Anifan1: Hmmm, should be interesting… although I don't think that Alloran would have a problem controlling himself when faced with taste, as he has already experienced it under the Visser's control, when the Visser was at Sharing meetings and suchlike. Anyway, thanks for the review and for the betaing. I'm still having trouble with this fic, so any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Martson: They're meeting Illim on the ship, and it is my plan that when they get to Earth they will meet the Animorphs; at least Cassie and Marco.

Edriss: Thanks, sorry I couldn't write more quickly, I lost inspiration and direction for a while, but now I'm back!

Quillian: I'd be very grateful to hear your ideas, they could be a great help.

Tartan: No, I haven't, but I don't intend for Alloran's trip to go 'horribly wrong', either. I think I've tortured him enough!

Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz: Thanks for your review.

Myitt: Thanks!

Birdie num num: Thanks for reviewing.

Beekiller-Johanna from Finland: I don't speak Finnish, I just made the word up. Interesting coincidence.

Cherryblu: Thanks.

Quillian(again) Thanks for letting me know.

I've had some trouble with this and my other Animorph fics, so now I've decided to adopt a one at a time approach. Once this fic is finished, I'll finish the tortured, then move on to Paradise Forsaken, which I think I'll make a several part series.

Keep reading, and if you have any suggestions or ideas, please share them with me. I only have a very general direction for my fics, so it's very open to reviewer interpretation. So please, help me to keep writing.

On with the story!

Several months later, we were ready to leave on the 'Earth tour.' Ferala and Baras were now officially engaged, and I had made arrangements to take Ferala on the tour with us. Ferala and Marili got along well, which was a relief.

The tourists were being transported to Earth mainly using the first human zero-space vehicle. Several Andalite ships were escorting it, and Dome ships were being used to carry the excess tourists. Travelling on the Dome ships saved some gold, but we were travelling on the human vehicle.

Several weeks after noticing the poster, I had received an official invitation to go on the Earth tour, as had Prince Aximili. I was allowed to bring up to five Andalites along, so along with my close family I invited Feyorn. Although he had already seen Earth, he readily agreed. Perhaps he just wanted something to do in his retirement, or maybe he wanted to spend some time with me. Most likely a combination of both.

The ship was visiting the Andalite home world last before it departed for Earth, so by the time we boarded the ship, it was already carrying several hundred other tourists, mostly Yeerk and Hork-Bajir, as well as a few Leerans and other species, some of whom I had not seen before.

In order to improve inter-species relations, individuals were assigned to quarters with other species. The 'quarters' were in a similar layout to those I had on the Dome ship coming home: private quarters for each individual or couple, opening onto a communal 'entertainment room'. The aim was to accommodate Hork-Bajir, Yeerks and Andalites and one other species. The arrangement was also that if someone wasn't bringing their family or friends, at least one other member of their species would be assigned to their quarters, unless they wished otherwise.

At first, Feyorn was a little unenthusiastic about sharing his quarters with Yeerks, but after a lot of persuading from me he agreed that it would perhaps not be as bad as he thought.

The humans had obviously been informed by Cassie or Marco that Illim and I got along well, as I had been assigned to share quarters with him. Along with us, there was another Yeerk named Xielim 455, a female (selected at random, not a close acquaintance of Illim), as well as a Hork-Bajir family of four. There was also Xielim's ex-host, a Taxxon who had morphed a python and had insisted on staying with Xielim. The Taxxon had been voluntary (more than was usual for a Taxxon), and they had enjoyed a close relationship. They still did, in fact. The Taxxon, called Sryneee (Sry for short, and for ease of pronunciation), had accompanied her Yeerk. Sry had chosen not to have another Taxxon in the quarters, for she regarded Xielim almost as a close friend.

We arrived at our quarters, after feeding first in the Andalite feeding area, at about 6pm (standard Earth time). Xielim and Illim were watching a human video, while the Hork-Bajir were sat talking in the corner. Sry was lying wrapped around Xielim's shoulders. Of course, at that time I did not know any of their names except Illim's.

Sry spotted me, and the others turned, evidently at her private thought speak.

"Evening, Alloran," welcomed Illim. He then proceeded to introduce me to the others, indicating each one with his hand as he spoke "This is Xielim 455, Sryneee, who we all call Sry for short, and Jara, Mylan and Tek Saraw," he finished, indicating the Hork-Bajir.

My family entered, and greeted Illim. Feyorn and Ferala watched nervously from the doorway.

(This is my shorm Feyorn, and Ferala, my son's fiancé.)

Baras and Ferala ducked their heads in response to that comment, both unable to resist grinning with their eyes. I smiled, also. I could already tell that I was going to enjoy this holiday.

We spent the rest of the evening absorbed in talking and human entertainments, the latter new to the rest of my family. Marili paid only fleeting attention, only showing interest when they could tell her something about the biology of life on Earth. Baras would have shown less enthusiasm than his sister if it had not been for Ferala. Her shy countenance had died away, and she was fascinated by all the human inventions. We discovered that Ferala was quite an enthusiast for other cultures, present or historic. Also she was interested in the history and culture of all species, asking questions of the Hork-Bajir and Sry as well as Xielim and Illim. Needless to say, she did not find much out from the Hork-Bajir, but she was reassured by the promise of the presence of Toby on board the ship.

(Excuse me?) Ferala asked once she had finished with the Hork-Bajir.

"Yes?" Illim and Xielim replied simultaneously.

(Would you mind me asking you about your culture?)

Illim smiled. "Is it your university work?"

(No,) Ferala said, her eye stalks drooping slightly. (I wish it was, I would like to be in university but my father could not afford it. He needed me married as soon as possible to give him enough grazing land.) She paused. (Ignore my wishful thinking,) she said apologetically. (Would you mind me asking you?)

"Of course not," Xielim said.

About fifty questions later, Ferala finally ran out of things to ask.

"It's not the most vibrant of cultures," Illim began to apologise.

(It was very interesting. It is a shame we do not study much about Yeerk culture in schools. Perhaps our species would trust one another more if we knew more about one another.)

"Wise words," Xielim said. "But I cannot imagine your government making Yeerk culture part of your curriculum, and even if they did so, I cannot imagine many Andalite students enjoying it or many teachers being enthusiastic about it. And although the new Yeerk government might agree, the same applies with the teachers and students."

We continued to make what the humans called 'small talk' for another hour, before Jahar excused herself. I did also.

I followed my wife into the quarters that had been set-aside for us. The room had been designed for humans, as it was a human vehicle, so there was a bed folded flat against the wall and a small door into the bathroom, which was usable for all species. Blankets had been piled in a corner to cushion Jahar and myself from the ship's hard floor, as it was incredibly difficult and uncomfortable for an Andalite to sleep in a bed. Opposite the bed, there was a panel that could be made transparent to show space, or be brightened or dimmed to provide less or more light as necessary.

Jahar sighed slightly as she lay down on the pile of blankets. I think she was asleep almost instantly. I stood for a while, just watching her. The years had been kind to her, and she was still as beautiful to behold as ever (although I could be considered biased.)

I felt my eyes beginning to droop, so I gave in to my fatigue and lay down beside Jahar. I closed my eyes gently and allowed sleep to take me. My last conscious thought before I wandered into the world of dreams was;

This is the most peaceful I have felt in a long time.

PLEASE REVIEW! Remember; share any suggestions you may have, no matter how ridiculous they are. I need your help!