For The Best

Princess Sango

Tohru hugged herself as she looked back at the Sohma's house before leaving father into the woods. She was determined to leave and it wasn't for herself, but the little person soon to come. Tohru ran farther until she reached the bus stop and waited for the bus. This would be her last visit to Tokyo, or at least she hoped so.

Sohma's in the morning…

Yuki woke up like it was a regular day and went downstairs to find it looking like a funeral home. "What's wrong Shigure, Kyo?"

"Tohru's gone Yuki and she left a note, but didn't tell us where she's gone."

Yuki shook his head, "Why? Did she leave a note?"

Shigure shook his head, "One for each of us, but the problem is that yours seems the longest. Was it you?"

"I'm not sure; I don't even know why she would leave. Things were going so well it seemed," Yuki informed Shigure and Kyo.

Taking his note that was written he ran back up to his room to read his note, away from prying eyes. Sitting on his bed he calmly opened the envelope:

Dear Sohma-kun,

Never thought it would come to this, but if you're reading this letter then you know I'm gone. Well I'm leaving, don't try looking for me. Remember that night Yuki? That night we agreed we weren't going to speak of to anyone else? Well I can't stay if that was the agreement, because soon everyone would know. Left breakfast in the fridge, hopefully you'll be able to move on without me, love you, Tohru Honda.

Yuki reread the letter before figuring it out, she had left enough clues after all. Looking down at the letter and placing it in the drawer he cried, believe it or not he cried. Tohru was gone and it was his fault, all his fault; and she or himself didn't want to forget, no they didn't. Looking out the window he whispered her name over and over again until he passed out from anxiety.


Tohru looked at her new apartment as she climbed the steps. Now she was in Kyoto and she didn't plan on leaving back to Tokyo. Opening the door Tohru peeked inside to find furniture, kitchen, and a variety of living materials. Sighing Tohru began thinking of remodeling or just cleaning it up. Closing the door behind her she reassured herself, "Yuki didn't want anyone to know, so I left. It was for the best, it was for the best."