Aprilangel413: Ok this is the last chapter. I hope you enjoyed reading this fic as much as I have writing it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Gargoyles.

Fiona sighed as she flipped through the channels of the T.V. It was one week past her due date and the doctor put her on bed rest. Alex refused to let her get up, when ever she wanted something he told her to push a button and some one would come in and take her request. It was driving her insane, it wasn't that she didn't like being waited on hand and foot. It was the fact that she couldn't do anything.

It started the night that she told Alex and everybody else. Her father insisted that she not come on patrol during the duration of her pregnancy. But Fiona expected that, Angela had to sit out too when she was carrying Malcolm's egg. But what she didn't expect was how boring things could get so quickly. It wasn't until her mother reminded her that a nursery had to be designed and built that she found something to do.

However the nursery was finished now she was back to being bored. When she was five months along that's when things got the worse, with the extra weight of the baby she couldn't fly. Her wings would not support her, or so that's what Puck, Xanatos, Alex, and her entire family said. So now she was grounded, but she just kept telling her self that it was all worth it.

That's when she looked down to the huge lump on her stomach. It didn't really feel like there was something living in there. Sure the baby moved but it didn't register that the thing that was moving would be out soon and in her arms. Fiona scooted up against the backboard so she could have a better view of the television. Then she looked down at her stomach again.

She started to wonder what this kid would look like. Would he be able to pass as a full human and go to school or would her look like her and stay in this castle for the majority of its life. Then she looked over her own appearance, she had been forced to wear some sort of hospital gown. But she had gotten a few alterations made, it was closed in the back with two holes for her wings and it was more of a shirt and long skirt. She was about to go back to thinking about the way her baby would look when there was a knock at the door.

"Come in." She said

Malcolm came barging in. (He's nine now.) "Hi Aunt Fiona, how are you?"

She was about to give him an ear full when she remembered how excited he was to have a little cousin. "Fine, a bit bored but I'm fine."

"Then do you want to play a game?" He asked.

"I can't get up, remember?"

"I know I meant something that you could play."

"Like what?"

"Virtual race car driving?" He asked hopefully

"Sure." She said as Malcolm pulled two helmets and steering wheels out from behind his back.

"You wanna be blue or red?" He asked holding up the two different colored helmets.

"Red." She said taking the helmet and steering wheel.

He helped her put it on her head and turn it on. They played five rounds, Malcolm winning them all. They took off their helmets and Fiona handed hers to Malcolm.

"Same time and place tomorrow Aunt Fiona?" He asked.

"Why not, and next time tell me when you're say go?" She said laughing a bit.

"Hey it's not my fault you can't drive." He said as he walked out of the room.

Fiona decided to take a nap until Alex got back, he had taken her spot in patrol. Luckily it was summer so school didn't interfere. She woke up and hour later when she felt a jolt of pain go through her stomach.

She sat up and reached for the button, and hit it about amillion times. About three minutes later her mother entered the room. "Honey what's wrong?"

"I don't now my stomach started to hurt but it's gone now." She answered.

Elisa thought for a moment, "How about I sit with you until Alex gets back?"

"Sure." Fiona answered as she scooted over on the king sized bed.

They talked about their day for about ten minutes until another jolt of pain went up her spine. Her eyes went wide and she griped the bed sheets. Elisa sat there and rubbed her daughter's arm as the contraction passed. Fiona relaxed and slumped back in the bed.

"Come on honey we need to get you down stairs." Elisa helped Fiona stand and walk to the door.

They somehow made it down the stairs of the tower and Elisa started shouting people's names. "Angela…Broadway…Hudson."

The three came running towards her along with the rest of the clan. (With the absence of Goliath and Alex for they were on patrol.) They all stopped when they saw Fiona. She was clenching her teeth and squeezing her mother's hand trying to get through the most recent contraction.

Angela and Broadway took over the job of carrying Fiona to the room that had been set up for the birth. While Brooklyn, Lex, Hudson, and Xanatos in his gargoyle suit set out to find Goliath and Alex.. Elisa called the doctor that had been taking care ofFiona duringher pregnancy.

Angela and Broadway lay Fiona down on a bed in a room full of monitors and doctors equipment. The contraction had passed and Fiona was beginning to calm down again. Angela pulled up a chair next to her sister's bed and sat down. She then told Broadway to go help the others find her father and the father soon to be, he didn't argue. Then Angela turned back to Fiona.

"Ya know it seem like just yesterday that I first saw you wrapped up in a blanket in Elisa's arms." She started.

