us just waiting to be cooed at?" Rory was not pleased with either of them.

"Rory is right, besides if your bickering wakes any of them up Harry is bound to jinx your hides but good." Dromi growled.

"This is the last major family event that we're missing no matter what's on our agendas." Wills vowed.

"Those four over there are your Aunt Rory, Aunt Dromi, Uncle Wills, and Uncle Henry. Don't mind their grouchiness they had a long flight. Or my sisters ported them here and they hate that." Harry whispered down at his girls.

"Let them all have a peek and then I'll feed them." Hermione, because she had a flawless delivery and a Wizarding birth, was able to stand in the doorway of the nursery. It was clear that she was tired but radiantly happy.

"Angel, you should be in bed." Harry carefully set Dani in Henry's arms. "Mind Dani's head and don't drop her." He instructed before seeing to his soul mate.

"Don't fuss, Harry. I'm fine just tired." She took a step back, but he scooped her up into his arms. "How was your trip and Happy Birthday, Henry? I guess you have three very special girls to share your day with from now on." She winked at Henry and smiled at the others.

"You kidding. I love the fact that three little miracles were born on my birthday." Henry grinned.

"We had a wondrous time and met some very interesting people from both worlds. They send greetings, well wishes, and gifts for the babies." Dromi smiled.

"It's amazing how much more is accessible to us now that we're of both worlds and they are all very aware of your little ones." Wills nodded.

"England is the main zenith of the Wizarding World, so that's as it should be." James smiled. "It's similar to what happened when Mikey and Bell were born."

"Well what are their names?" Rory was cooing over the baby in her father arms.

"Henry is holding our green-eyed Danielle "Dani" Stephanie Anastasia. Dad is holding our Allysia "Ally" Jamie Alexis, who has hazel eyes like dad. Hermione is holding our Amelia "Emma" Lily Katherine who has eyes like her mum." Harry proudly stated the names of their daughters.

"Dan and Emma will be over the moon that you named them after them." Rory smiled.

"They missed our first wedding last summer, so we decided that since we liked Amelia and Danielle as names for the girls it would be a way to make up for that." Hermione smiled as little Emma held onto her finger. "Hello, little Emma. I'm your mum." She cooed down at her daughter. "This handsome fellow holding us is your Dad."

"Sounds like the rest of the family have arrived," Ron commented on the dozen or so voices coming from downstairs. "I'll go head them off."

"No that's all right I will just hold court in our room. I hope the girls won't mind postponing their meal for a bit." Hermione yawned as Harry carried her back into the master suite and set her down in the middle of their bed.

Harry got in next to her and propped them both up with pillows. James set Ally in one arm and James set Dani in his other arm so he was holding two of the girls. Ginny took a picture of that for her parents. Then the family converged on the room.

End dream….


Hermione awoke at a little after nine; she climbed down from the bunk to check on Harry, who was still snoozing with a big smile on his face. "Harry, rise and shine we'll be at Kings Cross soon." She bent down to whisper in his ear.

Rad padded over to her, his fluffy tail wagging a mile a minute, and licked her face.

"Up you go Radcliffe wake up your master." Hermione picked up the pup and set him on the other side of Harry.

Rad commenced his puppy kiss attack, until Harry reached over, and ruffled his furry head.

"I'm awake Rad, enough with the puppy kisses." Harry yawned opening his eyes. He had been so tried that his specs were still on his face, so he could clearly see that Hermione was kneeling next to the bottom bunk smiling down at him. "Now if it had been you doing the kissing I wouldn't have minded so much." He yawned.

Hermione bent down and kissed him good morning, the kiss lasted a good five minutes before he ended it. "That must have been a very good dream." She hadn't expected him to kiss her socks off.

"It was more like a glimpse into the future again." Harry could almost feel those little bundles in his arms.

Hermione arched one brow in inquiry. "Oh really was I huge, grouchy, and expecting in this one as well?"

"Nope you were radiantly beautiful with the afterglow of just giving birth to our girls." Harry carefully sat up in the bunk, as not to smash his head on the top one.

Hermione grabbed hold of his shirt and pulled him to her, so they were looking eye to eye. "Spill it flyboy and don't spare the details." She growled.

"You share your birthday with our firstborns. We have three prefect little girls, with identical little faces, different colored eyes, and miniature versions of you." Harry was pulled down onto the plush carpeting beside her.

"Did we name them in your dream?" Hermione wished that she had shared dreams with him again. It just wasn't fair.

"Amelia, Allysia, and Danielle are what we named them in the dream vision." Harry used his good arm to pull her onto his lap.

"I like those names." Hermione sighed. "You see Harry, I've known about having three girls, but none of the details."

"If I hadn't been so tired I would have shared the dream vision with you. I know why Wills is so hell-bent on being there for us. They missed the girls' arrival by one hour." Harry chuckled. "He vows not to miss another family event, no matter what their agenda is. They had just gotten back from state visits all over the globe with both of my sisters. Evidently, we're the royal family of the whole Wizarding world."

