Wait for me. ( tentatively titled)

Alternate Universe. Trunks wakes up to the future of 10 years later where earth has been conquered an alien race, obliterated and almost everyone killed. With the only surviving saiyajins left, Trunksmust gather the galaxy's dragonballs to create their own future.


The earth seemed to groan as the ground shattered, cracks running for miles at the impact. A huge battle was on, the battle which would decide the fate for earth. The saviours of earth, bathed in gold fought valiantly against the alien invaders.

" Brat! Take the woman and the other brat and go!"

Trunks batted away most of the endless stream of ki balls. He grunted in pain as several impacted him. Before he could blink, he felt his father kick him out of the way to block another blow.

" Move your ass brat. You were never any good to me."

Trunks stared at Vegeta and nodded, his instructions registering in his mind. Despite Vegeta's angry expression and hard eyes, he knew that his father had meant the exact opposite.

A figure slammed into him from the back. Goten, looking rather beat up barely stayed in the air as he rested a hand on Trunks' shoulder.

" C'mon Goten. Time to go."

Trunks supported Goten and took off towards his home, Capsule Corp where his mother was ordering the evacuation of as many people as possible.


Back at Capsule Corp...

" Come on Pan! Lets go!"

Pan turned around, stopping in her tracks to see her grandma Chichi and Bura calling out to her.

" Where are you going! Come back! We have to go!"

Pan shook her head and was about to take off when she spotted two figures descending from the skies. Trunks and Goten. She adjusted her orange bandanna as the wind from the space ships taking off blew her hair around. Trunks unceremoniously dropped Goten onto Pan for support.

" Where is everyone Pan?"

Trunks scanned the area with worry. Pan struggled to keep Goten upright from the sheer weight of the older warrior.

" Everyone's fine...except Aunt Bulma is still inside. How is the battle? I want to go and help out."

Trunks gave Pan a gentle shove towards the ships and took off towards his house.

" Get on the ship ok? Don't run off. Wait for me. I'll come back!"

Pan sighed and slowly made her way towards the waiting ship, the last one on the temporary tarmac set up by Bulma. How was a 14 year old girl supposed to carry a semi-conscious saiyajin practically twice her age?


" Mom! Where are you? We've got to go RIGHT NOW!"

Trunks ran quickly, searching through the rooms as he tried to pinpoint his mother's ki. His rattled nerves had thrown off his perceptions however, leaving it to his human senses of sight and hearing to find her. He took the metal steps 3 at a time as he descended into the dim light of his mother's lab. He could see sparks fly and the loud noises of metal grinding against metal.

" yes! I'm finished!"

His mother's blue hair could be seen from under the metal visor that protected her from the sparks.

" Mom! What are you doing at a time like this?"

" Finishing my invention. Come on Trunks I want you to find your sister, Goten and Pan. Bring them down here."

Trunks shook his head and grabbed his mother by the arm, gently but firmly leading her out of the lab. His mother escaped his grasp and ran back to her latest invention.

" We don't have time for this mom! We have to go. NOW."

" Trust me Trunks. Get in."

His mother opened a hatch. The invention was shaped like a capsule, made of semi liquid metal. Before he could react, his mother managed to shove him into the invention and close the door, quickly activating the machine. Yellow liquid began to fill the interior of the capsule as Trunks banged on the sides of his prison.

" Mom! What are you doing? Let me out!"

His mother rapped on the glass and waved.

" Trunks...believe me. You'll be safer...I'm sorry I was a bit late. I could only do this for you...but...goodbye Trunks."

Trunks watched his mother disappear up the stairs before inhaling the rising yellow liquid. When it had filled completely, he felt the capsule rumble before he succumbed to the temptation of sleep.


Bulma raced towards the remaining ship. She could see her daughter inside, waving at her to hurry up as her legs carried her as fast as they could. One of the humanoid aliens approached her, ready to fire a blast. Her heart pumped faster as the adrenaline flowed through her.

Please let me make it...please.

When the blast came, she cried out in pain at the searing heat. However, she continued to move as she saw the hatch grow closer and closer. Her chest heaved with the heavy breathing as she slumped on the metal deck of the ship, the hatch closing behind her. She could feel the vibration of the ship's mechanics working perfectly as the ship began to take flight. She stumbled to a window in time to see a single object shoot from the Capsule Corp towards space. She smiled with relief as she saw Pan running towards her.

" Aunt Bulma! Are you alright?"

Pan inspected her wounds with a worried look as Bulma stopped her with a hand.

" Pan...I have to tell you something. Promise me you'll remember no matter what ok?"

" Um...ok. Sure Aunt Bulma."

As Bulma used her dying breath to tell Pan, Pan's eyes widened with surprise... and shone with hope. Pan glanced out the window to catch a glimpse of it, a bright dot in the clear blue sky before disappearing completely.

I'll wait for you.

Author's note:
Hmmm A very short and jumpy prologue but I think I got what I wanted to do with it across kinda. Well maybe I should have finished my other two fics first ( and thought of a title for Untitled!! Hehehe) But.......i had an overwhelming temptation to do this. Forgive me? ^__^ Be prepared for some changed people in the future! I really hope that you can understand the storyline from the brief summary and the prologue...coz otherwise I'm in trouble!