Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

A/N: Wow, six requests this time. Today, on "When They Were Kids," we've got Goro, Johnny Cage, Kung Lao, Sub-Zero (the older one), Reptile, and Smoke. Just a note, I got a request from Alistair/RPQ/whatever-the-heck-you-want-to-be-called for a Noob Saibot section. Instead, I'm doing older Sub-Zero because (SPOILER ALERT) he has all but been verified as becoming Noob Saibot after he dies in MK1. And now for a couple of reviewer replies:

Matt Whatever: Um, actually, I like all the characters. I write by request. I'll take the three you mentioned as requests. Happy trails!

Tyler B/Soitrius: Tell me I spelled your name right. If I didn't, then sorry. Anyway, why did you take "Roommates" off? It was really funny.

Everyone else, thanks for the positive reviews! Now on to the story.



"Muwahaha! I am Goro! Lord of the Astral Plains and Prince of the Shokan!" said the twelve-year-old Shokan, "Die, Kung Lao! Die! Die! Die!"

"Goro, sweetie, what are you doing?" his mother asked.

"Just playing Mortal Kombat with my action figures, Mom," Goro said, "I made a figure of myself in ceramics today!" he said, proudly displaying what appeared to be a hard lump of clay with clear glaze on it, "Isn't it great?"

"Um, yeah, sure honey, it's just beautiful. Looks just like you," she said. Whispering under her breath in the next room, she said, "You'd think after seven years of ceramics he could make something that didn't look like a lump of clay,"

Goro continued having his lump of clay beat the crap out of the effigy of the great Kung Lao, the only human stopping the Outworld from invading Earth. Some day, he thought, I'll beat the crap out of Kung Lao for real. Ever since the Emperor's most powerful sorcerer, Shang Tsung, had lost to Kung Lao five generations ago, they had had nothing but bad news. Goro blamed Kung Lao for everything. Getting his library card revoked, losing his Little Shokan League baseball game, getting beat up by the bullies at school with razor-sharp hats (how he hated those hats!)… everything was Kung Lao's fault. Some day, he thought, I'll journey to Earthrealm. I'll win Mortal Kombat. I'll kill Kung Lao. I swear it!

"I SWEAR IT!" he shouted aloud.

"Honey, use your indoor voice!"


A/N: I surprised myself with that one. It was actually mostly serious! Oh, and remember, that was the great Kung Lao, Liu Kang and Kung Lao's ancestor.


Johnny Cage

"Look, Ma, look! Real authentic Ninja Turtle nunchaku! (so what if Ninja Turtles weren't around then?) Pleeeeeeease, can I get them?" said five-year-old Johnny Cage.

"No, Johnny, I don't want you to get hurt. Now let's hurry so I can get you to your karate lesson," said his weary mother. The two were at Wal-Mart. Johnny's weary mother needed groceries, and had to take her young son with her.

"Awwwwww! But I really want them Mommy!"

"No. That's final. Now come along," she said, barely managing to keep calm. Secure in her thinking that her son was plodding despondently along behind her, she continued into the next aisle.

Johnny saw his chance, and took it. He also took the nunchaku. He then ran to catch up with his mother. She never even noticed he was gone.

They were heading to checkout. Along the way, Johnny noticed a discount movie rack. Looking at the videos, he found one called Samurai Trapped in an Invisible Box. The back said that anyone who watched it would become an unbelievably horrid action movie star.



"Can I get this?"

"No. You may not get anything today, alright?"

So Johnny stuffed that inside his clothes, too.

On the way out of the store, the little shoplifting detector device thing started beeping. After clearing Johnny's mother, the security guards turned to Johnny. DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUN! Horror of horrors! Michael Jackson was one of the security guards! He took Johnny into the back room and ordered a strip search. Then he gave Johnny free wine and pizza. Poor Johnny was traumatized for life. Finally Jackson gave Johnny the nunchaku and video for free.

Once at home, Johnny, speechless until now, screamed, "I'LL NEVER SHOPLIFT AGAIN!" and then watched the movie he had gotten.


A/N: OK, that one was officially a horror story.


