Disclaimer: I own nothing.

A/N: This is for the 30 kisses community on LiveJournal. In time, there will be thirty kisses here, metaphorical or otherwise. They'll mostly be unconnected, but since all I seem to be capable of writing for HP is humor, you can expect a lot of that, at least.


theme #1 - look over here

Forbidden Passions

- in which we learn the importance of always remembering to take your pills -


"Hey! Ron! Look over here! Ron!"

Startled, Ron and Pansy pulled apart and looked over to where the cheery voice was coming from, only to be instantly blinded by the flash of a camera.


"Sorry. I just had to get a picture of the two of you! I mean, it's such a romantic story, you know."

Ron and Pansy both blinked, confused. Colin didn't pay them any notice, though and went on.

"Just imagine it! The Forbidden Passion of a Gryffindor and The Slytherin who had to renounce her Evil Ways to be with The One She Loved, and all the Prejudice they had to face together. It's like Romeo and Juliet!"

Ron and Pansy stared.

"Denying thy father and refusing your name! It's just so inspiring! They'll be telling your story in the future, I'm sure they will."

"Colin?" Ron interrupted.


"Have you remembered to take those pills of yours lately?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot those today."

"Maybe you should go take them now, then?"

"Oh, ok."

With the cheerful smile still on his face and the camera clutched to his chest Colin turned and left.

"Uh, sorry about that." Ron shook his head, looking vaguely embarrassed for his fellow Gryffindor.

Pansy raised her hand and scratched the back of her head thoughtfully. "What was that about?"

"Don't ask me. He gets like that sometimes. You should hear him talk about Harry and his Destiny."

"Romantic? Forbidden passion? What the hell? We were just snogging!"

"I know."

"Do you realise there will be pictures of us going around, now?"

"No there won't."

"How do you know?"

"Ginny hexed his camera so it hasn't actually been working for the last couple of weeks. He hasn't noticed yet."

"Oh. Should we go to dinner?"

"Yeah, I guess."

They headed down the hallway toward the Great Hall.

"Hey Pansy?"


"Did you really have to... umm... deny your father and refuse your name, or whatever it was, for dating me?"

"Nah. I mentioned that I've been seeing a lot of you in a letter, but my father didn't comment at all. I think he still thinks I'm 10 years old and pretend all boys are icky. Mum just reminded me to keep in mind that you're dirt poor."


They headed down a case of stairs, silent for a while.



"Who are Robert and Juliet anyway?"