Disclaimer: I own nada!

"I can't believe the nerve of those...those FREAKS! Out in public and all." Vernon was beyond angered by the way that Harry's lot had tried to bully him around.

"And what about that revolting Pink Haired Woman!" Petunia was all too happy to complain about someone after being addressed by those weirdoes.

Vernon was thinking of a new way of getting his disgraceful nephew out of their life for good maybe this time. "What if we just lock him up in his cupboard for this summer-"

"NO! Vernon! You heard those people they will hunt us down what about Dutters!"

Vernon was hardly hearing Petunia when an idea came to mind. He knew that if they harmed him then those Freaks would come...BUT...if they just lose him then they can't be mad at his precious family for that...oh no, they couldn't...

"Petunia! I have it we will just drop the boy off! And when those weirdoes come by we will just tell them that the boy just ran away!" At this Harry looked up, drop him off but he just got out of school where would he go. The car stopped outside a park.

"You boy get out!" Vernon ordered Harry.

"What? Why?" Harry was still confused. "If you're going to meet the same sticky end as your good for nothing parents I don't want you near my family, NOW GET OUT!"

Harry gathered his things to include Hedwig and stepped onto the curb. As Harry looked around he realized that this was the same spot that he had seen his godfather. "Sirius..." Harry mumbled. Forcing a lump in his throat down. Hedwig let a out low hoot and Harry looked down at her, and then the idea hit him he had to write someone had to tell them. Hermione...well no she would go nuts to find out. Ron was no good he would want Harry to go to his house and Harry did not want that he wanted to be alone for right now...that's it he would go to the Leaky Cauldron and get a room he would write to...Dumbledor and let him know. Dumbledor seemed to know everything but Harry thought it would be a good idea anyhow. Harry raised his right hand deciding that he would have to take the Night Bus.

BANG! The Night Bus arrived almost instantly.

"Hello, my name is-"

"Yes, I know you are Stan. Now can we go please?" Harry dropped the money into Stan's hand and picked up his trunk with Stan's help and took Hedwig onto the bus and took a bed near the back. Passing a witch in dark purple ropes with a little bottle in he hand that was empty and she was fast asleep. How she could be so soundly asleep on the Night Bus Harry was unsure but was positive that it had something to do with the empty bottle that she had in her hand. "Leaky Cauldron, please, Stan" Harry said to the taller wizard.

BANG! Without any warning the bus was off throwing everything back to include Harry and Hedwig. As the witch's bed flew backwards she just let out a soft snore. Within fifteen minutes and many streets jumps later Stan was walking back toward Harry, then Harry noticed that it was indeed the witch that he was walking up to. Harry also noticed the small bottle filled with a blue potion that seemed to glow in the darkness. Stan bent over the witch and let the orange potion pour into her mouth.

"Miss Langley, your stop is coming up, time to wake up." Miss Langley began to stir and then woke up looking a little groggy.

"Ahh yes, Stan, thank you." Her voice was a little groggy also. "Couldn't think of getting on this retched bus without this potion.." She seemed to talk to no one around.

"Excuse me miss. But what potion did you take?" Harry was very happy to hear of such a potion but still not sure that he would even take it, it made him feel exposed.

"Ahh, yes dear boy..."her eyes flicked up to his forehead then back to his eyes. Her eyes seem to widen in hope and excitement. "You're Harry Pot-"

"Yes miss I know." And Harry forgot the question he asked.

"Well Harry I took the Siesta potion which let me sleep though out this retched bus ride. Then Stan here gave me the Wakening potion."

BANG! The bus came to a stop.

"Well Miss Langley here is your stop, I hope you enjoyed your ride." Stan was back.

"Thank you Stan, and good by Harry Potter." Miss Langley turned and left with a little red bag in hand.

Harry watched her walk up to her little cottage there was nobody else around. All the lights flashed on at once when she stepped to the door. When to door opened it happened, his scar felt as if it burst into flames, but Harry never got a chance to see who it was for the bus immediately banged away. When the bus stopped out side the Leaky Cauldron Harry gathered his things and rushed inside, got a room and settled down to write the letter right away.

Dear Professor Dumbledor,

The Dursleys kicked me out. I am staying at the same place the time that this happened.

Need to talk to you about a special mark.


Harry attached the letter to Hedwig's leg and she was off. And then he lay down to try to sleep. Sleep did come and when he woke he hear voices and shadows of people.