A/N Sorry for the great gap! Thanks to all those who reviewed: hope you like this. Please note this story is probably now AU.

Chapter 5

The Meal

It took them most of the night, but they'd decided how it was going to happen. Harry'd thought of it actually, and Ginny was quite proud at the simple brilliance of his plan. A dinner. Well a meal actually. Although it was going to be slightly different from what they told Hermione. And Ron. In fact the only people that knew exactly what was going to happen were Ginny and Harry.

They had decided that they'd invite Hermione to lunch, at their place. Only they wouldn't tell her that they'd also invited Ron. Of course it would be awkward at first, but then they'd all get talking and soon enough they could gently break the news about little Ronnie to Ron. He would be fine, Ginny assured Harry, he simply needed a little time to digest the news and then after a tiny- little- major- fit, he'd be ready to play the proud father. It was simple really.

Ginny was going to take care of Hermione, Harry of Ron, the trick was to get the timing spot on, to make it all go according to plan. So they both returned home around mid-morning and started to prepare the lunch, finalising arrangements. It was Friday, so neither had that much trouble taking the day off; Harry was relegated to paperwork since his assignment had poisoned herself, and Ginny was owed so much time off her boss didn't even question her request for leave.

Hermione had agreed quite easily, Ginny had thought, although she recognised that it was probably due to the enormous wave of guilt that seemed to follow her everywhere. Typically Ron had agreed enthusiastically, always glad of the excuse to skip work. Harry had told Ginny and it all seemed set. A little before one o'clock Ginny apparated to the park and was to accompany Hermione back to the house. It was set and Harry was practically singing when Ron arrived – he was thrilled with himself. They'll both be here – it'll be a bit awkward then they'll get over it and talk and before you know it they'll get together and everyone'll be happy – Ginny's gonna be so pleased.

"You alright there mate?" Ron asked, also looking quite pleased.

"Yeah – great – how about you?"

"I'm good – really need to use the bathroom though. Can't tell you how pleased I am that Ginny's come around to the idea." Ron said enthusiastically as he quickly made his way towards to stairs. Harry looked up from the salad-


"Yeah mate?" he called from the bathroom.

"What did you mean about Ginny coming around to the idea?" Harry said in an almost strangulated voice.

"About me and Veronica – the wedding and everything. Veronica's chuffed – really looking forward to Sunday now."

It all went a bit black but Harry tried extremely hard to remain breathing in an orderly fashion. However Ginny and Hermione apparated only a few seconds later and he still looked extremely red in the face.

"Hi Harry" Hermione said, greeting him with a huge hug. Harry tried to smile back but found that he could barely breathe properly – they both noticed, only Ginny was first to vocalise her concern.

"What's wrong sweetheart? She said, as Harry's face became increasingly worried.

"…" Harry tried to talk but no sound came out.

"Those bloody brothers of mine haven't been here have they?" Ginny said, anger sounding in her voice as her face became immediately red.

Harry shook his head, but he still couldn't speak. He looked at Hermione, whose eyes bore into him, as then she suddenly comprehended why Harry couldn't talk. Only then Ron started yelling as he came down the stairs-

"Hey Harry – mate I was thinking we could go shopping later in the week – I know its kinda boring but I really-" he stopped when he saw her. She had her back to him but he recognised her instantly. She waited for the inevitable explosion but none came. Just silence. And more silence. But then she couldn't bear it, and she apparated away without even looking at him.


It took him exactly thirty seconds to explode – they were only surprised it hadn't been sooner-


Harry had seen Ron angry on several occasions to put it mildly, but they didn't even come close to how mad he was now. In fact, he thought absentmindedly, if you added up all those occasions the total wouldn't come anywhere close to how angry Ron was just at this moment in time. They couldn't blame him really, so they just let him rampage on. He quickly began on the furniture, smashing it into pieces and then the cabinets and photos and walls; it was nearly a half hour later before he sat exhausted amidst the debris.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He managed, calmly sipping the butterbeer Ginny had passed to him.

"We only found her yesterday." Harry said softly, soothingly.

"Where is she?" Ron said, looking directly at them both.

They exchanged pointed glances but didn't say anything.

"I want to know where she is so I can talk to her – that's all. No shouting – I promise" Ron said solemly.