Kung Lao

Nine-year-old Kung Lao was playing Frisbee with his parents. Every time he asked for a dog, they took him out to play Frisbee. No one's really sure why. Anyway, at the park was a family walking and playing with a big German shepherd. They also had a dog. Moving on! The dog jumped up and caught an errant Frisbee throw, and brought the disc back to Kung Lao. Kung Lao threw it again, and again the dog brought it back. His parents scolded him for playing with the dog, but Lao didn't care. He was blind with bliss. Then the Frisbee fell down a storm grate. Kung Lao petted the dog goodbye. The family who with the German shepherd (and dog!) left, but Kung was not done playing Frisbee. He decided to use the hat he had been born wearing. Throwing it unannounced at his parents, it hit one, then the other on the return. Kung Lao, because his parents were now dead, joined a cult known as the White Lotus Society. The End, ok?


A/N: Wow, I managed to do one without dialogue. Hope you liked it.



Seven-year-old Sub-Zero was calmly sitting in his family's living room, freezing random things and screaming that Barney was evil and clowns would eat him in his sleep.

"Sub-Zero, would you mind taking care of your little brother Sifu Sub-Zero?" said his non-kori gifted mother.

"Aw, Mama… Do I have too?" he said.

"Yes. He's your brother," she said, "More than that, he's your little brother, so you have the responsibility of taking care of him," she added.

"But Mama, he's three years old! I can't play with him or nothin!"

"I don't see why you can't. Just play nice, and let him choose the game."

"…Yes Mama."

Five hours later…

"Kids? I'm home!" Sub-Zero's mother said, closing the door, "Kids? Where are you?"

She entered the living room where she found a startling scene. Sub-Zero was dressed all in black and calling himself Noob Saibot. Sifu Sub-Zero was frozen, except for his tongue, which was stuck to a tall pole made of ice. In fact, the whole room was frozen!

"Young man, you are going to be punished for this," she said to Sub-Zero. Taking and ice pick, she cleared enough of the ice away from the frozen phone to put it outside to thaw. Once it had, she dialed the Hasashi house.

"Hello, Hasashi residence," said the voice on the other line.

"Yes, hello. This is (garbled)…"

Twenty minutes later…

Hanzo Hasashi entered the house. He was there to do one thing, and one thing only: beat the living crap out of Sub-Zero.

"Sub-Zero! Prepare to have the crap beaten out of you!" he said, in an attempt at a loud, booming voice. Finding Sub-Zero hiding in the extra-large refrigerator, he proceeded to beat the living crap out of him.



Reptile was born invisible. The thoughts were that he had accidentally, in his squirming around, inputted the wrong command. Details are still a bit sketchy on that. Somewhere around age six, he was randomly beating up the poor visible kids in first grade, and he accidentally inputted the right command for turning off invisibility. Now, the kids he was picking on were much, much stronger than him. Now that he was visible, he couldn't think of the command to turn invisible again. Reptile quickly got beaten up so badly that he threw up all over his assailants.

"Whoa, cool!" he said once he had seen what happened. The kids attacking him were dissolving! "That's some volatile vomit I've got," he said.

…You know, I think I better get off of this one before it gets more tasteless then it already is. Sorry to the people who requested Reptile.

"NOOOOO! STUPID AUTHOR! CUT MY SEGMANT SHORT WILL YA! DIE!" Reptile said, suddenly appearing and shooting a fast force-ball at the poor author.




One of Sifu Sub-Zero's best friends was Smoke. Smoke's mother had smoked throughout all nine months of her pregnancy. Smoke was born deformed and had to wear a grey ninja suit. His body was also always giving off smoke, and his whole high school class died of lung cancer caused by inhaling second-hand smoke. Wow. Sucks for him, don't it?

One day Sub-Zero and Smoke were practicing their assassination skills. Sub-Zero would freeze the poor sucker, and Smoke would stand under him until the tumors erupted faster than volcanoes on Venus.

"Smoke," Sub-Zero said, "Do you think we'll end up being assassins forever?"


Few people know that marijuana actually increases clairvoyance.


A/N: This is a list of the characters left for me to do. Handy for making requests from. Tell me if you like it or not.

1- Blaze

2- Bo Rai Cho

3- Cyrax

4- Drahmin

5- Ermac

6- Frost

7- Hsu Hao

8- Jade

9- Jax

10- Kabal

11- Kano

12- Kintaro

13- Kitana

14- Li Mei

15- Mavado

16- Mokap

17- Moloch

18- Motaro

19- Nightwolf

20- Nitara

21- Quan Chi

22- Rain

23- Sektor

24- Shang Tsung

25- Shao Kahn

26- Sheeva

27- Sindel

28- Stryker

That's all, folks. Hope you liked it, and as always, read and review.