"Angela, please don't go there. I don't need you going all soft on me now." She said trying to make her sister laugh.

Then Elisa came through the doors and pulled up a chair on the other side of Fiona's bed. She looked as though she were about to cry.

"Aw mom not you too." Fiona whined.

Brooklyn led the 'search team' backwards along the patrol route. He figured that since it was almost the end of the shift that they'd be heading back towards the castle, so they naturally flew in the direction that they would be coming. After about ten minutes of flying they spotted two figures in the air, one winged and one non-winged. They called out to their companions, soon they were only a few feet away.

"What's going on?" Fox asked.

"Fiona's having the baby." Lexington answered.

Not another word needed to be said as they all rushed back to the castle

The doctor had arrived five minutes ago and was now checking Fiona over. Then Goliath, and Alex ran in. Angela quietly left to go check on her husband and son. Alex was immediately at Fiona's side holding her hand and stroking her damp hair. Goliath walked over and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead and then sat in the chair that Angela had been using. Then the doctor turned around to face everyone.

"Sorry guys, soon to be parents only." He said as he slipped in a pair of rubber gloves.

Elisa and Goliath walked out slowly and closed the door behind them. They with the addition of Xanatos and Fox waited outside for what seemed like an eternity. By the time they heard the doctor say one last push, every member of the clan was waiting out side the door. Then came a shrill sound of a baby cry. A minute later the doctor exited the room and looked at the bunch. "Grandparents first." He said as he opened the door a bit more so they could walk in.

Fiona sat up in the bed with her wings folded over her. In her arms was a small bundle of white blankets. Alex stood beside her, his handon Fiona's shoulder. They looked up and saw their parent's standing there. Fiona handed the bundle over to Alex and he walked over to them with it.

"It's a boy." Alex whispered as he moved a piece of the blanket sothe babycould be seen.

He looked like human the only exceptionbeing his gargoyle wings. His skin was pale like his fathers but his eyes were dark. On the top of his head was some black looking peach fuzz. He was wide-awake and looking at everyone around him.

"Can we come in yet?" asked Malcolm as he poked his head in to the room.

Alex nodded and the rest of the clan came flooding in.

"Everyone I would like you to meet, Devin Xanatos." Alex said proudly.

After a chorus of awe's the doctor reentered the room. He sent everyone out except Alex so the new family could have some quality time.

1 Week Later

Dominique smiled as she read this mornings paper. The news was always a good way to know whatever her enemies were up to. Even if what was written wasn't always correct. But today she had stumbled upon an article that made her smile.

It was about Fox and Fiona's new baby. There was a good picture of Fox walking down the street with Fiona at his side carrying their son. The article was mainly about Fiona and Fox and the last paragraph was about little Devin Xanatos.

Demona hadn't seen Fiona since she stopped flying and was missing her friend dearly. She hopped to meet Devin soon, from the picture she could tell that he had gotten wings. The most important feature to be considered a gargoyle in her opinion.

Dominique put the paper down on her desk and pulled out some actual work papers that had to get done. There was a knock at the door and she looked up. It was Fox (Demona had no problems thinking of him as Fox because she said it fit him better then Alex) he walked up to her desk and smiled.

"You wanna meet Devin?" He asked.

She nodded and Fox took a step to the left reveling Fiona standing there with her son in her arms. Dominique stood and couldn't help but awe at him. Fiona then held him out to her.

"You wanna hold him?" She asked.

"No I really couldn't." She started but before she knew it he was in her arms.

She walked around her desk rocking him gently. Then she handed him back to Fiona.

"He's adorable." She remarked

"Yeah he is." Fiona said looking down at him.

Demona sighed.

"You know despite what everyone wants to think there is a lot of you in Malcolm." Fox said.

"Really?" Dominique asked now intrigued.

"Yeah. Ya never know what he's gonna do next, and he's got the best poker face. He's creative and smart and believe it or not, he knows exactly how to manipulate a situation." Fiona said.

"Not my best traits." Dominique said solemnly.

"I beg to differ." Fox said then looked down at his watch. "We gotta go, we're supposed to meet the moms for lunch."

Fiona handed him off to Fox and then turned to Dominique. "I've missed you so much. We really need to get together sometime, like we used to." She said and then hugged the older women.

"Yeah we should. Bye." Dominique waved.

"Seeya." Fiona said as she walked out the door with her new family.

Aprilangel413: THE END. I really, really wish that it didn't have to end but it must. I'm simply going to end this fic on a happy note. Remember to review.