
All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
From the ashes a fire shall waken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king.

-The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien.

Chapter 1 – Reason

…Where am I? I am here, on the outside…

Who is that dashing knight all dressed in black? Who is he? He who stands there so silently, with his black cape waving gently at his ankles in the early morning breeze. Who is this man that dares stand atop the fortress of the gerudos, as though he were its silent lord. This man dressed in black mail, with a great sword at his side, and violent red hair that rises from his head like bright fire. Who is he, and why is he there?

He is not really a great knight at all. Nor is he a man. He is a boy to the age of fourteen years, dressed in a loose fitting purple cloak, and his hair is not the great fire, it is just a flicker, an ember.

…I am here on the outside…

This child, he stands so silently, and it seems that neither wind, nor sea, nor fire, nor time shall have him moved.

…No…I am not on the outside. I am there. I am the boy…

The child's cloak raises in the breeze and sand whirls up in front of him, but he moves not one muscle, as he gazes at the mountains east of the fortress that bar the way to the green land.

…Light save me…who am I? I am the boy that stands there. I am the one that they are ashamed of. I am the one they shall fear…I am Ganondorf Dragmire…

I remained standing there in the cool air for some time. I had nothing else to do, and standing silently was good for me, it developed inner calm. This morning was different to all the others though. Today, though I didn't yet know it, something would happen that would change my life forever.

This morning, as I stood there, as I did most mornings, I was suddenly aware of another presence. I did not move. Not even my eyes moved from the shifting sands of the wasteland. A soft hand was resting on my right shoulder, and I could feel warm breathing upon the back of my neck that made my hair stand on end. A young, sweet, smooth voice floated across my ears like a breeze. "I've seen you out here often, but I've never dared speak to you. I know who you are."

…She doesn't know who I am…nobody knows who I am…not really…

"Then who am I?" I said, moving only my mouth and nothing else.

The warm breath was on my neck again, and sent a wonderful rushing sensation to the back of my head. "You are Prince Dragmire, heir to the throne of the desert."

…I am not the prince…I am nobody…

"And pray tell me, what is your name?"

The hand of the girl fell slowly down my back, and stopped at my waist, her left hand rested on my left side as well. Still I did not move; though no longer out of my own choice. She had me gripped so softly that my feet would not move if I tried, and her soothing voice and breath were so intoxicating that I would never want her to leave. "My name is Nabooru."

…Nabooru…the light of the world…I will never forget you…

Then I turned my neck to the right, and found myself looking into the eyes of the most beautiful girl that ever lived. Her beauty was beyond compare, and the fragrance of morningstars flowed from long red hair. Her eyes deep and clear as the sea. Her long rich red hair fell down across her shoulders and down her white and purple robes, which hid all but the toes on her feet.

…Why did I ever let you go…Nabooru…

We remained standing like this for some time, and I did not know what to do with myself. We were all alone in the warm morning sun, with the desert before us, and silence all around. The girl named Nabooru smiled. "Why are you so silent?"

I finally turned away from her angelic face and looked back towards the desert. "I don't feel the need for words." Nabooru laughed and leaned her front against my back, resting her head on my shoulder, so that her cheek was right up against mine. "What compels you to conduct yourself in this manner?" I asked her.

…I was always so self-righteous…I never meant to be…

"I don't know. The morning, the warmth, this view; its all so lovely."

"It is not proper conduct for one to act this way toward one's prince." I didn't know why I said that. I regretted very quickly.

The girl moved away and I suddenly felt cold and alone again. "I apologize sire."

…I am not the prince…I am not…I am just like the others…

I turned around and looked at her once more. She was so fair, and yet so warm. "It's alright, do not apologize. I'm sorry for speaking like that; I rarely have the opportunity talk to anyone, certainly not any young girls such as yourself." I sat down with my legs hanging over the side of the fortress, looking down and surveying all that would soon be mine. "Please, come and sit with me."

Nabooru walked over to where I was sitting, gracefully knelt down and then pulled her legs out over the side. She leaned on her left arm so that her shoulder almost brushed up against mine. "So…why don't I ever see you after the mornings Prince Dragmire?"

…Dragmire…Dragmire…I have cursed my name every day…it is so vile…

"Please do not call me Dragmire, do not call me prince either. You can call me just Ganondorf."

Nabooru smiled. "Alright then, Ganondorf." She leaned a little closer towards me, and I felt almost compelled to do the same. So why do I never see you after the sun is full up? You always disappear at the first sign of other people. I don't understand. I have seen you for some weeks now, you have returned from the desert then?"

"Yes, I have been sent back. My 'training' is complete. My Masters sent me back from the desert on my fourteenth year of birth. And now I am alone here, the only male in a completely female society. What am I to do? I cannot fit in."

"Well maybe you should just get outside more. What do you do inside all day?" Nabooru was amazing. She was not at all put back by the fact that I was the prince, or that I was male. She was so forward and attentive. Were all people like this? I found it hard to believe.

"I study history, and magic."

"Magic? Really? You can wield magic?"

I dropped my head and stared down at my hands, turning them over to see both sides. I sighed and said, "I can do nothing. I…I have worked and worked, but I have never been able to so much as light a candle flame." Nabooru clearly wasn't sure what to say. "That's part of the reason I stay inside is suppose."

"You feel ashamed?"

…You always knew how I felt my Nabooru…

I looked at Nabooru's clear, understanding face, and then looked away over the mountains. "Yes I…in two years, I am supposed to become the Prince Regent; and then when I am eighteen, I am to be crowned King of the Gerudos. But I am no king."

Nabooru moved her hand over onto mine, and let it rest there. "Not all kings are mighty warriors of combat who can use sorcery and magic."

My heart fell. Maybe she didn't understand me at all. "I cannot fall into the shadows. History has written that my great-grandfather, the last king, was a treacherous man of much evil, who cased darkness and death for many good people. I live in his dark shadow. I do not want to become like him. I must be great, so that history will not curse the name of…Dragmire."

…curse Ganondag Dragmire…curse the name of Dragmire…curse his blood in my veins…

…Light…what is my purpose?…what is my reason for being?…

"You shouldn't let the past burden you. When the time comes, you will find that you have far more power than you believe you have, I know it."

I smiled at her and then without a word a leaped off the top of the fortress onto roof of the level below. I landed with a quick thud, and pulled myself upright, looking up at Nabooru. "Jump down."

She called back down to me, laughing, "I don't think I can, it's a bit too high for me."

"Nonsense, come on. I'll catch you."

Nabooru nodded climbed onto her feet. "Do catch me though."

I nodded up, "I will."

With grace like a bird, Nabooru jumped down off the edge. I held up my arms, and she fell down into them. She was so light; I caught her with such ease, and lowered her down to the ground. She looked at me and her eyes widened. "Wow, you're really strong." I looked down, unsure of what to say.

I was very aware that I was still holding her arms, and she mine. This felt wonderful, she was so warm, and I could feel a bubbling sensation in my head. "Well if you say so."

"Hey, do want to go for a walk?"

"A walk?" I hesitated, I had never really been very far from the fortress, it was forbidden for me to stray too far. And I had never been anywhere with the sun this risen. "Where do you want to go?"

"Wherever you want."

"I've never been anywhere away from the fortress."

"What?" She was surprised. "That's awful."

"I'm not bothered about it." The sad truth was that I was being honest.

"Well, lets go down to the valley then. I really like it there." She took me by the hand and led me, at first with some effort, down the steps. I soon relaxed though, it was impossible to be uncertain around Nabooru. She was the shining golden sunrise upon the winter chill of my life, she was my light. From this day forward, she is the reason that I live.