Hey, this is my first fic and I'm really nervous about this, I'm just going to write whatever pops into my head and if someone thinks that I have copied yours or someone else's story please tell me and I'll try to fix it, thank you and enjoy the story

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Inuyasha characters and anything else that I no right to own. All I have is a butt load of homework I should be doing

Man's Best Friend

By Frisbee

"Grrrrr" growled a teenaged half-demon. They had cornered him in an alley way, why, because he was a stray and 'they' were demon catchers that would take stray or lost demons to a pound, because demons and half-demons were pets in today's society.

Demons had finally been overthrown by humans and their weapons. If not for them demons would be the ones in control, but unfortunately that is not the way it is. And another thing was is that demons and humans couldn't understand each other, but being a half-demon he could understand only a handful of words and those were mainly curse words. As it was the catchers had finally caught this mangy mutt. He had given them trouble for the past few months and they finally had him or had at least corned him, now all that was left was to leash him and lock him up.

The half-demon, Inuyasha, knew he couldn't get out of this sticky situation, but he'd be damned if he was going to give up without a fight. This was hard though seeing how he had already become weak and tired from lack of food for the past week and the two hour chase that had come to an end at this spot. So, with any strength he had left, he swung out with his claws and tried to nab at least one of them. All he managed was to weaken him further.

The catchers seeing that the stray was so weak, finally decided to move in. While a few started to distract the mutt, a few more came up behind him and threw a chain around his neck. Now, everyone knows that a demon and even a half demon can break through a chain, but this type of chain had been spelled by a priest to hold the demons from breaking loose and it also would drain whatever energy was left of the demon.

Inuyasha, after feeling to chain around his neck started to struggle and pull at the chain, but to no avail. He started to feel really tired and weak and soon, before he knew it he found himself sprawled out on the concrete floor the alley way. He tried to move, but the most he was able to achieve was a slight twitch. Inuyasha had to watch as the catchers' drug him to the van and dump him in the back, then shut and lock the doors.

He slowly started to observe his surroundings, then whole inside of the van's back walls were covered in sutras, to keep any demon, that by chance got even the slightest bit of energy to try and break free. There was a wall where there is usually just a window to see the driver and passengers. 'Great what am I supposed to do now, I never did plan on getting caught, and it's not like anyone would want me as a pet,' thought Inuyasha. After a while of just staring at the wall, he felt the van come to a halt and with that the doors opened and the catchers drug him out of the van and started to carry him inside a sinister looking building.

The name labeled on the building read Tokyo's Animal Control and Adoption, finally after making it inside his nose was assaulted by the smell of too many demons and a few half-demons kept together along with their wastes, sickness, and death. 'I'm probably going to end up being put down, like some common dog,' raged the thinking Inuyasha, and before he knew what was happening, he was thrown into a pen. 'Well, at least this cell's empty,' he thought. Observing his surroundings again, but this time in his cell, it wasn't anything that he hadn't expected. Two bowls, one with water the other empty and some filthy hay and the back of the cell, which he saw was some kind of makeshift bed. And with great reluctance, he crawled over to the hay and lay down, because all that was left was to wait.

I hope this was a good enough first chapter now I have to go finish that homework ugghh