A/N: I really know that I shouldn't be doing this but I just couldn't help myself…. - One day I logged on to yahoo and my friend Emily had something as her status menu thingy and I read it and I loved it right away. I thought to myself, 'Hey I could make a story about this!' and what she has written is the summery. So plz don't be cruel if it sucks! I have no clue what's going to happen in this story but I'll just try! So go ahead and read the dreaded story!

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha.

Learning to let go

Prologue Ending a Life of Misery

Kagome stood on the edge of the bridge in silence. The cold winter wind blew snowflakes across her face where they melted once they touched her milky skin. Her lifeless brown eyes stared at the water below her. The cold water below that would soon take her life. A lot had happened to her that year. She had lost her mother, brother, and grandfather several months ago in a raging fire that consumed her whole house.

After a few weeks in the hospital, Kagome left to go live with her boyfriend, InuYasha. Not long after she moved in she accepted the fact that her family was gone and was willing to start a new family with InuYasha. But things did not go as planed. They had begun to fight over the smallest things and pretty soon they couldn't stand each other.

One morning they were fighting more than usual. "I can't stand you anymore, why don't you just leave!" InuYasha had shouted. Kagome had been throwing plates and bowls at him in a fit of anger but his words got to her.

Tears of sadness and anger had filled her eyes. "Fine, then I will! I don't need you anymore InuYasha! Believe me, I'll find somewhere else to go and then you'll be sorry!" she shouted back at him. InuYasha's face was twisted with anger as he stormed out of the house and off to work.

"I don't need you InuYasha." She said to herself as she watched his car pull out of the driveway and down the road. "I'll never need you." She said. But she didn't know how wrong she was.

Later that day she was packing her clothes and heard something on the TV. "This morning there was a horrible car crash on highway 37. A car lost control on the road and spun, hitting tree other cars as it went along. Those in the other cars have been reported injured but they'll be all right, while the driver of the runaway car was pronounced dead at the scene. We have now been able to identify the dead driver. His name is InuYasha Tashio, age 19."

Kagome then dropped the shirt that she had been folding and fell to her knees. She couldn't believe it. Her InuYasha was dead. Pretty soon life became unbearable. Even the smallest thing that reminded her of InuYasha made her break into tears. So pretty soon she decided to commit suicide.

Kagome looked around the bridge to see that several people had gathered around her telling her not to jump but she couldn't hear them. She then fixed her eyes back to the cold water below her. If the impact of her body to the water didn't kill her then she knew that the freezing temperature of the water would. Kagome closed her eyes and took a ragged breath. "Good bye cruel world." And she plunged into the watery darkness below.

A/N: ok, that's it for this chapter. If you guys like it and want me to continue then I will but if it sucks then I'll stop!