A.N. Yay. This is my second attempt at an AVP fiction. The first dissatisfied me so I took another swing at it. Love me. I'm trying. So excuse me for any OOC, I can't always get the character in order…and this is fanfiction, so what I do goes—live with it! Hugs

Disclaimer: Again, AVP does not belong to me, the movie concept belongs to 20th Century Fox, the franchise of its comics belong to the Dark Horse comic company and associates, and the character ideals of Predator belongs to James E., Jim, and John Thomas. The alien character ideals belong to a lot of people… love me for knowing most of it.

Music: This is the music I listened to while writing thise: Rob Zombie "Super beast" and "Dragula", also Z "hit me", ShakkaZombie "Siroi Yami No Naka", Nine Inch Nails "The Becoming", and finally Seether "fuck it".

Two Faced Souls

By: AAHB ShadowFox

Chapter one

Pointing the finger

"We are all equal in the presence of death."

Publilius Syrus (-100 BC)

Sleep came heavy that night, two gone from the hellish one she'd experienced, but still as fearful as if the onyx, glistening ruins were laid about her. Lex's eyelids felt stitched to bricks, each one endeavoring to be stronger than her will not to drift to dream land. She was afraid what would happen when she slept. What would happen when her eyes were closed, her mind shut off, leaving her more vulnerable than that moment she entered into dangers mouth.

Being back upon The Piper Maru should have been an extreme comfort for Alexa Woods, but she couldn't shift through the feeling that there was something lurking in time waiting the right moment to lag itself upon her life. The soft rocking of the ship was steady, melodic, but it was so unnoticeable only one paying attention could know of it. The skimming of the ice against the sides made a quiet metallic, whale groaning tone that was almost inaudible from her point.

"Mrs. Woods," a distant voice called breaking her of thought. Lex's eyelids fluttered open, squaring her vision to look upon the source of the voice.

"How are you feeling?" The male shifted in the light of the doorway, glancing at the light switch to his left but was unsure to anchor it up. Lex's mouth curled in an uncomfortable frown as she urged her aching, tender muscles to move so that she felt less awkward in the presence of another human being.

"I'll have to get back to you on that," she replied, really unsure of her own well being. She'd not been hurt anything serious, the worst done to her was psychological.

"You're a very lucky women Mrs. Woods," trending two step from the bed he peered upon the weary female, "to have survived the collapse of that abandoned whaling station." Lex swallowed back a sound of displeasure. She planted her hands firmly on the bedding and lifted to a sitting position, her lips pressing together at the pull of her sore sinew.

"I don't think luck had anything to do with it."

"Mm, do you remember me Mrs. Woods?" he inquired, quite unexpectedly. Lex glanced up at the male, wonderingly. She searched his façade with her eyes, taking in his shadowed features but recalled nothing of his sharp cheekbones, angled eyes, or jagged hairline.

"No, I can't say that I do."

"Well you were a little out of it when we retrieved you," He stretched his long, bony fingers to touch her shoulder in a friendly manner, "I am Doctor Min-yao, but you can call me M." He lowered his hand from her shoulder. Lex nodded once slowly, irresolute of what to say.

Following a moment of hesitation she replied, "Then you can call me Lex…. Mrs. Woods make me feel old." She lied, when she began this trip she thought she was mature beyond her years, as she had all her life, but afterwards, at this moment, she felt older than any other being on this earth.

"Very good. If you feel up to it, I would like you to join me for a bit of something to eat," he lifted his arm and slid back the white fabric from his wrist, peering with narrowed, concentrated eyes at the silver watch latched there before continuing, "There are a few people who would like to speak with you, and I believe if you had something to eat first you would feel much better to do so."

With bowed eyebrows Lex watches him, curious to who would want to see her at this time of night and for what reason.

"I guess," She began suspiciously, "Could you give me a moment to get into something more presentable?"

"Of course." The doctor turned on his heals and retreated to the door, closing it softly behind him as he left, but didn't veer far from her room. Blankly Lex peered at the door, before with a tired sigh she maneuvered from her bed and made way to the clothing that was brought along with her.

She touched the cold roundness of the knob as she'd finished, her jaw tightening at the feeling of it, which made her brain ache with memories.

"Ready?" M took a sweep of her figure as she exited, observing the presentation she had fitted into. It was just a pair of faded jeans and a black, long sleeved shirt with a light yellow jacket on. She nodded once in response, observing the hall a moment with her eyes.

"Good, this way please." He began down the hall; Lex following his foot steps with her eyes before going after him.

The food was decent. It was not the best she had ever offered to her tongue, but it was a welcomed export compared to the dust and death heavy air she had tasted nights earlier.

"How is it?" M glanced up at her from beyond his glass as he began to sip a bit of its bronze contents. Lex feigned a pleased up curve of her lips.

"It's pretty good," she poked the lukewarm steak with her fork, licking her lips subtly thinking to herself. "Doctor Min—I mean…M, what is it that these people what to talk to me about," She glanced down finally at her meat, which drifted with each poke across the plain white of the plate, "I already told what happened. It was from the explosives they used to blow the tunnel with. The ground must have been weak and—"

Min-yao lifted his hand to interrupt her, "I know you did Lex. They just have a few more questions, that's all. It's nothing to fret about, honestly." He glanced at other tables in the large cafeteria, each one mostly empty beside for a few stranglers who wanted a late night bite. Lex curiously traced his glance to one empty set of tables before drawing her eyes back at him.

"Is something wrong….?" She asked raising her glass to take a drink.

"Hm, what?" He looked at her, "Oh, oh no," he shook his head softly, "I was just looking for…." He looked up behind Lex suddenly, "them." Lex's eyes jerked to the side as two men came from behind her, each dressed in very professionally pressed black suits, the creases of importance down the pant legs and the arms lengths. Slowly she set her glass down and watched them wearily as they did the same to her.

One of them stretched his hand to her, "Hello Mrs. Woods, I am Mr. Turner." Lex took his hand and lightly shook it, his warm fingers trying to be gentle around hers; apparently he thought she was more badly hurt than she was. She observed his slicked back hair; his salt and pepper hairline was receding and his forehead was decorated with wrinkles of wisdom. He had kind blue eyes, which was a comforting theme compared to his partners.

"Mr. Manak," the second man just took up the seat to the left of her, his voice was slimmed with austerity. Turner took his place to her right, M bowing his head to both in respect, taking Mr. Turners offered hand in a short, assertive shake. Lex glanced at Mr. Manak, he had dark shadows tracing his eyes, his mouth was loose in a frown; he was a very homely looking man in her opinion. Slowly he met her eyes, which made her immediately revert hers away.

"Mrs. Woods," Turner peered at her, straightening the tangles of his mustache with his fore and middle fingers.

"Yes?" She lifted her eyes to him. He willingingly made eye contact with her, sending an uneasy chill down Lex's spine.

He began softly, soothingly, yet his tone had a hint of trite inquiry. "We're here to ask you a few questions. Now I don't want you to be alarmed but—"

Manak's palm abruptly slapped across the fake wood tabletop, pressing down hard with a loud thud, which jerked all's attention to his glare, "You're being investigated for the murder of Mr. Charles Weyland, Mr. Sebastian—" Lex's eyes widened with incredulity and horror with each name mentioned, "…Thomas…" The man crushed his fingertips against the table watching each aghast aspect of Lex's demeanor.

WHAT! Her mind screamed until finally her lips parted to mutter the same word.

"You have the right to remain silent…."

E.N. …wee! That was fun…expect the next chapter in a hopefully reasonable time span. Love me.