"The British Isles or United Kingdom is the magic capital of the world, so I can understand that." Hermione laid her head on his shoulder. "Wills and Henry see me as a baby sister, so it also makes sense that they would be chomping at the bit to be there for me."

"This means that all of this Morgana nonsense will be over by the New Year and we will be able to, uh, get on with our lives." Harry playfully wiggled his brows at her and grinned wickedly down at her.

"Harry, you wicked wicked brat behave! Your parents are right across from us." Hermione giggled.

"Dad's desperate to come up with something else, now that it turns out that I married an older woman that happens to turn eighteen in a little less than three weeks." Harry kissed her on the nose.

"He's just afraid that I may or may not take advantage of his precious baby boy."

"You're so lucky that I only have one good arm right now or else I'd seriously punish you for that baby boy comment." He started tickling her with his good hand.

"Oh no, you don't Harry James! You'll get carried away and hurt your arm." Hermione squealed with laughter.

"I think I'll risk it." He increased his method of attack and she tried to wriggle away. The result was her falling back against the plush carpeting gasping from laughing so hard. "You are at my mercy, sweetness. Whatever will you do now?" He was looming over her.

"I'll just have to fight back with equal measures." She retaliated by tickling him back, causing him to lose his balance, and fall back against the carpet. She took advantage of that by pinning him to the carpet and tickling him mercilessly.

"Hey, that's bad form, sweetheart! I'm at a disadvantage here." He gasped for air from laughing so hard.

"I know and I like that disadvantage." She lowered her face to his.

"In that case come here." Harry reached up and pulled her down into his arms, so they were nose-to-nose and kissing.


James was standing with his ear to the door to their compartment, but couldn't hear anything, let alone see anything, through the frosted glass doors. "It's gotten way too quiet in there." He looked over at Lily, who was munching on an apple.

"Leave them be James." Lily glared at him in annoyance, "So what if they're kissing or cuddling, nothing is going to happen until Christmas or after New Years so relax."

James glared back at her. "I can't relax! My plan is blown, so now I have to trust him."

"Exactly, you have to trust your fully grown son to keep his word, which does run out on the eighteenth of this month. However, he doesn't wish to be a parent until after they finish seventh year. Who knows maybe next year hers and Draco's birthday will be an eventful day for the family. We'll just have to wait and see." Lily was all seeing all knowing, as she happily munched on her snack.

"Don't you go all seer with me. You can't seriously be okay with being grandparents by this time next year. They aren't ready for that yet!" James bristled even more.

Lily narrowed her eyes at him. "James Harry Stephen Arthur Michael, are you saying that we were at their age? I can't believe that you don't wish to see what's clear to everyone else. Our son is ten times more mature than you were at his age and can handle anything that comes his way. Hermione is perfect for him now leave them alone!"

"You've had a vision haven't you?"

"James, that isn't the point and you know it! So, quit sidestepping the issue! You wish to coddle Harry, as if he were a little boy again. We missed sixteen years that we can never get back, no matter how much we wish it. James, don't alienate him from you. You need to see him for what he is, a grown man very much like his father, and married to his soul mate. A little early, but married nevertheless." Lily reached up and placed her hand on his cheek.

James pulled her into his arms and buried his face in her hair. "It's just that we got him back, only to lose him all over again." He rasped hoarsely.

Lily reached around him to knock on the compartment door. "You are not losing him and I will prove it to you."

The door slid open and Harry noticed that his dad was upset about something. "What's up with Dad, he looks miserable." He frowned, concern for his father shown in his eyes.

"He feels like he's losing you." Lily calmly explained the situation. "That's why he keeps putting up obstacles between you and Hermione."

Harry hadn't been expecting that and it floored him. "I just had a dream, no a vision, and you're both there with us when the girls are born. He gets to be the first to hold one of them. If anything, we become closer not further apart. You aren't losing me, dad. There's a whole wing for you and mom at Sanctuary. I want you in my life always never forget that."

James let go Lily, so he could bear hug his son or at least try to since they both had busted up arms. "I love you so much and I'm so proud of the man you've become."

"I love you too, dad." Harry hugged him back. "It was easy; I had a fantastic role model to take after."

"That's so wonderful both of you are finally bonding with each other." Lily burst into happy tears.

"I know and it's about time they did too." Hermione shed happy tears of her own.

James reached out his good arm for Lily and Harry did the same with Hermione and they group hugged. "We love our Hermione and our Lily and would be lost without them." James and Harry said in unison.


Chapter two

Kings Cross


I do not claim any of JKR's characters only that I love being able to create my own kind of mischief with her beloved characters. I do not claim any other things that are owned by other companies that I may mention once and a while in the stories...Although the original characters and ideas are mine and I loved creating them. So please review if you wish but try not to flame me too badly.


Cindra 2004-2008